

Dear youth It's ok to feel alone it's oky to be different it's ok not to have what others have it's ok to choose your own way even if it doesn't make sense to others. it's ok to wait it's ok to feel confused it's ok for everything your are going through stay strong,keep chin up soon or letter you will rise. Dear parents just know that life doesn't have a particular formula to apply, make your own way with your kids and please don't compare your kid with other's kids. Dear fellow just because someone has different feelings about something doesn't make them criminal,let others live their life how they chose too. PLEASE WHAT EVER HAPPEN DON'T CHOOSE SUICIDE you have people who love you,they can't bare loosing you. Your life is precious if you can't make it to day one day you will,that's for sure.

Nathalie250 · Realistic
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9 Chs

DEFINITION OF FUCKED UP Chapter 3: Untold story

It was early in the morning around 5:20 AM when the alarm beeped in Kisha's room, she forced herself to wake up.

"Girl you better wake yourself up, you know the goal," She thought to herself.

She woke up and put on her workout outfits with a lazy spirit, and took her phone and headsets. She stepped out of the room heading outside of the house.

"Jeez..…! She said loudly, you frightened the hell out of me, what are you doing outside?" She asked

"Well, dad threw me outside last night" Junior replied

"Don't tell me...! He did it again....!" She sadly said as if Junior's dad used to throw him out of the house very often.

"Yeah, he did as usual" Junior replied sitting on the floor full of sadness and loneliness

"Luckily you are the one who woke up before, I was praying that mum won't wake up before you" He added sighing with relief.

"What happened this time?" Kisha asked him expressing sadness.

"Please go do your workouts, we will talk when you get back it's getting late" He replied stepping inside the house.

Kisha glanced at him as he was heading inside the house and she started jogging with her mind lost in thoughts of what she had witnessed again.

"Why did he sleep out of the house while we came home together last night? Is there anything that happened after we got home? I was only tipsy how can I not remember what happened?" Kisha thought to herself as she was jogging.

 Junior walked to his room and took a shower, took breakfast alone, and went back to his room, he laid on his bed put his head under the pillow, covered himself with the duvet, and started to cry.

"Oh... God! does a life worth living? Am I the only one whose dad is ruthless as myself or am I the useless one? Can this hell have an end? Maybe if I die all this will have another meaning?" He thought to himself with tears messing up the bed sheets.

His mother woke up, with a smile on her face, she was far to imagine what had happened last night, and neither could she guess that her lovely son was crying and feeling worthless. As usual, she went to his son's room and knocked on his door.

When Junior heard the knocks he quickly started to wipe out the tears and acted as if nothing had happened, he stood up and went to open the door, and when they both had eye contact they smiled and hugged each other wishing themselves a good morning and day as it was usually the case.


"Hey, join me for breakfast I don't want to have it alone," She told Junior while pulling his arm to get him out.

"Alright, mum, where is Kisha and dad?" he asked as if he didn't while putting on his hoodie.

"Your dad left for the office and Kisha is maybe on her way back from her jogging, you already know how she loves being fit to attract all guys around. Anyway, you have stories to tell me, last night I went to sleep too early due to a headache so I didn't hear you come back. Tell me what happened at the bar where you had a performance. How was it?" His mom asked with a smile full of curiosity.

"It was a great night mom and I didn't expect to have the audience I had last night, Kisha was there too, and it was fantastic" He replied and kept on telling her mom how the night went on as they were going for breakfast in the kitchen, though he had taken his breakfast before he couldn't let her mom be suspicious of anything, given his burdens and unknown tears everything he tried hard to pretend in front of everyone, sparing especially her mom from sadness.

On the other of the city, Aisha managed to get up earlier than the previous day, she headed to the bathroom, prepared herself, and left her room to find her mom sitting in the living room as if she was waiting for her.

"Young Lady, why are you running? Sit right there we need to have a conversation" Her mom said in a firm tone.

Take this phone and tell me who you see?" she added handling the phone

" I see Margaret," Aisha said in a moment of confusion.

"No. I want you to look more closely, what is she holding? " Her mom insisted in an angry tone

"She is holding car keys," She replied still confused.

" Yes, finally your useless voice now has something good to say but sadly about other people. I begged you several times to become a businesswoman and work for yourself, be your boss but you always refused, kept dreaming to do some cheap jobs, saying that you want to become a journalist.

How much money do journalists make? Do you know that? And who for the sake of God will be crazy to hire you with your vagabond dress? You idiot, you are nothing but a loser don't you see that other girls are getting themselves cars and inviting us to their weddings? And you, my only stupid daughter you are always running after tv stations and radios, let me give you a quick reminder that no one in this world will look after you, if you don't take care of yourself no one else will, if you don't change this world will' She angrily said to her.

Aisha was tearing up all along because of the harsh words her mom splashed on her every single day, she shed tears and after some scolding minutes she finally spoke up.

"Mom listens I try my best to fit in, I know my sense of fashion doesn't impress you but I have no other choices I love this, about being a businesswoman I don't like it at all, you already know that I use to help you before but I always messed up everything and you fired me as I wasn't good at doing business, I am sorry I will try to change. Mom please…" she told her mother while shedding tears all over her chicks, crying out loud in despair.

She was just trying to convince her mom that she wasn't fitting with her expectations to the extent that she was sorry to herself, she was slowly by slowly losing the envy of life.

Her tears were meaningless to her mother's eyes as ruthless she was towards Aisha whom she couldn't understand. Aisha stood up and walked away from her mother's sight, she went to the bus station wearing her headphones and listening to music submerged in her thoughts, few minutes later the bus was finally there, and she headed to work.

At the same time, Kisha was on her way back home when she got a message popping up on the screen of her phone, and this particular message rode her out of the mood as she expressed fear on her face with goosebumps all over her body.

"Good morning ma'am, she woke up with a high fever, if you find some time please come and see her ". Read the text message

"OH… God, not this again". She said out loud worried about what she just read and decided to call the number from which she received the text message.

"Hello, Nana? " She greeted

"Hello, ma'am". , Nana replied

"What happened? Is she alright?" She asked

"She woke up with a high fever, I am going to the hospital right now to check what happened.

"Please let me know if there is anything that is needed?" she replied.

" Yes, ma'am don't worry I will let you know" She tried to reassure her

"Thanks, Nana I count on you". She added.

"Alright bye". She replied hanging up the phone.

Kisha couldn't keep on with her jogging, she just rushed home and found Junior and his mother in the living room talking, she greeted them, and pretended to be exhausted by the morning run, She sat by Junior and his mother, they had some chit-chat and while she was standing up to move away she told Junior that they have a nonfinished conversation to resume later and she went straight to her bedroom to prepare herself for work.

Aisha happened to get to her workplace earlier, she went straight to the cafeteria to prepare herself and the boss a strong cup of coffee to kick start the day when she reached the door of the cafeteria she saw her boss with a woman whom he was arguing with.

She managed to hide so that none can notice her presence she discreetly heard their conversation and after several minutes her boss asked the lady to disappear, the lady bent down to grab her clothes shedding tears.

"Who is that lady? Was Fred having sex in the cafeteria? Was she the reason why he came this early in the morning?" Kisha kept on asking herself.

On the other side of the city, Aisha kept on hiding so that the boss can't notice her presence. She was scared to be fired or be burdened by keeping secrets, she waited until they were all gone so she can start doing her job. She didn't look bothered about what she just saw as she had a lot to deal with.

At kisha's place, she finished dressing up as classic and fashionable as always and goes to the living room. On the way she finds Junior sitting alone in the coach watching some music bands, she came closer to him and grabs a sit beside him.

Hey? She said while snatching the remote to decrease the volume.

So tell me what happened last night that caused you to sleep outside of the house. she asked

Shush! Mum might hear you. He said checking if there is anyone who heard her

No, I checked already she is in the kitchen with the maid. Kisha said

So listen last night we got home you were too drunk you couldn't hear anything so I got you home and when we got here I noticed that you don't have your bag even your phone too, so I put you in bed and went back to the bar to find your bag, When I got there I found that people now become numerous so the bar manager asked me to sing for them and he said that I will be reimbursed, I couldn't refuse the offer, I sang for them and I found my self when it was already midnight so I quickly rush back home with your bag. When I got here I found dad is also getting home at that time so we almost fight he was calling me an ungrateful son who sings for people to get money instead of being a lawyer or something so, I said back to defend myself that's how he kicked me out the house and said that he can't live with a disrespectful son and that I've changed, I have guts to talk back to him. so that's what happened.

Ohh Gosh!! dude let me tell you this will end I promise you.

Yes and very soon it will end.

what makes him so sure? is he planning anything that can change everything? or it's just hope he is carrying

Kisha stood up and went to work, the

the day went well and nothing special happened except her adapting to the new job she is having with a lot of help from the coffee girl she is now working as her secretary since last night and has not been bad since they started a conversation.

so what happened last night that makes you go without saying bye? Kisha asked

it's just unexpected news that I got. she replied

what was that?

I applied for an internship and I didn't accept because I didn't study what I was applying to. she said

they refuse just only because of that.

yes ma'am.

what was about?

well, it's about... before she continues Kisha's screen phone popped a message, and it'iteaking her out she suddenly got up quickly grabs the bag and phone, and said"I trust you made sure it all went good right?

She was in a rush of getting off work on the way she bumped into her boss who is also her uncle. She suddenly changed her face from worried to relax which is just not to be found out.

hey, watch yourself.

Ohh sorry, uncle. she said

What's with the rush?

Well, I have to meet with some media people to discuss something and it is almost time that's why.

Ok. I am proud of you girl then go ahead. uncle said by giving her a way

She walks away from the sight of her uncle and rushed into the car. She took a deep breath and tries too hard not to cry, she grabs her phone and finds a number to call.

Hello Nana. I am on my way, text me the address of the hospital I am coming for you guys.

watch out next part