
Definitely Maybe

This great book tells the story of a young girl, Barbara Marvel Jesus otherwise Babe, Barb, Barbie, Barbara or simply Marvel as she enjoys being called. Babe is a sixteen years old girl who had to move from a big city like Allentown to a remote Duncan Town. The previous year, she lost her father who was a rich, successful pilot before his death and left her a fortune. As if moving to Duncan Town wasn't enough, she had a pedophilic stepfather and a disturbed older stepbrother to deal with. Duncan high school was the only schooling option she had. Popular kids, bullies, the power-thirsty, attention seekers and a psychotic principal are all elements of Duncan high. The pressure for the only spot in an all-expenses-paid scholarship by a generous donor is the high and Babe has to do the unthinkable to get through. Will she stick to her morals or will she give in to desperation? Will Babe ever get her head up? Will she survive or will she perish? Will she fall and never rise again? Will everything she touches ever turn to gold? What happens when her stepfather gets a new habit? A new addiction? And her mum suffers from a life-threatening illness? What then she finds out the truth? ______________________________________ Know the truth and the truth shall set you free......or haunt you forever? Will she name and shame? Will her family ever survive the storm? Is she ready for a whole new responsibility? Will she rise above her problems? Will she have the last laugh? _________________________________ If there is one thing life has taught me, it's that not every story has a happy ending? - Bojuwoye Ayoola Babe's Diary is the book you should read this season. It's is realistic fiction, it talks about real-life issues and is directed to the general audiences. It's a book you can discover yourself in. The author brings you closer to the character and creates a connection such that you can substitute yourself in the book. There were times I found myself disagreeing with my own characters. It's like I am living the story and I think you should do the same, of course, it doesn't matter what I think....lol. I enjoyed writing this book so much and I hope you enjoy reading it. This book is # Child abuse # Romance # Teen # Tragedy. This book may be quite different from other books you have read but am positive in the end you will be glad reading it. I could rightly tag it the book of all times but I won't be so forward.... lmao. I'll leave you to decide, share this book if you agree. © This book is written by me @Bojuwoye Ayoola and is not a property of anyone but me. The cover image does not belong to me but to Inkstone™. ________________________ Muchas gracias Dios por la inspiración para escribir este libro. I give thanks to the supreme being. My appreciation goes to my parents and siblings too and to all of my fans out there for the encouragement and support. Thank you so much. A big shout-out to Webnovel for the opportunity and I hope this book gets a front-page recommendation someday. Contact Author: Discord: @Bojuwoye Ayoola Email; eenahwrites@gmail.com Discord server https://discord.gg/VvDzXrp Follow on Instagram: eenahwrites Twitter: Bojuwoye Ayoola Like, comment, share, vote and review. Send power stones too......Duncan High could really use a renovation...lmao. Gift this author if she ever made you laugh.

Just_eenah · Teen
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44 Chs

Chapter 11

"What are this for?".

"Read rule number one". Kim answered

I looked into the sheet of paper on my hands and tried to concentrate on reading its contents.

"As part of the initiation processes and to become a full-fledged member, a newbie has to smoke a stick of cigarette and drink a bottle of alcohol".

"Do not keep me waiting newbie".

"Keep you waiting? I don't understand what you are talking about".

"Drink up newbie".

I looked at the things on the table in front of me.

My last conversation with Simon rang in my head "Do you want to do that". "of course not".

I looked back at the cigarette and bottle of gin.

"There is a price that comes with been popular. To be popular to have to dine with the devil". Simon's words rang in my head non-stop and I was beginning to have a headache

"But...am under eighteen. I am not eligible to drink".

"No one cares newbie"Kim said."Rules are rules". "R..u..l..e..s...a..r..e..r..u...l..e..s"Her words echoed in my head.

"I can't take this anymore" I thought. I felt sick to my stomach.

"Toilet pls" I muttered.

"This way". A girl pointed.

I ran all the way to the bathroom and vomited all I could. I didn't have breakfast that morning so it was really hard to vomit. Most of my vomit was actually water and even the sight of it even made me want to vomit the more.

I turned on the tap and washed away my vomit. I was not so determined to go back to class because I didn't really know what to expect. After about fifteen minutes, I decided to go back to class more because I was irritated by my own vomit than because I had courage. I walked to the class and met a teacher, from the look of the topic of the board, I could tell it was history class.

"Good morning, young lady. How may I be of help?".

"I am a new student sir. I am so sorry am late to your class sir, I was in the bathroom".

"A new student, oh this is not the Matric class it's two buildings away".

Does this man really think I am in my first year? ohn,o this is not good.

"Am in this class sir final year".

"Oh so which one of them is your daddy?".


"Which one of the school's largest donors is your dad?".

"You asked the wrong question, sir. It'ss more like which one of them is her 'sugar daddy' ". Kim said teasingly and everyone laughed.

"I hope you fit in. We do not take students in their final year".

I walked to my seat and sat down. I was going to starting to jot in my notebook when I realized he was not actually teaching.

"So Monica,you want to meet up at blue heavens after school. I will buy you a drink".

Wait is he flirting?

"Sure Mr Raymond"Monica said flirting back. Turns out Monica is one of Kim's bootlicking minions.

The bell rang and Mr Raymond left the class immediately.

The next class was English and it equally did not go well. The English teacher became hostile when she realized I was a new student. At first, she thought I was pulling her legs when I said I was a student because she took me for a substitute teacher.

"Oh. Well, good luck fitting in". She scoffed.

I had the same experience with other teachers, some were even worse than the English teacher.

"I could tell how you bribed your way in, "The Economics teacher said while looking at my head to toe.

"I will love to see you 'enjoy' your stay here, "The Literature teacher said.

After she left, I felt like I was going to shout. They seem to think am some type of girl that paid or slept my way in. Who would even bribe to get into their dumb school?

"What is your phone number newbie so we can add you to the class group chat". A girl asked me nicely. She was number 11.

"NO!"Kim shouted. "WHO CALLS THE SHOT HERE?".

"You do". Everyone said in unison.


Everyone walked away from me.

"Hey, Kim geez". Marc said.

Kim stared daggers at Marc and then at me. "Be careful Marc you don't wanna mess with me".

The bell rang. I checked my schedule, whew!it's break time.

I went out to get some air, it is not like I had food to eat anyway. I had not packed food in my bag and I did not have any money on me. I took a tour on foot around the school.

Turns out Duncan high school has quite a lot of facilities ranging from five science laboratories to eight computer rooms, two music studios,four art studios,a large basketball court,a baseball court, two football fields, massive athletic tracks, a large auditorium, two mini halls, a gym class and about three pools ranging from four to six feet deep and an Olympic sized pool in the aquatic sports section among others(trust me I haven't even mentioned half if you add the number of classrooms). Where on earth do they get enough money to fund the school?

When I got to the aquatic sports section, I realized I was lost. I definitely need to ask someone for directions. Who around here looks really nice enough to ask for directions.

I approached a group of students probably in their Matric class because they were carrying Senior year one math textbooks.

"Good afternoon, please I lost my way". I said as politely as I possibly could.

The girls giggled.OMG, cant a girl be lost on her first day at school. Oh, they probably are laughing at my outfit. I had really got that reaction from a lot of students. One of the girls looked around and whispered to the rest of them. Ok, this is getting suspicious.

The girls turned to leave.

"That's rude". I shouted after them.

I spotted a group of guys and walked up to them.

"Hi, can you kindly show me to the Final year Art A class".

"It's her". One of them said.

"It can't be"The other replied.

"Hello?"I said snapping my fingers.

"Hmm, can we take a picture of you?".

Oh oh,this is weird.

"Common, give us that sexy pose, "One of them said

"Excuse me," I said and started towards him.

"Hey watch it. You wanna fight". They said and laughed.

I turned and left angrily. How dare they harass me like that.

I walked around for about five minutes. The bell rang for another period and I was getting really late. I do not want to be late because even when I was not late I didn't get a good reception for the teachers not to talk of.

"It's her, it's her". I heard people exclaim while rushing to get to their classes.

"Who is she?". A girl asked.

"A new girl on final year".

"Rumour has it that she is pregnant". Another whispered.

I froze in motion.

"RULES ARE RULES BARBARA "Kim's voice echoed in my head. Then a picture of me running to the bathroom and another of me vomiting flashed through my mind. This has Kim written all over it.

I walked around for a while and was able to get out of the building but I had another problem. There were two identical buildings right in front of me. I decided to go in and out of each one of it to see which one is final year block.

I was wrong. I got lost again. Funny uhn? If only the students could be nicer and just show me the way. I summoned courage and decided to ask the next student I see. I looked around. Bleep! No student in sight. They probably are all in their classes.

I walked further and saw some girls carrying what looks like a science project. I ran to them.

"Hi girls".

"Sorry,y but we are not allowed to talk to you".


The girls looked around. "Order from above, "One said.

"We can't be seen talking to you. We will like to help but we are sorry"

They ran off.


They waited but didn't look back.

"Who makes the orders around here"

"Queen Kim".

They ran off, faster this time.

"Good luck on your project, break a leg". I shouted after them.

" Sure will. Thank you".

At least they were a bit polite. Kim really thinks she owns the school,doesn't she?

"May I help you, Nina". I turned to meet a smiling face.

"Good afternoon sir"

"You are a student?".

"Yes sir".

"Why ain't you wearing your uniform".

"Am new".

"That is a pretty good explanation".

"Actually I lost my way".

"Oh sorry. I get that from a lot of new students. Duncan high is the only secondary school here so it is pretty large and jammed up".

Oh, I am not surprised.

"Can you show me to my class please?"

"Sure. What class?".

Here we go again.

"Final year".

"Oh ok. Come with me".

"Actually am Manuel Antonio Singer y Chavez". He introduced. "The students here call me Signor Singer. I teach Spanish in senior classes".

"Am Marvel. I know someone from home whose name is Manuel".

"Oh, you are not from around here?".

"I moved two months ago".

"So, who is this Manuel guy you know from home".

"oh don't worry about it. It's embarrassing".

How am I to tell him that he reminds me of my driver.

"Your boyfriend?".

"Oh, no-no. He was my driver but more like family to me. I really miss him".

"Well I could be like family too" He said and smiled. "I understand what it is like to be here. I don't get a lot of respect her either. Being the youngest teacher here, am not much older than most of the senior students ".

"I get it, sir".

"Here we are, "He said stopping in front of a building. "My office is the last one in this hallway. Feel free to come to me in your time of need"He offered.

"Thank you, sir".

"I believe you can find your way from here".

"Of course. Thanks". I smiled and he smiled back.

"He is handsome," I thought and for a moment I thought I had said it out loud. Get a hold of yourself Marvel.

I walked to my class and there was no teacher. Walking to my seat took a lot of courage as everyone was staring daggers at me.

"Wait till the next teacher comes in and we tell him that you are being tardy".

Just when I thought I wasn't getting in trouble.

Kim walked over to Marc and hissed. "Quit staring at her Marc".

Monica then walked to me and said "This is just a tip of the iceberg"

"Iceberg you say". Kim said "Its a drop of a volcano". Another girl joined them.

"The battle line has just been drawn". They said in unison.

The door opened and a man walked in

"Hola, chicos and chicas".

It was signor singer.