
Chapter 23

‘Units acquired.’

Clifford’s lip rose into a smile. But that disappeared in an instant, replace by a frown the minute he went in and check on them.

The view of the surrounding where the two individuals where, put a sour taste in his mouth. It ruined his mood, as his supposed celebration turned awry.

He remembered that place well as the unnamed village at the end of the borders of Barsted’s, where they throw those unwanted people out.

He’d considered it as his starting point, cause it was the closest to the area where he got summoned. So it was impossible to forget.

There wasn’t anything there but small huts, muddy roads, a few fields for crops. But now, he barely recognized it, since everything there was nothing but a pile of ash, coal, and dust.

A sudden rush of rage surge through him, just thinking about what could have happened to those who live there. How many families and innocents and the reason behind it all?

His focused changed when he noticed Galford and Hallor rushing back into the forest with no prior preparations. Even with the sun rising, there was no assurance they’ll remain safe, aware of the dangers within the area.

Also, losing them would only hinder his plans, considering his situation at the moment. So he couldn’t really risk them dying in a place, since that would only lengthen his plan in the long run.

He checked if he can control them. But several windows began popping up, showing the message

‘Warning! Forcible possession may lead to a decrease in devotion. Would you like to proceed?’

Then below the question was a yes and no button.

Clifford heaved a sigh at those options. He wasn’t much of the leader; he knows that for a fact, so he would rather have free thinking help than end up needing to take control of anyone.

While he was pondering, both individuals in his roster continued moving to the forest. And all he could do was watch them from his system map, making sure the surroundings were safe with his mapping ability.

On the other hand, rushing through the woods were the two fighters who were all but lost for any purpose after being brought back to life.

After seeing the horror and remains of their village, all Hallor thought of was revenge, blood, and death.

His mind filled with the images of the royal knights, his home, and what things he will do if he ever got his hands on his enemy. With so much adrenaline coursing through his veins, he hardly paid any attention to the tingle on his neck and the throbbing of his joints.

“Calm down, child. We have to consider this carefully.”

Galford continued to chase at the youngster, though he was slowing down, as the fatigue and pain was now weighing him down, making his steps heavier.

“What else is there to think about?”

Hallor snaps, gritting his teeth as he pushed and slash at the branches that got in his way. Driven by rage, every part of him seems to burn from the inside.

That was when Galford told what was on his mind.

“If that being is truly sir Clifford or not.”

Until now, the voice did not convince him that the one talking to them was the otherworlder. He still feared it might be some ominous being, preying on their weakness.

Even if he too was faltering, as his own anger was trying to crawl out of him.

“I no longer care anymore. I will gladly give everything to that thing if he can grant me the power to take revenge on those royals.”

Hallor let out a deafening scream, his veins nearly popping on his neck, his throat scratching from the intensity of it.

In a state of sheer fury, the lad became careless that his hands were bleeding from all the slashing and hacking he’d been doing.

Luckily, Galford caught up with the boy, grabbing hold of his shoulders to stop him.

As this might cause irreversible damage to himself, seeing how his movements were getting disoriented.

“I understand what you feel, but don’t let your rage get the best of you,”

He says with a tight lip, tightening his grip on the youth, as he too was losing himself against the anger. If it wasn’t for the panting and worrying, he didn’t know what he’d done by that time.

“Do not tell me what to do.”

Hallor snaps, shoving the man’s hand off of him.

But before he could take another step, they both sense a tingling sensation within their heads, tickling a part of their temple.

“You should listen to Galford. Acting up won’t do you any good.”

Clifford’s voice reverberated through them, silencing the two in an instant.

Both men’s gaze immediately wandered, scouring the area in search of the limbless body. Yet, like before, they could find no trace of the being.

“You’re here! How?”

Galford’s eyes widened.

He swallowed hard, suddenly getting that dread creeping down his spine, realizing his words might have gotten heard.

“I can’t really say that, since I’m sort of here in a sense. But at the same time, no.”

Clifford’s sigh vibrated through them.

Even with the sun’s full rays, giving light to every veiled area of the forest. The two warriors still could not find the individual.

“Sir Clifford, or whoever you are, you said you can give us powers? Is it true?”

Hallor shouts out, no longer caring about what will happen to him. All he wanted to do right now is to fight and wreak havoc to his enemies.

His palms itching, along with his boiling blood, continuing to burn inside of him.

“Yes, if your bodies are capable, I can.”

Clifford’s tone remained steady, unfaltering, together with the certainty in his words.

A sudden silence came between them. As Galford didn’t know what to say anymore. Clifford waited while Hallor was gathering every ounce of his strength.

“Then I accept! I’ll give you everything, anything. My soul, my body, my life. You can take it all!”

Hallor’s voice echoed through the empty forest. Fist clench from releasing the loudest and loudest scream he could. As he wanted to let his feelings get taken seriously.

This received a cackle for several moments, until he got lost for breath, wheezing afterwards from the sudden burst.

They then hear a coughing and a quick gargling sound from clearing his throat before the being speaks again.

“That’s quite an irresistible offer, though we don’t need to go there. All I want is assurance that you won’t stab me in the back like those people did. Do that, and I will help you with everything within my power.”

There was this deepness in Clifford’s voice that gave his words such weight, it made both the warriors shiver. Yet besides that, there’s this security, sincerity, and promise in them.

This brought Galford the courage to speak again. His curiosity and questions needing to gain some answers.

“What exactly is it you are after, sir, otherworlder?”

He swallowed hard, not knowing how the entity would react to it.

“A way home, along with all the things that they have taken from me.”

Clifford didn’t even take a second to answer that, causing the two to end up dumbfounded.

“Would that be all?”

The elder tries once more, as he can’t properly pinpoint the reason for his doubt.

“Whatever do you mean by that, master?”

Hallor turned to his mentor with a deep furrow. Confused and disturbed by it, fearing the old man might anger their only hope for justice.

The lad was supposed to say more, but Galford raised his hand to stop him. The elder swallowed hard, taking in a long breath to gather every ounce of strength he can muster.

“I mean, doesn’t sir Clifford have any resent on those who wronged him? Don’t you find it odd why he does not hold any grudge?”

This was what was troubling him all these times. He found it unbelievable after all that had happened. He could not believe the said man could remain forgiving, even if he was from the other world.

Again, this caused another round of amused, high-pitched laughter from Clifford. This ended up turning into a deep, ominous one, as if growling, before going into dead silence.

Both warriors remained quiet, trying to grasp of their situation, along with getting a feel of the being’s thoughts.

“So that’s what this is about.”

Clifford chuckled.

“In due time, I will get to that, but for now, retrieving my missing body parts is more important, don’t you think?”

His voice was challenging.

“That is true, though I still do not understand why they did such a thing to you?”

Galford’s doubts remained hanging, held by the immense fear against the kingdom.

“Neither do I. But I would like to find that out.”

Clifford’s tone sounded more monotone, devoid of any emotions. They can only sense the interest in it.

Because of that, Galford’s boldness surfaced, complacent with the being’s calmness. Not wanting to let that chance go to waste.

“Another thing, with your power, why would you need us?”

With a sharp frown, he faced the skies, believing the otherworlder was looking at them from there.

“Because I have limited abilities. Also, I wouldn’t be in this situation if I was omnipotent, as you say.”

Clifford did not hold out on it, letting out a mocking tone.

“Then what do you want us to do?”

Hallor burst out, no longer wanting to remain silent.

His entire body continued to itch for battle, murder, and revenge. Like worms wriggling inside of him.

“First, why don’t we all calm down, since both of you don’t seem to be in the condition of doing anything at the moment?”

Clifford let out a deep sigh.

“No! I’m ready!”

Hallor hissed, teeth grinding from the brewing emotions within him.

“Stop it, child!”

Galford was keen to grab hold of the youth, pushing him down on the ground when, once again, he tried to run into the woods.

“Forgive him. It’s because of our families.”

With a sob, and drumming chest, the old warrior still had the strength to say his thoughts and woes.

Until now, the horrifying events continued to haunt both of them. As he too was having trouble controlling his own feelings.

“I know. I saw the place.”

Clifford took a deep heaved.

“Then you’d understand that we may need some more time.”

This was the only thing he can come up with, not trusting his judgement at the moment.

“Then why don’t we begin with that?”

Clifford’s lips form into a smile as ideas began flowing through him.

“Pardon, sir?”

It was Galford again.

“Let’s start our first adventure by trying to figure out what happened to the people in the village.”

This was what was running on Clifford’s mind, as the incident piqued his interest, together with having that urge to get a move on.

“Whatever for? Did you see the place?”

Hallor snaps, kicking and trudging to escape his master’s grasp. Yet the elder was far stronger than him to fend off.

“Pretty much, from a certain point of view. But I noticed something that both of you didn’t, since you were overwhelmed with what happened.”

Clifford snorts.

This cause the two warriors to give each other questioning looks, trying to communicate with their eyes.

With a nod, Galford was the one who spoke.

“And what would that be, sir otherworlder?”

He asks.


Clifford’s voice became like a whisper while saying it.

“I do not understand.”

Galford, unable to comprehend, frowned at the idea.

“There weren’t any, though I knew you wouldn’t notice it because of the shock and all.”

This was the thing that he saw from his view, being able to scour and assess things with his skills.

There was debris, no denying that, but anything resembling a corpse, remains, or whatnot was no were to be found.

“Why would that matter?”

Hallor muttered beneath his groans with his face being buried in the dirt.

“Wouldn’t that mean something?”

Clifford furrowed, annoyance in his tone that none of the two fellows understand his train of thoughts.

“There are beast and monsters in the forest that could have eaten them. Or worst, they may have turned into the undead.”

Galford felt a lump in his throat, swallowing hard from the sudden pain of the act.

He cannot deny the prickling and nudging inside his chest, causing his eyes to become wet and hot from the idea of it.

“True, but then again. Why aren’t there any scavengers when you arrive? Let alone traces of the so-called living dead?”

With his experience with those monsters, along with the bit of knowledge he had about animals and other stuff. His brain continued to come up with theories and possibilities.

“What are you implying, sir Clifford?”

A burst of hope struck Galford, causing his heart to race and his blood to rush. Eyes now becoming more lively and shining.

“That somehow they may be alive and somewhere, but since you enjoy thinking of the most negative of all, they could have gotten taken as slaves or prisoners. Whichever you would fancy.”

With those words from Clifford, the two warriors froze in place, gaping as the idea began sinking in.