

Emotions aren't a thing to toy with. Pain can ruin a person, love can kill a person. But sometimes when you've been played and hurt and tortured so much you gradually begin to not care. Not care about anything. Left to wander where your feelings went. Maybe all the people who hurt you took a piece of your heart with them. So many pieces taken away from you.

Until nothing is left.

'You're alone in this world.' Ember told herself. 'They don't care about you. No one cares. Why not return the favor?'

Ember Diamond was only 22 when she started to not care. Her emotions whisked away by people who couldn't care less for her and she couldn't care less for.

She had found her boyfriend toying with another girl in HER bed that she shared with him. She was disgusted but mostly she was in pain. When she found them her "boyfriend" was calling her name. Saying things like, "Its not what it looks like!" "Ember, let me explain!" "Ember don't leave!" and "She means nothing to me."

Hearing that last one Ember stopped and turned around. Her eyes drained of all life that escaped from her. "If she meant nothing and I meant something to you, we wouldn't be in this situation." Ember stared straight into his eyes. "Goodbye." She walked out of the apartment.

She had no clue where she was going. She had no where to go. She gave up her whole life for her "boyfriend". She was disowned from her family and she had no friends but the store clerk from RJ'S.

So she walked endlessly, not wanting to return to her home. Thoughts swirled in her head. 'How long has he been cheating?' 'Who was she?' 'Where do I go?'

'Why do I care?' Those thoughts clouded her mind. She wasn't watching where she was going.

On 5th avenue in the four way section, Ember was hit by a car.


Ember woke up with a splitting headache. Her eyes were too foggy to see through. She was lying on a bed in an unknown room. Ember tried sitting up when a figure rushed towards her. "Don't get up. Stay laying down." It was a man's voice. Soothing and gentle.

Ember obediently obeyed. She layed down and squinted her eyes. "W-where am...am I?" She stuttered with a sore throat.

Embers eyes focused on a man wearing a white lab coat. He was holding a pen and notebook writing things down. He looked up at Ember. "You're in a hospital." He simply said. "You were involved in a car accident."

Ember groaned. No wonder her head hurt like hell.

"Ma'am, do you know who you are?" The doctor asked.

Ember looked at him. He was a very handsome man. Not older then 30, she guessed. His chin was chiseled and his eyes were dark like the night sky.

After a few seconds she answered. "Ember Diamond. C-can I have some water?" She managed to croak out.

The young doctor pointed at the table next to her and she saw a glass of water. She lifted it up, her hands very weak. She used all the strength she could muster and lifted the cup to her mouth. She took a gulp and coughed.

The doctor continued writing and talking to Ember. "Your condition isn't serious. Just a few bumps and bruises. Your wrist is fractured and your ankle is sprained. You've been out for about 3 days."

Ember nodded. The memories of that night flashed into her head and she just stared up at the ceiling. She couldn't let something like that happen to her. Ever again. No matter what she wasn't going to let anyone else in her heart so she could be destroyed again. So she took the lock to her heart and sealed it shut. "Doc, did anyone come visit me."

"Not that I'm aware of," The doctor sighed. "speaking of which, do you have any family we can contact?"

'I knew it...no one really does care.'

"No doctor." She sighed.

"No parents? Siblings? Partner? Friends?"

Ember looked up at the doctor. She sensed pity in his eyes while looking at her. "No." Ember said.


The doctor looked at the pale girl in front of him. "No parents? Siblings? Partner? Friends?" Doctor Jay asked feeling pity for the girl.

"No." The girl looked at him.

"Oh..." He said looking down at his drawing book. He had a habit of drawing his patients and he was quite good at it. He drew the girl laying in front of him. 'She must be so lonely...' He continued to draw the girl. "Then you must pay the medical fee yourself." Doctor Jay hated this part of the job the most.

"Yes, doctor..." The girl paused trying to remember if she knew his name.

"Jay." He finished.

"I'll do that once I'm released. When will that be?" The girl asked with no emotion in her eyes. Like all her happiness had drained away.

'I wonder what happened to her...'

(A/N: I mean who wouldn't...?)

"Ah," The Jay put his drawing book on the bottom of the stack he held. He flipped through a packet and skimmed his finger down to the middle of the page. "In about 3 days. After that we'll see how you're feeling and we'll send you on your way." He smiled brightly. A warm smile that darkened any room. But the girl was unmoved.

"Mk..." The girl replied.


"Okay. If that's all my shift is ending." Doctor Jay said.

Ember couldn't help but feel lonely when the doctor said that. She wanted someone to talk to. Someone she could share her story with. "Doctor Jay," Ember began and the doctor paused, "Could you...stay for a little?" She asked.

The doctor was hesitant. It's not like he had anything to do or anyone waiting for him at home.

(A/N: Eh eh? :D)

He always felt a little lonely when he went home. He hadn't found the right girl yet and he moved out of his parents house awhile ago. "I guess I could stay for a bit," He looked at the chart, "Ember." He smiled.

She sighed. "I don't mean to trouble you...its just," She found this man easy to talk to, "I feel so lonely..."

Doctor Jay sat next to her bed in a chair. "Go ahead, tell me what happened." Doctor Jay listened intently as Embed explained what had happened that night.

"I didn't know where to go. My mind was clouded with thoughts...i didn't see the car." Suddenly her eyes went wide. "Did anyone else get hurt?!" She asked in a worried tone.

Doctor Jay smiled reassuringly. "Nope, just you."

Ember sighed. "Thank God."

"Say Ember seems like you had a pretty rough night...but If you don't mind me asking..." Doctor Jay paused and stopped smiling. "Where are your parents?"

Ember closed her eyes for a second before answering. "They disowned me because I chose to live my life with that man than to go through an arranged marriage with some man I hadn't met."


Doctor Jay surprisingly understood the last part. His family, too, wanted him to marry a girl he hadn't met nor had feelings for. So, he ran away and became a doctor. His parents also cut off contact with him but his siblings didn't. "Are you from a wealthy family?"

Ember nodded. "An only child too."

"Oh..." He paused. "Eh, Ember, how old are you?"

'She looks a little young for marriages and boyfriend drama.'

"I'm 22." Ember said tilting her head towards Doctor Jay.

He couldn't help but be surprised. "I thought you were younger!"

She gave a brief smile. "Probably looks that way. I haven't taken care of myself for three days...I have to use the bathroom." She said.

He laughed and helped her up. She walked into the bathroom while Doctor Jay sat on the chair again.


thanks my people for reading XD

I'll try to update ASAP!!! I appreciate your support :P



ShisterShookcreators' thoughts