
Chapter 2 Friend

Ember looked in the mirror. 'Holy crap I look like a 12 year old!' She widened her eyes. On the counter there were some cosmetics she could use to freshen up. She splashed water on her face and pulled her hair out of her face. She put face lotion on her face and regular lotion on her arms and legs. Ember brushed her hair. When she finished she looked in the mirror. 'I don't look that young anymore. About my age...'

She walked out of the bathroom to find Doctor Jay writing in his book. He looked up when he heard Ember and smiled. 'She doesn't look 12 anymore.'

She laid down on her bed. "Whatcha writing doc?" Ember peeked curiously at Doctor Jay.

Doctor Jay stopped moving his pen. "Um...since you shared some things with me I'll share some with you. Im not writing, I'm drawing."

"Ah, can I see?" Ember asks curiously.

Doctor Jay sighed. He haded her the book. "Go ahead."

Ember flipped through the notebook, amazed at what she saw. There were drawings of people, no, of patients. But there was something about the drawings like a certain aura. She stopped when she saw the drawing of her. It was amazing. "Wow..." Is all she could manage to say.

"Yeah...i like to draw..." Doctor Jay said shyly.

"These are really good!" Ember smiled.

Doctor Jay blushed. "You tink so? Thanks..."

Ember flipped her hair teasingly. "I don't mean to brag but *fake cough* I'm a good singer."

Doctor Jay laughed. "Haha, is that so? You'll have to show me some day."

"I'll keep that in mind." Ember laughed.

Doctor Jay looked at his watch. It was 8:30 at night. He sighed, "Its time I left. You should be getting some rest."

"Oh..okay." Ember frowned.

Doctor Jay got up and started packing his things. "It was nice chatting with you Ember. See ya tomorrow." He waved.

"Doc..." Ember said and Doctor Jay turned around. "Thanks for listening to me..." Ember smiled.

Doctor Jay felt a little warm inside after hearing that. "Anytime." He said and walked out of the room.

Ember layed back in her hospital bed. She didn't notice the smell of bleach until now. It wasn't that strong. Her eyelids got heavier second by second and soon she fell asleep.


Jay felt warm when he walked out of the room. He was glad that he could make her smile and laugh. He felt bad for her.

Jay still felt warm when he walked out into the cool night air. There was a small breeze. He looked up at the bright stars. The moon was full and beautiful. He smiled and walked to his car. He couldn't help but be excited for the next day.

When Jay got home he laid his stuff on the counter and turned on the lights. Sighing, he looked around. Everything was exactly the same. The same for the last 2 years. His life was boring 24/7. Of course there was the occasional girl who would ask him on a date because of his charming looks and personality. But, he usually turned them down. He was known as the "Doctor Distant" among the nurses.

He walked upstairs and took a shower. The bathroom was one of the places he thought clearly.

(A/N: Isn't it everyone's? Y'know, shower thoughts and all...)

He thought about his past and about Ember.

'Poor girl she must've been through some rough things...' He had this feeling of pity for Ember because he knew somewhat of what she went through. His life was dictated by his wealthy parents and he wanted to escape from that but not because he loved someone else, like Ember. The girl he once loved vanished. He hadn't seen her for over 4 years.

He sighed and got out of the shower. The least he can do was become Ember's friend.

He got dressed and Ember's face smiling popped into his mind. He held it there for a second then got out his notebook and pencil. He drew Ember a second time.


When Ember woke up in the morning a nurse wearing blue was putting food and water on the table next to Ember. She smiled when Ember opened her eyes and looked at her.

"Good morning!" The nurse had a High pitched voice but soothing nonetheless. "How did you sleep?"

"Just fine, thank you." Ember answered with a smile of her own.

"I heard Doctor Distant stayed with you 2 hours after his shift ended." The nurse giggled.

"Uh...Doc. Jay?" Asked Ember.

"Well of course silly. We call him Doctor Distant because those who have the courage to ask him out are rejected. Also, there s rumors going around that he has no real friends."

Ember laughed. "Sounds distant, alright. Also sounds like he doesn't have a life."

"There's some nurses who have a theory that he's gay." The nurse laughed.

Ember laughed too and they both stopped when they heard a coughing sound behind them. "Nurse Tia, if you're finished then you may go." Doctor Jay said at the doorway.

Nurse Tia made a 'uh oh I'm screwed' face at Ember and scurried out the door.

Doctor Jay smiled. "No life?"

"Well, yes. You don't have a real friend or a girlfriend. Maybe the gay thing is true." Ember laughed.

"I've always known about the Doctor Distant thing but this is the first I've heard the gay thing." Doctor Jay chuckled. "But I can guarantee you I'm not gay."

"So why are you so distant, then?" Ember asked. He wasn't very distant to her.

"Because humans suck." He puffed up his cheeks stubbornly.

"Haha you got that right." Eber smiled and took a bite of toast from the food Nurse Tia left on the table.

"Time to do my job!" Doctor Jay sighed. "How are you feeling today Mrs. Ember."

"Okay one, don't call me that it makes me feel old and two, I'm feeling quite well." She smiled.

"Ookay! Since you're feeling fine, I have other patients to attend to. I brought you some stuff to play around with and your possessions."

"Now I feel like a kid." Ember huffed.

Doctor Jay laughed. He set down the things he brought for Ember and went to work.

Ember went through the bag he brought. It was generous of him to think of her boredness. She found a drawing book, a reading book, and a notebook. She put those things aside and grabbed her purse. She looked though it and found all her money was there and her cellphone. Ember turned on her cellphone to find 22 missed calls from her "boyfriend". She sighed and messaged him.

'I was hit by a car and I'm in the hospital.'

Seconds later he replied. 'Good Lord. Are u alright?'

She hated the fact he used "u" instead of "you" but she ignored it. 'Yes I'm fine. To make things perfectly clear, it's over. Goodbye.'

'What?!?! Come one Em! Don't be so fast to make decisions. U were just in a car accident. What hospital are u at?'

'If you cared before I wouldn't be in this hospital. I expect everything of yours to be removed including yourself. No questions and no comments.'

'Em...please don't do this.'

'Should've thought before you started cheating. BUH BYE!' And with that she turned off her phone and went straight to the drawing book.

She opened it and found a page of notebook paper that had been drawn on. Ember blushed as she realized the drawing was her. She turned it over and saw Doctor Jays teasing note.

'Try and do better than this.' He wrote.

She chuckled and grabbed a pencil. Ember wasn't too bad at art. She could draw animals and plants very well. She just COULD NOT DRAW HUMANS!

She felt frustrated as she tried to draw Doctor Jay. In the end she sighed and gave up. Then a thought rang through her head. 'Why not draw him as an animal instead?'

She asked herself many times what type of animal Doc would be. 'If I want to be teasing I can do monkey. AH I GOT IT!' She started to draw what animal she thought represented Doc the most.


Doctor Jay was tired. He had been the one to deal with the grouchy old lady not wanting to go into surgery. So everyone thought, "OH WHY NOT MAKE THE CHARMING DOCTOR CONVINCE HER???" In the end she did agree to the surgery after minutes of yelling.

He took an Advil and walked down to Ember's room. He smiled while standing in the door way watching her working hard in the drawing book he bought for her. "So, could you surpass my efforts?" He asked with a fancy accent.

Ember laughed. "I tried my best. Come sit down I'm almost done."

Doctor Jay sat down on the chair he did the previous night. He was silently watching Ember draw while trying to take sneak peeks.

"OKAY DONE!" Ember held the drawing pad like it was from 'The Lion King'.

Doctor Jay laughed. "Okay I'm very curious. May I see now?"

Ember handed over the paper after she ripped it out. She focused hard on his reaction.

"So you're saying I look like a golden retriever?" Doctor Jay asked teasingly.

"Well, I can't draw humans very well but I can draw anything other than humans well so I though I'd draw what animal best represents you." Ember said.

"You're very talented." Doctor Jay said making Ember blush. "May I keep this?"

"Depends, can I keep this?" She held up the drawing he drew of her last night.

"I believe we have a deal Mrs-*cough* I mean Ember."

Ember laughed and just like the night before, they chatted away. When it was time, Doctor Jay left. Ember felt happy here. But she knew that tomorrow was her last day and she didn't want tomorrow to come.

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