
Deep In The Mud

"There is only one happiness in this life and that is to be loved" - George sand Aurora has always been the 'unattractive, unattainable' girl throughout her whole life. No man has ever approached her with the intention of courting her, rather they approached her to learn more about her best friend. She was better known as a 'DUFF'. But now with her best friend dead and a baby depending on her, she finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage that will test and strengthen her character. Like most 21st century women, she views herself as a feminist. One who doesn't believe in love. She views love as a Capitalist movement created to control unsuspecting minds while breaking their bank accounts. But she finds herself falling in love with a man. Not just any man, her friends boyfriend who also happens to be her husband.

Akia200 · Urban
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162 Chs


To say l was disappointed in Hildens behaviour would be an understatement. These were all the red flags that l needed to take into consideration before my heart fell for the bottomless pit that is his heart

Granted that he had no obligation to attend Isabel's funeral or be there throughout the proceedings, he could have at least put aside whatever issues they had with each other just to pay his last respects to the girl.

From what l gathered their last conversation wasn't the greatest same as ours but he was crushing her spirits while she crushed mine but here l was, putting aside any issues l had with the girl, not that l had any.

But l will admit that the guilt is the biggest reason that l am even putting myself in this whole situation. Had she been just another girl who had been with Hilden, l might have had a different approach