Love. What is love?
I have seen so many people l love die at the hands of love. Whose lives were ruined because of love. Families broken and hearts shattered.
What is love that it has the power to cause havoc in the lives of so many people. What is love but a social construct created to oppress people because of an emotion
A capitalist movement created to swindle money out of people in the name of love. An emotion so powerful that is takes over your very being and cripples you making you prey to its wicked games
I have seen my aunt abused, battered and bruised because she chose to love. She chose to give her heart to a man who had no intentions to add value to her life, instead he wanted to control her and destroy her
Destroy her to the point of killing her. He was willing to leave her children without a mother, orphaned and alone. And all this he said he did in the name of love
Because when you love someone, you bring them pain?