
Decepticon One Shots

As the only female Autobot, you thought you'd pick one of the Autobots in the team to be your boyfriend. But what about dating a Decepticon? Now that's when things really get interesting. Here you have the chance to date a Decepticon and see how things will turn out to be. You get to share your ideas/requests of which Decepticon and what you'll be doing. For example... - Berserker X Reader: One Stormy Night - Dreadbot X Reader: How a Thug Sleeps I'll mainly do the live action Decepticons but I'll let you all know if I'll add new characters in the Request File Chapter.

MidnightMoon8888 · Movies
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Berserker X Reader: My Prey...

As soon as you left the forest, you felt as though you were being watched. It doesn't matter if you install cameras around your home, which is technically a shed, but still. You turn around and look around, but you never see anyone there. Right now, you're in the park hanging out with one of your human friends 'Lizzy' discussing the whole thing.


Lizzy: You think your home is haunted?

Y/n: No, I don't think so. Nothing's moving around on its own. The lights are still working, and I don't hear a voice or something like that.

Lizzy: Then maybe you're just stressed out. Like you did break up with Liam, and I can't think of everything else that could stress you out.

Y/n: Yeah, but I broke up with him over a year ago and I didn't get hurt over it since I broke up with him. Trust me, if I'm stressed about something, it wouldn't be that. Plus, I knew it wasn't going to last anyway.

Lizzy: Well, what else have you been stressed about?

Y/n: Well... Remember what we were talking about the other day? About the Autobots?

Lizzy: Yeah, why?

Y/n: That I've been thinking about and... I don't know. I know they're all good guys but... I think I might need more time to get to know them individually before making a choice.

Lizzy: And that's okay girl, you don't gotta rush into anything. You take your time and get to know them.


As you and Lizzy are talking, someone was watching from a far distance, but he could perfectly see and hear you. He overheard you talking about picking one of the Autobots, but he doesn't know what you mean by that. Then he sees a human male walking towards you and the human female.


Lizzy: Oh great, speak of the clingy-ass devil.

Y/n: I'm assuming you just wanted to say hi Liam.


He sees the human male sitting next to you and mainly talks to you rather than with his own species. He sees the human male trying to scoot himself to sit closer to you, but you stop him.


Y/n: Look, I know what you're doing and it's not going to work. I'd appreciate it if you just leave us alone.

Lizzy: Exactly. Just give it up man, she's not going to be interested in you like that.

Liam: All right I'll leave. But won't you at least consider going with me to the festival lights?

Y/n: I'll consider thinking about it.


He begins to have tunnel vision on the human male as he walks away from you. He's just staring at that human wanting to kill him already. Literary nothing else is on his mind other than you and getting rid of the human.




...A few hours later...




Weird... Ever since you left the park, you don't feel like you're being watched. Maybe just talking to a friend about it really helped.






Liam was on his way to your home. The long roads are almost empty and the sun has set over an hour ago. He has a bunch of roses just sitting in the passenger seat that he plans on giving to you. He knows he screwed up with you, but he really does want you back. Even though all he did was not shit and brag about having an Autobot for a girlfriend, basically viewing you as an accomplishment rather than a priority.

But then he notices someone following him. Someone driving a black SUV is following close behind him. Liam moves to the next lane to let him pass, but as soon as he changes lanes, the SUV follows right behind him.


Liam: What the fuck?


Liam honks the horn and flips off the driver, still following way too close behind him. Then the black SUV speeds up next to him before ramming his vehicle enough to run him off the road and into a steep ditch.

Liam tries to take control of the vehicle, but that only makes the vehicle flip over. That's when the black SUV transforms into its true form.

Liam manages to crawl out of the car, but it's difficult with almost everything in his body hurting. The transformer looks like an Autobot, but there's no doubt that this transformer looks bigger and more terrifying than any Autobot he's ever seen.

The Transformer stands in front of Liam, and before Liam could scream for help, the Transformer gets a hold of him before ripping his body apart in half. Then, while still holding the upper half of Liam's body, the Transformer sinks his teeth into his abdomen. All the while his mind is racing with the memory of this human trying to get close to you. It only pisses him off even more, but it wasn't long until there's the satisfaction feeling. He didn't say it out loud, but in his mind, he kept repeating the words,


~Away from my prey! Away from my prey! My prey!~


Until there was no longer any blood to drink, the Transformer throws the body near the smoking vehicle. Following that, he takes a moment to think about what he just did as well as think about what he said to himself. Everything is all quiet now, just the crickets chirping and the car still smoking.


???: My prey...


Though he has no intentions of harming you in any way, he can't come up with a better word other than prey. Remembering that you were at his mercy that stormy night and how it could have gone if you had seen him. But even then, even if you ran, he knew he could have killed you just as easily as any other prey that fell beneath him.

But he finds himself captivated by you, and he knows this. But he doesn't know what exactly he should do about it. Not yet at least...