
Chapter 3 The Beast inside Him

"Ahh!" He felt it gain. He felt the urge inside him. His head aches so much that he couldn't think straight. His muscles are all in pain and his heart beats so fast.

He tried to overcome that "urge". It is the curse that is causing him this.

"Ahhhhmmmphh!!!", the urge becomes more powerful. He is aching all-over.

His eye caught a murderous scene. Though his in pain his eyes could still see in the distance. He made up his mind to kill the man who tried to hurt a woman.

It was a long time ago when he killed people. He doesn't want to do it anymore. But the urge within him could not be ignored by him. He resisted for a very long time. He thought that if he would not kill, eventually he will die. But this also doesn't guarantee his death. Only it made him behave more like a monster.

He approached the man behind and grabbed him by the neck. He knows that the man could not resist or fight him. He felt his veins. His wound on the neck spurts a little blood. This made his urge a little more tolerable. He knows that he already fed the beast. When he saw that the man no longer has life, he threw him away.

Then he saw the woman. He untied her and carried her. He went up to her apartment and put her on the bed.

Before he left, he take a look at her.

He couldn't refuse his eyes to look at her. She is beautiful.

A little bruised but beautiful. He couldn't ignore her womanly scent that sticks to his nose when he carried her away.

"Was it still the beast inside him?"

He moves closer to touch the woman's face. It was so soft and delicate. He fought his urge to control himself but his mind couldn't fight back. He is not in his sane position. The beastly urge defeated his mind to think normal. He needs to feed the monster inside him. But this time, it's not by killing.

This time it's the urge of flesh...

After the hunger of the beast was fed, he left her.

He is now in his mansion, laying on the bed. He tried to close his eyes to sleep. But the woman's face and scent lingers on him. Also the bite mark on his shoulder aches a little. It was made by her.

He took his phone and dialed the number of Vince. He told him about what happened except the part of the woman.

Vince agreed as he talked to him on the phone.

"No problem sir. I will clean the mess right now." Vince answered.

After a few days, there's the news that someone was devoured by an animal in the nearby park. Crisha was stunned by this news for the man she sees on the screen was the man who hurt her.

"Oh my God!", she exclaimed.

She held her breath for a time. Is this justice???

Her mind went blank the whole day.

"Are you okay?", said Angelyka.

Angelyka is her bestie. She's been a friend to her when she left the orphanage. She knows that she's an orphan but still befriend with her. She even said that she was cool.

"I..ahh", she tried to explain but no words come out of her mouth.

"If you don't feel okay, you go home and rest. I noticed that you're absent-minded lately. I know that we need to finish a lot of projects but you need to take time for yourself.", Angelyka told her.

"O-okay", she answered her.

She packed her things and went home.

While lying on the bed, she remembers that night. She closed her eyes and felt asleep. On her dreams, he dreamt of the man, but the man's face changed and replaced by a shadow. This shadow was another man with eyes that could look deeply into someone's soul. His eyes glows in the dark. The color of his pupils changes form dark to flaming red. Like the eyes of a wild beast.

She doesn't know if her dream is just a dream or a reality. The feeling is so real.

The next day, she went to her new job. After her few classes in the morning, she went straight to the office of Mr. Robertson. She was greeted by Jennifer and shortly briefed by her about her job. Mr. Robertson was out of the country for some business so the woman-in-charged is his assistant, Ms. Jennifer.

She listens to her instructions and went to the address given to her. She felt enthusiastic about the job that could change her life forever.