
Chapter 2 The Shadow

It is getting dark. Crisha finishes her essay that she needs to pass to her professor. She really likes her subjects now especially her World Literature. She loves reading and writing. She puts down her pen and put the books back in place.

She loves going in that library. Many doesn't notice that small library anymore but not her. It is where she spends most of her time. The librarian knows her very well that she doesn't need to ask for her card.

She borrows books and regularly give them back as soon as she finishes them. She loves every kind of books most especially romance and fantasy novels. She borrowed a novel before she left and smiled at the librarian.

"Auntie, I will bring it back.", said her.

She calls her auntie for she knows her for years now.

"Okay child." said that good lady librarian to her.

She's in her late fortys. With mixed of black and gray hair on her head. She's a black woman with good features. Most especially she has those eyes that can look deeply in anyone's soul.

She opened and closed the door of the library. It is five in the afternoon but it is already dark. it is as seems the rain will pour any minute now. She walks fast so she could reach her home before it rains.

She's panting and trying her best to go faster as she walks toward her way home.

The streets are all dark now. There's a drizzle and no one can be seen around.

"A little more."

She told herself. She can see her apartment from afar.

Suddenly she felt like someone is watching her. She felt like someone is following her. She tried to run to avoid being followed but the man who is behind her caught up with her.

"Give me your money and your phone!!!"

The man commanded her.

She reluctantly gives him her bag. But the man grabs it and takes her wallet and cellphone.

He opened her wallet and sees that there are only few bucks in it. He is angry and pulled her arms.

"Where's the money?!", the man asked again.

"That is all I have." she replied.

The man was angrier and in disbelief when he heard her answer.

"If I can't get any money from you, I will get something else."

The man had a demonic smile and grab her by the neck. He pointed a knife to her neck. He smelled her scent and satisfied his male urge.

"I will definitely enjoy you." he whispered in her ears.

She tried to struggle but the man's strength is much stronger than hers. She's panicking but her mind couldn't accept what will happen to her. She fought back but the man drag her to an abandoned building. He tied her arms and feet. She tried to scream and asked for help, but the rain became heavier and the thunder and lighting succumb her cried of woe. He tied her legs separately so he can do what he planned to her.

She's crying and screaming so loud but the man's laughter defeated hers.

When he's above her. She bit him hard. She bit his neck. A bit of flesh of his neck was removed and blood came out.

The rapist was stunned and couldn't accept what happened. He slapped her which made her lost her awareness.

He looked at his neck and wrapped a bandage. It is not serious after all. He looks at the immobile body of the woman in front of her and slowly approach her.

"You are feisty girl. I like that!", he said.

Before he could start his dark motives with her. A dark shadow behind him deprived his will to touch her.

The shadow came from a man so tall and well-build. He was grabbed by the neck of the man and lifted him without efforts.

He screamed with panic but couldn't move the hand of the man from his neck. His scream was useless for no one can barely hears it.

He felt no air is coming in his lungs and his eyes are burning.

The stranger who rescued Crisha let go of the lifeless body of the man. He saw the two of them from afar and heard her plea when she was drag by the man. He tried not to take action but he couldn't ignore the woman's cry for help. Now he could see her up closed.

He carried her and left the scene.

Crisha awakened and screamed. She thought about what happened to her. She touched herself and felt if there's pain below her. She cried when she felt that there's pain. There's a little blood that also told her that she lost her virginity.

She could not believe it. She lost the thing she treasured most.

She looked around and sees herself inside her apartment.

"How on earth is she inside the apartment?", she thought.

She was raped but how was she able to get inside her apartment?