
Death Valley Hazel and Olivia

Theater_queen · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Ten: I Love You.

Olivia and Hazel walk up the spiral staircase gazing into the lights twisting around the railing. They rushed out the tall round door and through the trees that flowed in the soft wind. The leaves crunching under their shoes. Olivia walks up to the large door staring up at her house. What are all these thoughts rushing through my head, I have never been in trouble before. Everyone in this stupid place is perfect. Not me, I will never be perfect or good enough for anyone. I am different, Hazel says I am special, but am I special or am I just the girl that nobody likes.

"OLIVIA, where have you been, you are in so much trouble! Hello, would you answer me? Stop staring up at the sky and come inside you brat!!!" Olivia's mom yells at Olivia, louder than she ever has. Olivia lost in thought, stress and worry."Sorry" "Sorry, that's it, I don't think you are sorry. You don't even care about what you have caused. The only person you think of is yourself. You don't give a crap about anyone else. I can't believe you are my daughter, you are such a disappointment." Tears start pouring down Olivia's face as she slowly walks inside her house, trying to not listen to her mothers scolding. "I am going to take away all your stuff, even your rabbit. You are going to go to your room and think about what you did, you need to start to think about what your actions do to others." Olivia walks up to her room, tears staining her face.

Hazel flew into the window of Olivia's room waiting for her to come up. Hazel heard the words that came out of Olivia's moms mouth, and was completely and utterly mortified. How could any living thing speak to Olivia like that, Olivia is the greatest soul in the entire universe. She in no way only thinks about herself. In Fact she cares way more about others than she does herself. She doesn't deserve to be treated this way. She is perfect, everyone else should just shut up, and learn they are the problem. They were always the problem. NO one soul could be as perfect as Olivia. Hazel stands by the window thinking about Olivia when she hears footsteps coming up the stairs.

Olivia comes rushing into her room, tears flowing down her face so fast they are impossible to stop. Olivia ran into a hazel collapsing in her arms. "I am so horrible, no one could ever love me. I am just a dumb weirdo." Olivia mumbled." "NO. Olivia, you are perfect, and don't let anyone tell you you aren't. Someone will love you, and someone will always love you." Hazel looked deep into Olivia's eyes "I love you."