
Death Valley Hazel and Olivia

Theater_queen · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Nine: Is This Love?

I found the feeling, but i don't know if it's right. I know I shouldn't like a girl, my parents always tell me this. I think I love Hazel but what if no one ever accepts me again. What if Hazel doesnt feel the same way. I can't control all these thoughts, they keep rushing through my head. I have never felt this way before, I haven't even liked a guy before let alone a girl. I have no Idea what to do, all I know is that I love Hazel and I always will. Olivia panicked internally, she had so many feelings, and didn't know what to think. her thoughts were soon interrupted by the movement of Hazel as she woke up.

"How long have you been up" Hazel asked as she sat up. "Not that long, just a few minutes." she responds "okay," hazel stretches her arms "I'm going to start on breakfast" why do i want to kiss her forehead? Hazel asks herself as she stares at Olivia momentarily, she's so pretty, I never want her to leave. 

Hazel walks back over to where Olivia is laying to tell her breakfast is ready. When she sees her, Olivia is staring worriedly at the ceiling "you good?" she asks, Olivia blinks a few times and turns a light shade of pink "oh, ya, sorry" she says "well breakfast is ready" hazel holds out a hand to help her up, she looks away also turning pink.

Olivia stared at the ceiling thinking of what to do now that she really knew how she felt. As she lay in compilation none other than Hazel walked over snapping Olivia out of her thoughts "you good?" She asked. Olivia blinked a few times "oh, ya, sorry" she said awkwardly, feeling her face get warm. "Well breakfast is ready," Hazel said, holding out a hand. She turns her face away, and Olivia feels hers get warmer than before. she takes her hand and hazel helps her up "thanks" she says but hazel continues to hold Olivia's hand. Olivia feels her face getting warmer and warmer, and Hazel must have noticed "are you okay?" she asks "you face it turning red, do you have a fever?" she says reaching out and putting her hand on her forehead.

Hazel reached out and placed my hand on her forehead, she knew Olivia wasn't sick, she just wanted to be closer to her. It felt normal so she removed her hand, even though she did want to. Hazel wanted to hug her and hold her all day, she wanted to get snuggled close to her and watch a movie or something. She wanted anything and everything concerning Olivia, and something about her just made Hazel want to never let go. What is it, what's so great about her? She asked herself everything she thought, responding to her own question. Everything is great about olivia. Wait! What am I saying? Why, how could everything be great about her? She is so needy, but it's kinda cute. She complains a lot, but it makes me smile. Hazel thought of every 'negative' but nothing was really 'a negative'. She's just so cute, so sweet, so pretty, so everything!! she didn't know what she was thinking but no matter what she loved everything about her, wait a minute she thought, is olivia a real friend. Does she actually care about me? Do I actually care about her? Wow! I have a real friend! She concluded happily

 "HAZEL!!" she heard Olivia yelling "huh? What? Yellow, wait no, purple!" she says in a panic, Olivia laughs a bit "are you okay??" "uuuuh-ya." she thinks for a second "Yep I'm totally fine, why?" she says "i said your name like a million times!!" Olivia says angrily "sorry…lost in thought i guess" "well-lost in thought-i need to get home today, my mom is gonna be MAD, She is going to kill me" "oh, ya, okay, that's fine, i guess" she says trying to hide her disappointment "also-" Olivia pauses for a hesitant moment "i'm in, on your plan. You're right this place is off, and I'm really REALLY sorry" she looks down "I guess I was just surprised? Taken back? I don't know. But i didn't mean what i said, your perfect" hazel feels her face warm up a bit "that's alright" she says "i get it, you grew up here. It's your home" she thinks back to her home, or what it used to be. A funny band of outcasts in an alleyway, not much, but it was home. Or at least until they left and home didn't exist-again-