
Death Scripture

Born into a wealthy family, Gu Shenwei was spoiled and carefree. However, at the age of 14, his entire family were brutally murdered, and he was caught by some bandits who sold him into slavery. As a slave boy, he entered Golden Roc Fort by chance and found the man who had slaughtered his family. He endured insults and worked hard to improve his kung fu while working as a slave boy. He learned from and plotted against his enemy under the enemy’s nose. He became increasingly ambitious as he became more and more powerful. He would only be satisfied if he completely destroyed his enemy—by fair means or foul. Gradually his bitter experience turned him into a totally different person. This is a kung fu fiction that is full of mysteries and surprises. This is a story dealing with love, betrayals and distances. This is the journey of an ordinary boy who, against all odds, fought against formidable foes. This is a tale regarding a person who felt abandoned by the world made unremitting efforts to create a new world of his own, in which he was alone.

Cold Glamor · Action
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971 Chs

The Convict

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

The changes to Shangguan Ru occurred gradually. The death of Master Yu was only the beginning, and when she found out that the murderer was her own brother, Shangguan Fei, it was as if something had died inside her.

In the past, she had erected a mental barrier in her mind, and within that barrier, she treated killing as a game. The victims were no different from tools, target boards or flora - when they were killed, they did not suffer even a little bit.

However, outside of this barrier, she believed that all beings had feelings, and towards these beings, she felt the same amount of pain that was inflicted on them.

From this point onwards, Shangguan Ru could never rouse her killing desire again - she could not bring herself to strike the mortal blow even if it was towards her most hated enemy. The feeling of joy when one's weapon pierced into the target's flesh was lost to her forever.