
Vol.2/ Chapter 9: Escape (I)

The night of the escape finally came. As all the workers are starting to rest in their respective rooms and the guards finally shifting their night watch, Ebony approaches my cell as I quickly uncuffed myself.

"Ebony, I have something to tell you about me.", I stopped for a while, explaining my hidden ability. "You see, I have an ability called Bells of-- I mean, Overseer. It lets me take ahold of the location of someone or something that wants to harm or kill me or anyone close to me."

"I see. Pretty neat ability. We could use it to predict the guards movement and carefully take our next step.", Ebony nods in agreement. "We could use your ability most of the time since the guards are ordered to kill you on sight if they ever see you out of your cell."

I guess Alder took some preemptive measure in case I broke out of this facility. We carefully peek outside the corner of my cell. We see the guards greeting each other while they shift their watch. Ebony and I swiftly but quietly ran towards the stair leading to the main hall.

As we approach the main hall, I see the large steel container blocking a straight path to the boiler room. Instead, we need to walk around the main hall, passing through Alder's room. We see guards walking to and fro, holding some form of weapon.

"It's called a gun. It fires of a metal shell which is triggered when a spark ignite a certain volatile powder.", Ebony noticed me wondering about their held weapon. "If shot properly, that small metal shell or "bullet" would instantly kill you. I've seen someone getting killed by it when he was shot in the head."

"I see. It's like a bow but smaller and more efficient. How much range does it have?", I asked.

"What they are holding are called rifles. I do not know their exact range but I saw that it could shoot from at least 50 meters. Even though the target is far, the rifle's accuracy stays the same.", I nodded as we slowly approached some boxes, hiding our presence.

"On your right..", I alerted Ebony.

Ebony nodded as we hid ourselves besides the boxes. The guard holding his weapon stopped for a while, checking his surrounding in case of any intruders or escapists.

I didn't notice it before but Ebony is so beautiful. Her pale white skin lights up this dark corner, her blue eyes compliments her wondrous face, the smell of her long white hair smells like freedom under the clear, blue sky and her lips are plump and quite tasty. I am entranced by her beauty as her soft skin continuously bumps within mine.

She noticed the way I look at her and smiled...

"Focus, Mr. Luca. I want us to get out alive.", I nodded as the guard finally went out of his way. I breathe a sigh of relief.

We decided to go out of hiding separately in case things go south. Fortunately enough, we did that.

A tall, muscular man with a long beard was surprised when Ebony went out of hiding. The latter was also surprised that she let out a soft squeal.

"Mr. Gondor, don't scare me like that. I can explain what I'm doing here.", With quick thinking, Ebony manages to get the big guy's attention.

With a deep voice, the man said, "Ebony, you do know that you should be in your room right now. If Boss Alder saw you, he would be mad. Fortunate for you, he is drunk right now inside his room alongside his minions of dark elves. Still, you can't be out here in the dark of the night."

"I know that, Mr. Gondor, but there's a little creature that intruded my room. I tried catching it because it took my underwear.", I could see Gondor blush as he let out a sigh.

"I see. I'll find that little creature for you. For now, go inside your room. We don't want unnecessary trouble.", Ebony nodded as the big man walked away.

She waved goodbye to the big man before wearing her hood again. I slowly crept out of hiding as I made sure that my Overseer ability is not tingling. We carefully made our way around the big container.

I noticed that the guards are more flocked in the middle of the hall rather than the sides. I was confused at first and tried to ask Ebony but she shut me up with her hand. Her eyes pointed to the room besides us. It was Alder's room.

I can hear laughing , shouting, and glasses breaking as we tread on our way. We were surprised when one of the dark elves went out the room and took a cigarette.

"They're too *hic* noisy. Bah, they're annoying as fuck. I need my cigarette *hic* right now.", The dark elf then tottered around, spouting nonsensical elvish words. I can see that Ebony looks frustrated. I forgot she is also an elf. I guess all elves have the same language.

"Quick, let's go...", Ebony grabbed my hand as she quietly dragged me away from Alder's room.

Due to the fact that she was dragging me across the hall, I hit a metal object along the way. The object then hit the ground and clanked, making a loud noise. Alerted, Ebony dragged me besides another set of boxes and tried to hide under the big cloth covering it.

The now alerted, drunken dark elf staggered towards the source of the noise. He picked up the metal object I previously hit and scratched his head. He looked in all directions before he started walking towards us.

As he slowly approached us, a big rat came out of nowhere and surprised the dark elf. He then accidentally threw his cigarette on the cloth of the same set of boxes we were hiding and burned it up.

"Bah! Rats! *hic* Pesky little creatures!", He aimlessly tried to kick the rat before he finally noticed the big fire he very much caused. The dark elf panicked as he tried to put out the fire.

We quickly went out the cloth before we are engulfed by the fire. This big fire turned out to be a good distraction as the other guards also ran towards it.

"Left, Left, Right, be careful around those boxes...", We carefully navigated around the hall, avoiding the incoming guards.

Ebony stayed quiet throughout the run. The alarm quickly sounded off as the fire continuously ravage the hall. We can see Alder, now sobered up, ran outside his room and ordered his men around furiously. He also ordered his men to go to my cell. With the whole fiasco happening, he even had the time to think of me - what a charming wolf.


I chuckled as we finally entered the boiler room. The furnace is glowing red hot. There are many maintenance tools around. We also see a guard sleeping deeply in a chair.

"Wait here..", She said before quietly approaching the sleeping man. With a quick chop in the neck, the man went completely unconscious. She then threw his body away and moved the chair.

Underneath the chair is a big underground door leading to what presumed to be the sewer. Ebony locked the door of the boiler room before she approached me and pinned me in the wall.

"E-Ebony?! What are you doing?!", the elf then pointed two knives in me, one in my neck and one in my waist. "W-what's the meaning of this?!"

"Sorry, Mr. Luca but I was originally planning to kill you here. I am one of the Inquisitor's greatest assassin. We are called The Six Rings. The whole escape act was supposed to be a facade from the start.", She then pointed the knives at me harder.

"But...You protected my sister. I am now indebted to you.", She cried as she slowly lowered down her weapon. "I'm willing to abstain my contract with the Inquisitor and protect you instead. In exchange, I want my sister."

With a sigh of relief, I held her hand and calmly said, "Do not worry, Ebony. Your sister is safe with my family. I would not ever try to break anyone's trust."

"If anything happened to her, I will personally hunt and kill you no matter your reason. I would not hesitate to cut your head and give it to the Inquisitor. Remember that...", I nodded in agreement before asking.

"Was that kiss also a fake one?", I could notice Ebony flush and try to hide her nervousness.

"O-Of course! T-that was merely a distraction and w-was an instrument for you to trust me.", She finally opened that hatch leading to the sewer.

While we were going down, I teased her up a little bit.

"Not gonna lie, that kiss was so good, it made me feel things." I chuckled as I see Ebony staring sternly at me. "And here I thought you were loving me already."

"Shut up, Mr. Luca. We are here."

We finally arrived to the sewer. The water is murky and green. The walls are covered with moss and the smell reeks of all the bad things you can imagine. We even saw a floating dead body of a human.

"You've seen the direction that body came from? That's where we are going. It is a town not under the Inquisitor. Instead, a different organization leads it. The laws there are not for the faintest of heart.", Ebony explained. "And because it is not under the Inquisitor, the town also roam free of monsters. Many mercenaries live there to kill them."

"Also, the town is full of other races. The organization's leader decided to let other races live there. Therefore, that town is considered an illegal town. That's also the reason why we are going there - we can move freely. Now I want to ask you - are you ready?"

"Ebony, you may not know this by now but I'm always ready.", She chuckled as we go northwards to the town of the outlaws.

I may find some help there to go back to the tribe as many races also live there, but also, the tribe is in the northside of Espoir. I may just find my way home.

Theo...Mom...Miss Almira...Chief...Wait for me.