
Vol.2/Chapter 8: Traitor

When the darkness creeps, the snake kills the most.

My head hurts...

I cannot see a thing. I can feel the heat, the binding in my hands. I can hear the chirping of the birds, the voices of men. I can smell the scent of iron, how pungent the air is. I can taste the vengeance around, a traitor beckons me.

"Boss, he's awake.", the voice of an unknown man notified someone.

"I see. Take off his blindfold.", I was blinded by the light of the sun, streaking between the leaves between the trees. "Oh how much I've missed you, human."

"Alder...", I said weakly. "Where are you taking me?"

"That's what I want to hear. The weakness of your voice silenced by me.", I can see three men alongside Alder - one is driving the horses. "To answer your question, hmm, I guess to someone who sought far more potential in me."

"Boss, the messenger bird just arrived. We have a change of route.", said the man seemingly with a black owl in his wrist.

"I see. Let's not waste more time. Double down and go straight to our new destination.", Alder commanded them.


"And you, Mr. Luca, I think you jave seen enough. You should sleep some more.", I lost consciousness as Alder punched me in the face.



The cold water wakes me up as Alder's men surrounded me, smiling creepily. I am inside a cell with a single window. It is now nighttime outside. My body is weak and I am famished. My hands and feet are tied in rope. The lantern in the right side of the room is the only source of light.

I didn't notice it when I was in the cart but the ones working for Alder are dark elves. Elven folks consumed by hatred and malice, enough reason for them to get thrown outside of Dev'R Ash - the land of the elves. Now they are working for whomever contracts them.

"Boss, the prisoner is awake. What should we do?", one of the elves shouted. Alder then entered the room with a grin on his face and ordered his men to go out.

"Understood.", said the elves.

I am now on face with the traitor of the wolves. The snake who will bite you for whomever his soul bids.

"Why are you doing this, Alder. *cough* Why did you betray us?", I said weakly.

"Betray you? Oh no no no, dear Luca. I didn't betray you. I didn't betray anyone. Let's just say, a good opportunity comes to those who wait. And Luca, I've waited enough.", Alder elaborates. "You see, some humans offered me to catch you. I don't know why but I know that this is some offer I will take whatever the reason."

"You say you don't betray us but like a pup, you bow to some humans.", Alder slapped me as I spit blood all over the floor.

"Unfortunately, I need to bring you alive. My fur tingles with grimace everytime I see that face of yours. You're loved by everyone while I was on the side, a beggar to be chosen.", Alder laughed crazily. "HAHAHAHAHA but now, that lovely little face of yours will be torn by the Inquisitor."


"Alder! Why?! Did you know what he did to our tribe?! To Tyla?!", I shouted with anger.

"Hmm, but I do know. I know he ravaged the lands with unstoppable force and I know too that he killed pretty little Tyla. Frankly, I don't care. I have my fair share of killing some of my so-called tribe mates.", What Alder said made my blood boil as I futilely try to unshackle myself. My teeth grits as anger rush inside me. "You remembered that three wolves' grave besides the bridge?"

My face tensed up as I remember the name of the wolves - Xander, Benson and Volt.

"Yes, by the look in your face, you know what I have done. I did it. I killed them. With my own two hands.", Alder chuckled crazily.

He then strangled me in the chin with the looks of a madman. "I killed three of my tribemates alone, I could kill you easily. So don't act too rashly, Luca. The snake will bite you in the darkness if you're not careful."

He let go of me afterwards as he bid his final vengeful look. I just hear him order his men to bring me some food. After some while, the door creaked as one of the elves brings a tray with a single piece of stale bread and a bowl of water.

"Sorry, cannot untie you. But here, I'll help you.", she pushed the tray gently to cover the distance between me and the food. This woman elf is different than the others. She speaks softly to me. Her eyes are blue and her skin is not of dark elven - it is as white as the sands in a beach. "Don't instigate that wolf for now. I suggest you gain back some of your energy. He is stronger than you think. He just defeated an orc lady wielding a battle axe in mere seconds."

An orc lady wielding a battle axe - I remember such figure battling Chief Rakthu when the humans raided our tribe. She was so strong that the Chief was forced to use his Primal Strength. And now you're saying me that Alder defeated her in mere seconds.

"Miss, is the orc lady's name Scion?", I asked.

"Yes, how did you know? In any ways, I cannot stay here for much longer. The guards would get suspicious. Gain your strength back, I will be back tomorrow or the next few days.", the elf lady put on her robe again as she goes out of the room.

As I reminisced on the situation, I continued to eat the stale bread. I look outside the only window, seeing that it's a bright, full moon. Moonlight paints the walls in a light blue color, soothing my aching nerves. My whole body is aching. If only I could do something to end this, then by the name of my parents, I will but no, I'm still too weak.

Who am I kidding? I'm just a heretic child of Gods that doesn't even know how to properly wield magic.

I just chuckled softly as I lay down the ice-cold floor. I huddled on my still wet body, both with water and blood. I forced myself to rest and sleep throughout this cold, lonely night.


Morning came, the warehouse became noisy with the tinkering of tools and whirring of machinery. I could hear people shouting and yelling from the distance. I sat up against the wall weakly as my body continues to ache. My breathing is also erratic as I noticed that my hands are also reddening because of the shackles.

The door creaks again as the elf lady from before entered with a tray containing a bowl of porridge and water. She then smiled at me and greet me.

"Goodmorning, Mr. Luca. How was your sleep?", she gently readies my food.

"Bad, as expected. Bugs keep on biting me and the floor is so cold, I rather sleep in a stack of hay.", she chuckled.

"I see. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about that. I am but a mere servant to the Inquisitor. Even at the expense of my will, I need to survive for my sister.", she lowered her head in sadness.

"It's fine, miss. Before I forget though, I want to ask your name, if it's not too inconvenient."

"My name's Ebony. I am a moon elf. Unlike those dark elves, I am powerless around here. And even though people say that she is a defiled princess, I still pray to our god Lunala to guide us in these dark times.", Ebony introduced herself. "My parents died when the Inquisitor ravaged our village while me and my sister were taken as slaves. We were separated with different carts and I never saw her again."

"I see. Sorry for making you remember these nightmares. You just remind me of some moon elf child that lives temporarily in our tribe.", I comforted Ebony. "Her name is Ivory."

Ebony silenced up as tears well up in her eyes. Her hands covered her face as she weeps. She then tugs in my clothes.

"A-are you okay? Are you hurt?", I worriedly ask.

"N-no, it's just that *sniff* Ivory is my missing sister!", Ebony cried in happiness. I was also happy for her. "Now, I know that I need to live for her. I need to go to her."

"Mr. Luca, I've decided...I'm gonna help you escape this hell hole! I don't know how but I will help you in any way. In return, please bring me back to my sister.", Ebony pleaded with me.

"Ebony, please. Even if you don't ask I will help you reconcile with your family.", I smiled weakly. "You should go, though, the guards are getting suspicious."

Ebony nodded as she grabs both trays from yesterday and now. She then smiled at me before going out the room. The guards look at me one more time before continuing to patrol.


Three Days Later:

Ebony came back as usual but this time, she snuck out a map of the warehouse. There are a ton of small rooms in the side but what stands out the most in the space in the middle. It's called the workplace. On the east side of the workplace are two medium sized rooms named Alder's Room and File Room while on the west side is one long hallway going to the exit.

"The guards shifts their patrol in around 7:30 in the night. Their method is calling out the one who's gonna take the shift from the room. At around 7:45, the new shift will come back. That means, we have a 15 minutes window to escape.", Ebony elaborates the plan.

"But where would we go?", I asked.

"That long hallway leads right to the exit and the Boiler Room. We cannot, in any way, pass by the exit. Rather, we will go to the Boiler Room. Beneath that room is a canal leading to a river. We need to enter there. After that, I don't have any more plan.", Ebony pointed out in the map before looking at me. "Mr. Luca, thank you for protecting my sister."

She then kissed me in the lips before continuing the plan. I was surprised on what her did. Her face is flushed but she retains her focus.

"Ahem, this room of yours is above the canteen. It is in the north side of the workplace. We need to go around it to go to the west side though.", She sighed. "That means, we need to pass by Alder's Room and the File Room"

"And why is that?", I asked.

*sigh* "The shorter route is blocked off by large metal containers containing weapons. There are guards patrolling there 24/7. Let's just say it is protected more than the exit.", Ebony chuckled nervously. "Whatever happens though, I won't leave you, Mr. Luca.

"Just call me Luca. And yes, I won't leave you too, Ebony. You need to go to your sister. I retained some of my strength anyways and now I can activate my Overseer ability again.", I pat her in the head and explained. "Overseer basically notifies me if anything that endangers me or anyone close to me is near to us. A bell would ring in different intensity pertaining to the range of the said danger. A weak one means they are far while the strong and fast one means they are inches away from us."

"I see, what a convenient ability. In any ways, take some sleep and here is the key to your shackles.", Ebony opened up the shackles as I sigh in relief. "We will escape tomorrow evening."

Ebony then bid farewell again as she went out the room. I still wear the shackles in a manner that would look like it's still locked so the guards won't notice it.

Tomorrow evening is our escape. I need to take some sleep. The fact that someone still helps me to find my way even in this darkest of times made me feel happy. I looked at the moon again and think about my real mother.

I guess this really is fate, Mom...