
Death in the world of happiness

adTHEweeb · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

What happens behind the scenes.(part 1)

A/N: I'm very very sorry for not releasing this earlier I seriously thought that I did but it appears that I didn't so yeah sorry but part 3 will come out faster cuz it's already done.

Navi headquarters.

Sengoku was sitting in his office with his old friend Garp. This was only a few weeks after the strange girl with the giant scythe had crashed into the base and destroyed half of it.

Sengoku was currently looking at the list of pirates that could potentially cause them trouble and see who could possibly take care of them.

The first group of pirates that he looked at was the yonko's whitebeard who had been fairly quiet only protecting islands under his banners, not really getting any big fight or against the world government ever since Roger died.

then kaido he had been up to no good at first as he had started to attack many islands and even attacked many marine bases causing him to be captured 18 times in total both by rival yonkos and marines he was put to death but each time they completely failed.

Then big mom... as long as she gets candy she has been keeping out of trouble though she has been gaining a great amount of childrens over the years.

And lastly on the yonkos group red haired shanks he's had caused a lot of trouble stealing the legendary devil fruit from the world government the "Gomu Gomu no mi" but apart from that he had been quite calm for the most part and so seeing as all of the yonko's had calmed down the world government had decided to instead use what the could to capture lesser pirates including the new group "the worst generation."


Garp the hero of the marines was currently sitting down eating a biscuit.

"What is it sengoku"

"You're going to capture or kill Monkey D Luffy."

"WHAT, but that's my grandson, I can't do that."

"The 2 started to argue until Sengoku grabbed on to Garps collar and started to shake him while telling him how his grandson had caused too much trouble and so he would need to take care of him" however Garp laughed thinking of the times when he raised Luffy, Ace and later on Sabo.

"OK, OK, I'll show the kid some of my fists of love!"

Garp laughed loudly as he walked away from the leader of the marines not long after Garp had left and found out that Luffy had been in water 7 all of marine headquarters shook.

Sengoku walked down a big hallway then stopped in front of an elevator he called the elevator and it soon opened and he walked in and he clicked on floor zero after scanning a badge which gave him access to one of the closed floors of the marines.

After 5 minutes of waiting as the elevator went down it stopped and the doors opened and he walked out of the elevator.

The place was very white but there were many people and scientist coats running around and a red light flashing.

Sengoku ignored all of them, walking up to a specific man.

"Doctor vegapunk, what's happening?"

Vegapunk was an old man with witht hair, a big white mustache, and a pair of cogles over his head.

"Fleet admiral sengoku-san this is quite bad as you know subject zero has been here since she has been found and we have been doing experiment on her to try to wake her but however all of our experiments have failed due to use being unable to cut her or affect her in any way even when using advanced haki 'rio' all we have been able to take was a small sample of blood"

"Yes but why did the whole base shake?"

"While we had been taking some blood from subject zero to examine, signs of her becoming agitated had been shown and possibly of her even waking up."

"Are you doing anything to wake her up?"

"Yes but we have not been able to do much as you know we had put her in the tube of water. The water had been affected by something and anyone who touched the water had gone insane or died even if it is not direct contact and they have cloves on."


"Doctor vegapunk subject zero is showing signs of waking up."

Meanwhile in the middle of the giant lab there was a big testing tube with bullet proof glass inside the tube was filled with water this water however had very uncommon traits as you see if anyone touched it even with protections on then they would either go insane or die on the spot.

Knowing this you would be surprised to see inside floating peacefully in the liquid was a woman with heterochromia, for both her eyes and hair. One side of her hair is silver, while the other half is black. Though she looks like she was nothing but a teenage girl. The girl had unnatural beauty and what stood out the most was her ears. They were very pointy.

The girl's eyes were currently closed and looked to be sleeping or even in a coma but then her face twitched.


Sengoku ran to the tank and put both hands on it looking at the girl and seeing her start to move unlike how she was simply floating before.

Sengoku watched as the girl who was slowly waking up soon the girls eyes opened revealing the opposite Heterochromia eyes, seeing the eyes Sengoku was quite shocked as he had never seen such a thing before and considering that he has been to the grand line and the new world and seen all types of things it is very surprising to say the least.

The girl then looked at him straight in the eyes, in her eyes he could see the confusion, then realizations, hate, anger, sadness, disappointment, excitement, determination, love?, and many more that he either just could not read or was just gone before he could read but in the end all the emotions in her eyes just vanished; they did not look lifeless but sad and the rest was completely hidden.

Sengoku was very very very confused about this girl but he was very cautious about her, he did not know why but this girl just set all his warning bells on fire, he did not know how much but he knew this girl was extremely dangerous.

Sengoku took a step back when he saw the girl's smile; he could not even tell if it was a true smile or not.

The girl suddenly opened her mouth and started to talk but then she stopped realizing that she was in a liquid stopping her from being able to talk properly.

The girl stopped moving after going into a thinking pose like she was in deep thought on something before she suddenly hit her fists together then she raised her hand and with a finger pointed at sengoku.

Sengoku almost jumped when he heard a cough it wasn't because of the cough nor was it because he did not recognise the feminin voice but it was because the voice was coming from everywhere and nowhere like it was not even there like it was in his head.

"Can you hear me mister!?"

"Yes, what… who said that? Where are you? What's going on?"

"Can you please let me out of this tank and give me back my clothes."

After a long minute of Sengoku first calming down, then understanding that this girl… she must somehow be talking to him through his mind…

"Why would I let you out?" Sengoku said, confusing the other people in the room.

"Because, if you don't…"

The girl's head went down with her eyes closed again but then when she looked back up and her eyes opened again her hair was floating whildly in the water, she had a creepy smile on her face with a blush on both her cheeks her opposite colored eyes had a crazy shine to them.

"I will simply… break this glass and kill you all after all you all saw me naked and that is simply unforgivable after all only my beloved can see me like this or if another supreme one asked me to but i suppose you guys don't need to know this, now hurry up before i kill you all."

Sengoku stumbled back due to the amount of heat treated that suddenly came from the girl but he stopped and recolected himself as he walked to the control panel.

"I will let you out but you will have to dry off because that water is deadly…"

Sengoku pressed a red boton ignoring the shouts coming from the scientists in the room telling him not to do it.

The water in the tank was drained out as the girl landed on her feet for the first time in what felt like forever.

Taking a deep breath she went back to looking like a innocent teenage girl she walked up to the glass and she glowed a bit and she fazed through the glass suprixing everyone and when the small light that seemed to be coming from her whole body disappeared there was no longer any water on her skin even her hair was completely dry.

She looked to her right to see her clothes were hanging up alongside her giant scythe. She simply raised her hand like she was grabbing something and the clothes and scythe disappeared and the clothes appeared on her along with her scythe in her hand over his shoulder.

The girl took a deep breath as she patted her scythe like it was a child or something.

The girl suddenly looked at Sengoku and asked him a question.

Sengoku was ready to answer just about anything he knew she would be asking questions but what she asked just confused him.

"Is there anyone stronger than you here?"

"W-what, no i'm the strongest one that is currently here, why do you ask?"

The girl sighed a disappointed sign as she simply looked up before saying.

"You're too weak."

Asfer saying these words she did a upwards slash with her scythe and then it happened… a massive slash appeared it almost looked like a ravine on one side had black flames with red in the deeper parts of it and on the other side was bright golden flames with silver in the deeper parts 2 complete opposites working to the same goal.

The girl jumped out only to be followed by Sengoku.

"Do you have any idea what you have done girl, you've attacked marineford the main base of the world government that means you attacked the entire world!"

This seems to catch the girl's attention as she looked back to him while she landed at the plaza of marineford.

"And what is your position in this world government?"

"I am Sengoku, fleet admiral of the marines and who are you?"

"Im Zesshi Zetsumei, the strongest woman in this world."

"You are required to surrender yourself for your crimes against the world government or I will make you by force."

Meanwhile tomb of nazarick

Ainz a player of Yggdrasil and guild master of Ainz Ooal gown however after he had been sent to a new world he had changed his name from momonga to the guild name Ainz Ooal Gown.

Ainz was not a human but instead he was a undead overlord in the end of Yggdrasil the shity devs decided to do a final thing to piss of the players they had a update which was a guild war where the wener becomes a god... yes a god in the most literal sense of the word and Ainz being the collector that he had decided to buy all the 30 world items that his guild did not have out of the 200 that was not found as when the game was announced for shot down people put them on the market for little to nothing and ainz had bought them using all 50 items pus the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown he had destroyed everyone and became the god of life and death, god of magic, god of destruction, god of chaos and many other different version of his godhood.

This change in development also gave Ainz a power that put him in this situation he was also the god of time and space and when he tried to use his powers it had interfered with the other source of power that tried to summon him a sentient wild magic spell it had still summoned him as he was not trying to stop that but instead it sent him to not only the wrong world but also had made a rip in reality that had sent one of his NPCs Zesshi Zetsumei demiurgers younger sister to a random locations in the world but that was not all apparently all the world items including the ones that was already on the hands of other NPCs like albedo still got teleported to him so he had decided to give those back

But something that made Ainz go into a crazy laugh was that what he was trying to do had worked as the reality warping from his new powers had managed to locate and teleport all the 150 world items that were not found before and now had all 200 but then the game world was destroyed not long after and he was teleported here and was still in his body and he had gotten so excited that he had decided to through a big party to celebrate.

And so the Ainz Ooal Gown death incarnate all powerful god and ruler of the unbeatable nazarick was currently... dansing.

After ainz had announced the party he had gone and tried to use the mirror for remote viewing and all he tried failed until he gave up and started to get up the mirror moved so thinking it required him to move he started dancing to understand how to use the mirror.

Ainz got up and teleported to nazarick treasury thankfully for him pandora's actor har already left for the part after he said the password ainz walked into the gault to see the mountains upon mountains of treasure but he ignored them and walked to a hallway in the hall he saw 200 petostoul to see all the world items he walked up to one that looked like a small golden tree with a red fruit growing out of it.

Ainz smiled and ate the fruit seconds later Ainz raised his hands and he was no longer the skeleton but he was now just about the most perfect looking man you could see, the man was not human but looked human except for the the 2 giant white wings coming from his back and the black horns coming from his head.

Ainz smiled feeling his emotions returned and he walked away not relixing that the incubus rase that he had chosen was making him want to fuck all the womans that he could.

Time skipped 5 hours later on the ninth floor of the tomb in the kitchen.

All of the floor guardians except for gargantua and victim were there and many other important figures in the tomb such as Shalltear Bloodfallen, Demiurge, Albedo, Cocytus, Sebas, Mare Bela Fiora, aura Bella Fiora, the 6 pleiades battle maids Pandora Actor, keno Fasris Invern, Negrido and lastly the most dangerous one of them all Rubedo were currently there waiting.

The door of the giant cafeteria room opened and the people that they were waiting for enternd everyone immediately knelt, however something was wrong the person who walked in was not the one that they were expecting... the person that walked in was a very very very handsome looking man with silver long hair purple eyes black tight clothes on him it was hard to even describe the cloth but with the black scally dragon like wings with the purple flames on it his entire right arm was covered in the same scales and to horns came from the top of his head and 2 more came from his temples. (i'm not good at describing people's looks i will put a picture in the comments just look at that.)


All the powerful beings in the room raised back up.

Time skip 2 weeks later.

Ainz was on his magestick throne after the party had happened although it was very awkward at first seeing as everyone was almost constantly bowing to him until he had order them not to and to just have fun but in the end ainz had surprisingly gotten drunk due to him turning off his racial abilities.

After getting quite drunk Ainz had woken up to find himself back in this room naked with 5 beautiful naked girl (A/N: as we all know naarick an its denizens are crazy so fair warning this story will have weir lemons with the girls and guy having very weird kinks)

Small weird lemon description.

Ainz had been confused, scared then completely froze when he saw that his massive 12 inches dick was deep in the unconscious Shalltears throat balls deep you could see the shape of it as her throat bulges then there was Albedo she was laying on his chest but instead of her face being near his instead her pussy lip was then there was naberal who was weirdly enough holding onto and caressing his fees, then there was solution who was in a half slimy form as she was covering his balls and lastly was entom and she was... lickng his ass...

(The future lemons will be more described then this and less weird though keep in mind that this is the people of nazarick with a more daring ainz so yeah.)

End of weird lemon description.

Ainz knew it that he was no longer a virgin after the events that had happened after the party but he was still mentally a little bit uncomfortable being with the girls of the tomb he loved them very much but he just knew that he would have a lot more responsibilities being in a relationship with them speaking of girls.

Ainz had received a personal request from Demiurge to not only look for his now lost sister but if possible to grant her wish of having a baby from a powerful being like himself and surprisingly even to himself he had accepted.

And so this brings us to our current situation in the throne room. Ainz looked at the people kneeling before him before he started to talk.

"Tank you for coming"

"There are no needs to thank us lord as we will always come when called upon"

"As you all know we have been transported to an unknown land through equally mysterious means, however thanks to the efforts of floor guardian Demiurge and Rubedo we have been able to learn a great many things."

"It appears that the great tomb of nazarick has been transported to a place known as 'the new world' with is apparently the place with the strongest of this world so we should always be on guard in case of of those people attack us however thanks to a group of shadow demons, doppelganger, and many other stelf people capable in stelf and in doing so we have found out multiple things demiurge please explain what those things are and what you believe we should do with this knowledge."

Ainz had decided to hand over the speech to Demiurge not because he was unable to do it himself but because he was not that smart in the real world however his rase as a overlord had greatly boosted his intelligence so he knew how to do things or how to put a plan together be he was still quite insecure and so he let someone else do what he was insecure about.

Demiurge slightly deepened his bow to his master before getting up and standing to the left side of his master opposite to Albedo who was standing on the right side of Ainz.

"As you all know or at least I hope you should if you are not a fool our masters ultimate goal is to take over the world!"

Ainz almost screamed his head off as the first words that came from Demiurge made Ainz feel so many different feelings that his emotions were suppressed at least 10 times.

Fist ainz was waiting in anticipation then he heard the words started to understand them then completely shut down and then all the confusion, shook, fear, more confusion, acceptance and many more different emotions that were unrecognizable.

Ainz looked up to see Demiurge smiling at him as if he was waiting for something from him. "Demiurge I see you remember"

Demiurge's tail started to shake whildly similar to a happy dog being praised.

"Yes of course my lord i remember every single word that you ever say to me, you said that it might be interesting to take over the world."

"Yes from that one time."

"Yes indeed"

"Well Demiurge of my many actions which do you think is most relatable to our current discussion?"

"It brings to mind when you used your powerful supreme power of controlling reality and sent away my younger sister Zesshi."

"If I may, how does losing track of zesshi help us?" Shalltear asked, confused.

"It is simple you see, our glorious master with his boundless wisdom has predicted that zesshi would land in this world where the current leaders of the world resines and so he wants her to go undercover and test the powers of the strongest of the strongest."

"Ohhh but didn't we lose contact with her?"

"Yes, as she has gone into a coma due to unknown means but I have come to the theory that the reason is that when we were teleported she was too far from the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown."

"However... the power of our master has spear across this world and so she has been waking up but will take time approximately 2 years in total but lord Ainz is able to give her orders and talk to her in the meantime and she can get a temporary body in the tomb and so she is not completely in a coma."

"Lord AInz have you given her any orders?"

"yes i have given her the order to become a pirate and to try to get into contact with the dark marcet of this world while acting as a pirate who protects the people but is willing to kill if provoked and she has accepted and shall start her mission in 2 years as soon as she awakens."

We shall be working in the shadows for now however when the 2 years are over we shall show ourselves to the world as we will have enough information by that time but for now we shall start by researching those devil fruits that this world possesses.

Time skip.

Zesshi Zetsumei had beaten Sengoku quite badly. She was very curious about his powers but then remembered the news of devil fruits and knew that it must have been one of them.

Zesshi was currently in a small boat in the new world... the boat was moving on its own as her giant scythe head was in the water as she was playing with a 4 sided rubik's cube she had just finished one side when she looked forward to see a island this island was not on any map she smiled as she pull her scythe on her shoulder as she stood up and suddenly jumped up.

Landing on the island she did not make a single noise she started to walk deeper in the island to see a big mausoleum she walked to it and entered she walked into what looked like a tomb until she stopped in front of a elevator of some kind and picked the number 10 she waited for a while until there was a pinging noise.

She walked out of the elevator to see that she was now in a completely different area. She was now in the magestick 10 th floor of the great tomb of nazarick.

She walked towards the majestic throne room to see her older brother coming from the exact same room.

"Oh little sister Zesshi, what a pleasant surprise!" Demiurge said with a happy tone.

"Demiurge-onii san, how have you been?"

"I have been splendid, I even managed to receive praise from the master 10 times while you were gone."

Zesshi's eyes narrowed towards Demiurge who was smiling with a far away look.

"I shall be getting more praise once I start my mission and I have already defeated one of the strongest people of this world. I'm certain I will receive great praise."

"I shall simply have to double my efforts and make sure to receive more praise from the master."

Zesshi walked past Demiuger and walked into the throne room to see Albedo standing by Ainz side with Shalltear and some of her vampire brides kneeling in front of Ainz who was currently in his incubus form which made all of the womans in the room including herself blush especially her as this was the first time that she was seeing it with her real body.

Zesshi bowed like all of the others and waited for her orders.

"Zesshi i would like to welcome you back home and thank you for coming to see me"

"Thank you my lord. I am very happy to be back to the glorious home that the supreme ones have created."

"I am glad to hear that maybe we should celebrate later before you leave on your mission."

Zesshi blushed alongside Albedo, Shalltear and the vampire brides knowing what Ainz meant by it.

"Yes, that would be great, my lord."


"Lord i have fought and defeated a man known as sengoku the flit admiral of the marines he was a very powerful man in the standards of this world and so Zesshi gave a report of everything that happened"

"Zesshi i would like to change your mission so that you become a part of the shichibukai in the place of knight of the sea jimbei."

"Yes my lord"

"Shalltear i would like you to accompany her on this mission you and her shall be creating a pirate crew, Zesshi you shall be the captain while shalltear will be the first mate and you may tae as many vampire brides as you wish to be part of the crew."

Hearing this Albedo flashed shalltear a smirk telling that she would always be second and not first but unknown to albedo... shalltear was quite the masocheat well she knew that but she did not know that shalltear was to the point that she actually kinda enjoyed the idea of being ignored.

"Yes lord"

With that said Ainz motioned for the women to come closer to him as they litend and he started to make out with them and touch them while shalltear managed to wirm her way to his pans and using her long tongue got what she wanted.


So yeah i know last chapter i said i was going to name this "when two yonkos meet" but i couldn't name it that because i did not go over that, i had planned to go over Zesshi waking up and escaping then go to the yonkos but i got into the nazarik action and got a bit stuck there and couldn't leave nazarik so yeah next chapter will go over it for sure tho i'll see you guys later

This is not part of the story but just me having fun but feel free to read it. You might find it entertaining and might have spoilers as it's about the story but not part of it.

2: yo I'm confused about the powers ainz has in this story.

1. Well he hasn't gotten into a fight yet but he is basically going to be a god of death and many other things due to him winning in the tournament and with him having all 200 world class items with him he is basically unstoppable.

2. Will the NPCs get any world items?

1. Yes but not because ainz is scared that they will be killed or anything, some are from love, some as gifts and some because they were originally theirs before ainz took them like shalltear armor and landse and some other.

2. Are the girls going to have 1 one 1 times together?

1. Yes absolutely, now stop asking me questions. Wait, how are you even here? You should be dead and the world is gone. Wait, what's that?

2. It looks like we, my friend, are in a new world where you are no longer god!

1. .......

2. Laugh maniacally, HAHAHAHaHAHA!

A/N: Let me know if you actually read this little side story of mine