
Death herald

Everyone understood the concept of death, to some it means the end of all things, to some it meant the beginning of a new life. But what if death represented something new, something called salvation. The Anunaki has infiltrated the seven realms and it is Chen's duty to purge the world of their scourge.

comicslime · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 14: Consequences

Leo was trembling seriously while he approached joe joe, joe joe could be seen sitting calmly while waiting for leo to approach him.

"Why are you trembling so much, actions have consequences and you are here to real the consequences of our actions, move faster we don't have all day, and by the way you stink badly I am finding it very difficult to breathe around you, and I suggest you move faster because if I move towards you I can not that you would keep your life" joe joe said condescendingly .

Leo finally stood in front of joe joe and awaited his punishment but he so scared he couldn't articulate his thoughts, he moved to take of his metal mask, but joe joe insisted he keep it on as it would make the experience more fun.

Joe joe proceeded to take of his leather gloves and put his hand on Leo's mask, the mask started to get hotter, the men outside were beginning to hear loud shrieks coming from the room coupled with Joe joe maniacal laughter, they shuddered in fear because they understood perfectly what was happening, inside the room the mask on Leo's face had gotten so hot it was bright red and he seemed to be unconscious from the pain.

"It's no fun now that he is knocked out, I would give him a few more minutes and then I would continue with the torture" joe joe thought dismissively while putting his glove back on.

A few minutes later joe joe started torturing leo again, when he got tired of heating up the metal mask on Leo's face with his palm, he proceeded to beat up Leo, he kicked him so hard on his abdomen and sent him skidding through the room floor.

Leo coughed out blood and it flowed through his mask and dripped on the floor slowly, the pain was so intense he could breathe, or even scream anymore, he knew that he had a lot of broken bones and was wondering how many months it would require for him to get healed again, this was his first mission and he flunked it completely.

"He might have as well killed me, and put an end to my miserable existence I have always been a lackey here, always the errand boy, do I really have to continue living this way?" Leo asked himself angrily

"If you really knew the efforts we put into getting everything ready for you to carry out this mission, you would never have failed, we planted our man in that company as a director, took the former CEO out of the equation, all you had to do was kill that woman before she took ownership of the company so the company could go to the guy we put in there but you messed it all up, you better hope and pray that things still go according to plan or else you would really wish I killed you today" joe joe said with venom.

"I did try to shoot her" leo said weakly

"What did you say" joe joe enquired

"I did try to shoot her, but I was stopped by something, I couldn't move a single muscle in my body, i couldn't even breathe, when she finally got away I got a warning never to make an attempt on her life again but I couldn't see who gave the warning" leo whispered weakly.

"I see" joe joe responded while rubbing his chin

Since the description of the assailant was vague he couldn't make out who it was that would dare to challenge them.

"It seems like all the players have eventually decided to participate this time, unfortunately for me, I am just at the bottom of the food chain, I would have to report this" Joe joe thought to him self.

"Whenever you are done recuperating, I suggest you clean up this place, also try taking a bath you smell worse than a decayed corpse, I really do wonder when you last had a shower, visit the medical facility uptown for treatment, hand this card over to them when you go there" joe joe reiterated while walking out of the room.

While he was leaving all the men at the bar avoided meeting his gaze only the darksineed burly man was courageous enough to speak to him.

"Keep this place in order and make sure there are no brawls in here, any fool that wants to fight cam take it outside, by the way make sure that scoundrel inside cleans up the place before he leave" joe joe instructed

"No problem boss!" The burly man shouted happily

Joe joe stood in front of the metal door and took out his pack of cigarettes, picked a stick and snapped his fingers to light it up, he took a puff while reminiscing about the information leo had given to him, irrespective of his calm and cold demeanor he was quite scared his power might be taken away just for the fact that his subordinate failed the mission, he didn't want to lose what he thought made him special, he didn't want to go back to being the normal man on the streets again, losing his power meant starting over, and the thought of that scared the hell out of him

He started walking down the road, whenever he passed people seemed to avoid him like a plague, but he did not care he felt these people were beneath him, he had never been considered handsome or good looking by any standard he was as thin as a waif and had yellowed face that looked like he had jaundice with a lot of pimples too, of recent he had gone bald, coupled with the rings he always wore he was sure he looked very scary to these people.

He saw a taxi coming by from a distance and flagged it down, he had business to take care of and he needed to be quick about it.