
Death Games

What if you were in a death game? Sword art online? Squid Game? The Maze Runner? The Promised Neverland? What would you do when you are the entertainment for gods, forced to compete in death games for your survival, being twisted into a terrible human just to survive? That is what Gregory has to go through. Will he survive? Or will he succumb to the death games and die? I do not own Cover Art or any property other than my original work. Uploaded whenever I want. 43.55K Words

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Thanks to everyone who tried to get me to write more, and I don't want to sit here and make excuses, so I'll just leave this fanfic with this...

Thanks to everyone who supported me in the creation of this fic I've learned a lot about writing through this experience, and I'm hoping to take this experience and use that to make my future projects even better.

Sincerely, the rat who will eat your cats.