
Death Games

What if you were in a death game? Sword art online? Squid Game? The Maze Runner? The Promised Neverland? What would you do when you are the entertainment for gods, forced to compete in death games for your survival, being twisted into a terrible human just to survive? That is what Gregory has to go through. Will he survive? Or will he succumb to the death games and die? I do not own Cover Art or any property other than my original work. Uploaded whenever I want. 43.55K Words

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Pov Carlos

"Ok, I believe you, what do you need help with?"


The rage was an understatement with how mad Griev was, I was always able to tell when people were lying, and he was showing no signs of it. Rage filled me as well, if Gregory and Albe did what Griev was describing, then they deserve to be killed, what Griev has gone through is worse than death.

"Ok, Ok, I'll help what do you need?"

"I need you to gather like-minded people to help me get revenge, after that meet me here with everyone and we'll discuss the plan. And while you're at it get me some food, I'm tired of stealing it. heheheheh"

—A couple of days later—

A group of five people was walking into the forest, the leader of this group was Carlos. It was the day they would speak with Griev. These were the same five people who voted to banish Alex in the future.

"What's this about Carlos?"

"I want all of you to meet someone."


"You'll see when we get there."

When we arrived at the meeting point, nobody was there, but that didn't last long before Griev came out from the scrub. The messy unkempt looking man stumbled his way towards us.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Griev, has Carlos not told you about me?"

"No… Explain."

Grove explained his story to us, he was just repeating himself from last time, but the others needed to know. Also with the help of me backing him up, the others were more inclined to believe him. 

They all knew how good I was at telling if someone was lying, so when they heard me say he was saying the truth they all warmed up to the information being given to them. The information was quite sensitive, it was saying that Albe and Gregory were lying to them. 

"Ok so what now? I'm sure that you didn't bring me here just for that."

"You're right, I need your help to get revenge on those scum."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Yes, you have a lot of time to think when stuck in the maze. Hehe hehe."

"Then what's the plan?" 

"You guys have started keeping records of the food recently, right?"

"Ya, we started doing that a while ago."

"Good, then they'll notice that some of the food has been going missing during the night. I have been stealing it, I plan on framing someone from the other side."


"Depending on the situation, I'm assuming that you guys are going to assign a guard for the food at night so you can catch the thief, whoever is the guard we will frame. Heheheh"

—Alex's shift—

"Ok so how are we going to do this? The only way into the storage room is through the door he is guarding."

"Well, all we have to do is distract him from the door, one of us will create the distraction and the other will steal the food, when we get the food we will use it to frame him."

Two people were talking to each other just outside of the meeting house, the two people were Carlos and Henry. Henry is a part of the Griev side. Henry nods his head and starts making a distraction. A rummaging sound was made and it worked as Alex made his way outside to check what the noise was.

While he was doing that I snuck into the storage room and stole some food before quickly leaving, I left just before Alex came back.

"Did you get it?"

"I got it right here."

"Ok let's go plant it then."

We both nod at each other before going to Alex's bedroom and putting the bag of food under his bed.

"What if nobody finds it?"

"Then I'll find it and bring Albe along with me, either way, he's still getting framed."

Pov Gregory(Finally):

—Present Day—

*Step* *Step* *Step*. The rhythmic sound of my steps riverbed off the maze walls in an echo, I was heading back to the glade after exploring for most of the day, I was still doing this alone. Everyone else was scared to go with me, scared to head into the maze in case they might die. So I was still alone, not that I minded. My stamina and speed have improved greatly. I can run at full speed for over 20 minutes before getting tired but my progress has met a wall lately.

I have made progress in other aspects as well, I have been practicing my social skills, trying to make myself more friendly and likable to others. This might seem useless to others, but if people like you then you don't have to worry about them killing you. With my adept skill, I was quickly able to pick up on how to present myself to others.

I had been trying to use my childish appearance to my advantage lately. Acting like a child is the best way to get people to underestimate you, also people love children.

Entering the Glade the atmosphere was tense, usually, it was cheery here. Looking around, nobody was there to welcome me, usually, someone was.

"I should find Albe."

Looking around for anyone I can talk to, I see Henry tending to the farm. I walk over to him with a kind but childish smile, while waving my hand.

"Oh… you're back"

I was given an unenthusiastic comment.

"Ya, I just got back, where is Albe? I need to talk to him."

"He's in the meeting room…"

Something was amiss. I nod to him and make my way to the meeting room. The empty room was only occupied by an Albe in deep contemplation sitting at the table, he didn't even notice when I came in.


"Huh, Oh, Greg you're back! Come here something has happened."


I sit across from Albe.

"What's happened?"

"Ok so while you were in the maze…"

Albe went on to tell me all of what happened this morning, how he found food under Alex's bed, how he called another meeting to expose him, how Carlos and five others tried to banish Alex, and how he was eventually not banished but put in jail.


'So Carlos and four others were lobbying to get Alex banished? Are they conspiring to overthrow Albe, or to get revenge on Alex? Did Alex even steal the food? Was he framed? Too many questions.'

"We should go and talk to Alex if he did steal the food then he would admit it to us, right?"

That put Albe in another fit of contamination, but he quickly said 

"Yes, we should do that."

"Ok, let's go to the jail cells."

We got up and walked toward the jail. The jail was a line of pits in the ground, each pit had a gate that would enclose the prisoner in the ground. In the first jail cell, Alex was sitting in the corner head between his legs.

"Hey, Alex!"

The boy slowly lifted his head, his eyes red from crying, bags under his eyes, he did have to do guard duty and hadn't slept for a while.

"What do you guys want?"

"Can we just talk?"

"Why? I'm a criminal that has stolen food and deserves to be banished, just leave me *Sniff* alone and in my cell to rot.*Sniff*"

Carlos started crying again, which made me mad, not at him, but at the people who have made him this way. Even if he did steal some food, he doesn't deserve this, maybe a slap on the first is all he needed.

"Who were the five people who wanted to banish him, Albe?"

Albe looked at me in surprise, he had never seen me mad, and with all the childish acting I had done recently, this had caught him by surprise, a sort of aura formed around me, and as someone who has killed someone mercilessly before, this aura was stronger than most people.

Alex who felt this aura as well got scared it was directed at him and snuck into the corner of the jail cell.

"Carlos, Henry, Felix, Mark, and Kyle…"

"Call them over for a discussion, I want to have a chat."

(Insert JoJo here—>)

(Give me Power stones so I can see the number go up… NO I'M NOT ADDICTED.)