
Death Ascension

[WPC#202 Bronze prize winner] “If I become a Seraph, they can’t possibly send me back to hell, right?” Mikael Lee was dead. Just when he thought he could finally rest in peace after living in misery, he was condemned to an eternity in hell. But he refused to accept his fate! He escaped to Phantas, a world of magic and monsters, and received the Ascension system. Determined to achieve redemption, Mikael vowed to do good deeds. Together with his partner, the two souls who shared one body sought to purge evil… but the incarnations of the seven deadly sins continuously test their principles. Will Mikael fight them as an Angel or will he join them as a Demon? ------- [Preface The Ascension System is a program granted by the universe to beings who attained the hidden qualifications. Players are given the choice to either become a Demon Lord or a Seraphim by collecting bad or good karma, respectively. The creator of the universe has ordained that ‘beings of free will’ be appointed as ‘Players’ for balance. For Chaos and Order. For Yin and Yang. The players shall be given Providence to defy their own fate and forge their own paths.] ------ ** Want to refresh your palate from all the overly edgy teen MCs? tired of all the Jade beauties throwing themselves at MC? or the System-dependent MC? then this story is for you! (Ahem. not saying those tropes are bad tho. Peace!) **Please give it a read until the 2nd volume before deciding whether it's your cup of tea :D * cover not mine, if you know the artist, please tell me so I can give proper credits.

Tiene_Lass · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
132 Chs

It’s Judgment time! (Part 1)

Deon briskly walked to the entrance.

"Oh my… Sir Knight, I'm sorry but our Inn is already full." The Innkeeper blocked the entrance, knowing that letting one person pass through would lead to a new surge of hot-headed customers.

"Ah, I'm not here for a room. I heard that the food served at this Inn is the best in the area so I wondered if I could get a taste." Deon said. Eloquence came naturally to him as a prince. It was one of the basic teachings to the children of nobility—using flattery to get what one wants.

Sure enough, the Innkeeper's eyes glittered with pride.

"I see. I did not know that our reputation has spread to the knightage. Though it is true that my husband makes the finest steak in town. Ahahah!" The woman batted her eyelashes at the compliment. Even her tone had gone from forbidding to easygoing.

"Hoh! You have a way with words, kid. You're going to make so many girls cry when you grow up. Hahaha!" Mikael teased before telling Deon what to do next, "Anyway. Once you enter, sit close to the counter and ask them to give you a spare room."

"But there ARE no spare rooms. Weren't you listening, Sir?" Deon muttered under his breath.

"Maybe now they don't. But I assure you. After I'm done, you'll get a room." Mikael's mischievous tone made Deon nervous. It was at times like these that he was reminded of Mikael's demon reputation.

Deon shuddered from the trauma of the test of courage, "You're not going to do anything illegal, right?"

"Of course not," Mikael crossed his arms, nose raised high in arrogance, "Who do you think I am?"

'A neighborhood thug.' Deon thought but did not bother to voice his reply as the Innkeeper led him inside the establishment.

As per Mikael's instructions, Deon sat near the counter.

He ordered food and casually conversed with the lady, bewitching her with his noble aura and etiquette.

'Good. Now it's my turn.' Mikael sped to the upper floors, passing through walls to find a suitable target.

'Let's see… I gotta find someone easily spooked but I wonder if there's anyone as wimpy as Deon here?'

Mikael's plan was fairly simple. Having two months' worth of experience in a haunted house, he had acquired the basic skills needed to frighten people off. Now, he wanted to use these skills to chase away a customer and steal his room.

Although he felt apologetic to the innkeeper for ruining their business, he still went through with his plan, vowing to have Deon pay them handsome compensation in return.

'Yeah, money truly is the best!'

Mikael whistled a slow, sinister tune as he glided leisurely by the rooms.

<Passive skill: Reverse Clairvoyance Lvl. 1 is activated.>

The eerie whistling echoed across the quiet spaces. It created a chilling atmosphere along with the cold night breeze that softly fluttered the curtains and flickered the candle lights.

Mikael chuckled every time he saw grown men flinching at his little act, feigning bravery by bellowing, "WHO'S THERE?!"

To which he would reply, "Noo oneee~" in a singsong.

By his fifth room, a notification popped up. The blue translucent panel brightened Mikael's vision as much as it did his mood.


<Passive Skill: Reverse Clairvoyance has leveled up!>


<Skill Update: Reverse Clairvoyance Lvl. 2>


(1) Communicate with the Living. (Passive)

(2) Glimpse into the Living's past. (Active)

Current Limit: 1 living being

Skill cost: (1) none; (2) 20MP per minute >

"Nice! Another skill leveled up at last!" Mikael's lips stretched into a wide smile and his eyes curved into crescents as a wicked idea formed in his mind. If anyone saw him, they would've wet their pants in horror!

'It's judgment time!'

<Skill: Blessing of the Mist Lvl. -1 is activated.>

Mikael raced past rooms like a wind. Popping in and out as soon as he gauged their occupant's accumulated Karma.


'This one's normal.'

'Oh! A clear mist! Hope you stay good.'

He evaluated each person like he did in his blind audition for a contract partner. However, unlike then, he now seeks one with the darkest, densest aura.

'AHA! Found you…'

Finally, Mikael came across one that had an aura so dark that he almost blended with his surroundings.

After canceling the skill, Mikael's shining, milky-white eyes regained their clear green hue. The murky haze that shrouded the man vanished and revealed a gaunt man with long black hair and sunken eyes.

Mikael flew to the bedside and closely inspected the sleeping man whose jet-black hair spilled to his pillow like inky tendrils seeping out of his pallid face.

'I know I just told Deon not to judge a book by its cover, but Bro! this guy's mug really embodies his nefarious character…'

"I wonder what crimes one has to commit to have such dense aura…" Mikael mused as he activated his newly acquired skill.

<Skill: Reverse Clairvoyance Lvl. 2 (option 2) is activated>


<Alert! Using Reverse Clairvoyance (option 2) may cause emotional rebound.>

<Do you still wish to continue?>


'Emotional rebound? On top of its pricey MP cost? How stingy.' Mikael scoffed at the system. 'Well… it's not like I have a choice.'

Lips pouted; Mikael replied "Yes."

His hand moved on its own, guided by the system and his forefinger stretched to touch the man right between his eyebrows.

At their point of contact shone a white light that rippled out like a wave—getting bigger and bigger!

The white pearlescent wave hit Mikael like a tsunami and engulfed his mind.

Mikael felt like he was thrown into the white world. But instead of the giant screen showing Deon's perspective, the new space had millions upon millions of images swirling in a tornado with Mikael at its center.

'WOAHH!' Mikael gaped at the scene. Arms raised, he touched one image that caught his attention.

A flurry of information flashed in his mind—a child wedged in a small space between cabinets, arms crossed to protect herself… tears streamed down her face as she begged for mercy… gaunt hands that held a leather belt appeared from the edges of the vision and struck the poor child—Mikael felt overwhelming rage and a hint of pleasure at the crisp sound of lashing.

The vision ended and Mikael touched another image.

This time, the gaunt hands held an alcohol bottle. The hand raised and dumped alcohol to the child's head, masking the tears and snot that flowed unceasingly from her eyes and nose… 'Papa…' a small whimper escaped from the child, earning her a slap on the cheek. The little girl's whole body crashed to the side from the force of impact. Her head collided with the corner of a table and she slid unconscious on the ground.—Mikael felt his heart race. He knew what this emotion was: Fear.

The next image showed the gaunt hands shoveling dirt in the middle of the night, trembling from guilt.

"No more… I don't want to see anything more…" Mikael begged the system to let him out.

--Chapter end--

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