
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 9: Lady Elizabeth

Felix was terrified by the woman's piercing gaze before him. No matter how tumultuous his past, one fact remained unhidden: he was a hapless rookie in love. He was a virgin—had always been, still was, and perhaps might not be in the future.

Stubborn men are proud, and proud men are fragile.

Pushing these messy thoughts aside, the first thing Felix felt was thirst, followed by hunger. Then his mind inevitably wandered to the bed, to some intimate scenarios, and finally, he was shamefully blushing.

She was a mature temptress who provoked thoughts of intimacy at first sight.

"La-Lady Elizabeth." Whether he liked it or not, Felix couldn't help but feel tense deep down. He felt a slight dizziness, his palms were sweaty, his throat was dry, because he saw a deep snow-white cleavage along Mrs. Elizabeth's slender and fair neck, which was thrilling!

Lady Elizabeth looked at Felix's awkward demeanor, her luscious red lips curving upward ever so slightly as her eyes half-closed, revealing a sly smile. She was quite pleased with Felix's appearance; his youthful innocence and shyness couldn't deceive her discerning eyes.

Men of maturity, composure, eloquence, handsomeness, and graceful demeanor had never been in short supply around her. In fact, half of those descriptors typically applied to noblemen. As one of the capital's two renowned beauties, 'The Blood Rose' Lady Elizabeth herself was a model of nobility.

She wasn't some ornamental vase that needed to cling to a man for survival. She owned extensive lands, considerable wealth, and even had a group of knights who swore personal allegiance to her!

Her somewhat slender figure, perhaps elongated due to her elven lineage, was far more refined than any man she had ever seen. The traces of shyness and awkwardness made Lady Elizabeth consider his age—a tender fourteen-year-old who hadn't even had his coming-of-age ceremony yet.

Lady Elizabeth had to admit that this exquisite "gift" pleased her greatly, stirring her heart. Considering the tender age of the young boy before her, a rush of gratification and excitement would inevitably well up within her.

She found herself thinking of a line of poetry by Batola— "Each person cages a beast deep within their heart."

She was a widow. She had been lonely for a long time and had been empty for a long time. Her noble status made her not easily accept the love of any man, and she had no such scruples about the'gift 'sent by Fairmuth in front of her. She could even enjoy, play with, and even ravage the handsome young man in front of her to satisfy her body's desires.

Looking at Felix's bewildered appearance, Mrs. Elizabeth had to admit that she underestimated'Cobra 'and Fairmuth.

She is a widow, and her mature body will tell her how much she desires every midnight, and suppress her desires...

Lady Elizabeth gently caressed Felix's face. Her enchanting beauty and mature figure radiated a maternal aura. With a touch of amusement in her soft chuckle, as fragrant as an orchid, she remarked, "Catherine, our little kitten seems shy."

Felix blushed. He truly was embarrassed. No matter how hard he tried to act mature, his face shamefully turned redder and redder...

He reminded himself to come across as more mature, even more so than now. Only then could he win Lady Elizabeth's approval in his upcoming plans and gain some leeway.

Originally, Felix's strategy was to appear slightly naive. He hoped the astute 'Bloody Rose' would realize that his apparent naivety was just a façade to hide his sharp edges. By doing this, he believed he would elevate his standing in Lady Elizabeth's eyes, laying the groundwork for his future schemes.

"It's over, truly over."

That frantic, intense heartbeat, so loud that even Lady Elizabeth could hear, utterly disrupted Felix's well-laid plans. He couldn't comprehend why he had become so anxious all of a sudden.

Even though Felix wasn't exactly known for top-tier acting, his current display was an utter mess. The face he was trying so hard to keep composed resembled that of a child attempting to act mature in front of his mother: innocent, with a touch of the comical.

"Lady, you've frightened our little kitten," Catherine remarked, her gaze unabashedly and openly fixed on Felix's strikingly handsome face.

So young, that shy, repressed desire began to rush in her heart.

Her slender legs couldn't help but slightly close together and grind gently, and an inconspicuous bright red appeared on her face, and then slowly spread.

She had fiery red hair, leaping and blazing like flames. Her face was resolute and stunningly cold, complemented by her exceptionally tall and slender figure. Felix finally noticed the woman standing behind Lady Elizabeth. She stood erect, resembling a seasoned knight who had weathered countless battles.

A striking intuition informed Felix that this seemingly delicate woman possessed a terrifying kind of power. This force, concealed within her and restrained by her belief, made Felix shiver in fear.

Felix was a Shadow Alchemist, an accomplished Gamma Master. Aside from demonologists, no other profession understood demons and abyssal creatures better than a Gamma Master, not even the dark mages who blasphemed against souls.

The demonic rune vibrations suppressed within her told Felix that this tall and beautiful woman bore the aura of "Hell."

Lady Elizabeth gazed thoughtfully at Felix. The fleeting look of surprise and fear in his eyes didn't escape her. She suddenly remembered that the delightful young man before her was also a gifted magician. With a smile that made her deep blue eyes twinkle like stars, she tenderly stroked Felix's long hair and hinted playfully, "Come to my room after dinner; I have a 'gift' for you."


"Catherine, tonight you will teach our lovely kitten some techniques about men and women," Elizabeth said lazily, reclining on a plush sofa, holding an enamel crystal cup. Her deep blue eyes slightly squinted, her enchanting face tinged with a hint of flush, making her look extraordinarily enticing.

In Catherine's presence, she always behaved like a languid Persian cat, never deliberately showing her strength or coldness.

"Ma—, madam?"

Catherine was clearly taken aback by this decision. In her view, such a tantalizing sweetheart should be enjoyed by Lady Elizabeth first before her turn. The beautiful lady might seem amiable, but deep down, she was proud and domineering.

Lady Elizabeth drained the wine in her cup, her alluring face now a deep shade of rose. With intoxicated eyes, she looked at Catherine's surprised face, then lifted her index finger, her eyes teasingly playful, "I committed a mistake with this. It's only fair I pay a price."

A rush of red flooded Catherine's beautiful face, followed by Lady Elizabeth's unrestrained laughter.


"[Bloody Rose]Lady Elizabeth? Why do I feel like I've encountered two famished, resentful women? It's an illusion! It has to be!"

Felix shook his head vigorously, banishing the terrifying thought. Everything that happened today was a total mess for him. None of the plans and lines he had prepared in his mind had come into play.

He wasn't the kind of man to go weak-kneed at the sight of a woman. But for some reason, every time he looked into Lady Elizabeth's deep blue eyes, he felt an unexpected surge of anxiety.

"This is definitely not a good sign."

Felix cast an elemental spell on himself, [Bone-Chilling Cold]. The biting cold made him shiver intensely. He had to force himself to calm down to figure out what was going on. He felt everything had gone off track, and he needed to find a new point of focus.

"That hungry look? Going to her room? A gift? Does she intend to sleep with me on the very first day?"

The intense cold helped Felix cool down and quickly analyze the day's events.

"So carefree, it seems they really do see me as a mere gift..."

With narrowed eyes and a slight curl of his lips, Felix let out a cold, mocking smile.

No one cares about how a toy feels...