
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 8: The Queen!

The Marquis's mansion, which had been quiet, suddenly buzzed with activity. First, a group of knights in silver-white armor, carrying Viking greatswords, stopped at the mansion's entrance. Then, a squad of female swordsmen adorned with purple rose medals also pulled up.

Passersby glanced and lingered, captivated by the stunning presence of these female warriors. In the capital, there could only be one woman with such a grand spectacle: the legendary 'Blood Rose,' Marchioness Elizabeth. People craned their necks, hoping to catch a glimpse of the beauty that rumors promised.

Catherine, gripping her greatsword, cautiously guarded the carriage. It was a perilous time, and she believed that more than half of the capital's nobles hoped for some unfortunate 'accident' to befall Marchioness Elizabeth.

Although no overt attacks had occurred, there had already been twelve covert assassination attempts. As Elizabeth's personal bodyguard, Catherine had to be on guard, two hundred percent of the time.

The female swordsmen tightly surrounded Elizabeth in the center and slowly made their way into the mansion. The onlookers on both sides of the road felt disappointed. Despite craning their necks and straining to see, they could barely catch a glimpse of a white skirt hem, layered with silky white gauze, embroidered with luxurious peonies.

Back in the mansion, Catherine finally exhaled in relief. She sheathed her 126-pound Viking greatsword and allowed the maids to remove her heavy armor. She had initially opposed Elizabeth's excursion but was unable to sway the headstrong Marchioness and had no choice but to accompany her cautiously.

"Catherine, I think we should go see the kitten Fairmuth sent over," said Marchioness Elizabeth, her enchanting face marked by a teasing grin. She languidly reclined on a plush sofa as her maids took off her luxurious outer garments.

She's an incredibly refined woman; if one had to describe her in a single phrase, she would be a woman seductive to the point of bewitching!

Seasoned womanizers have their own set of criteria when it comes to evaluating a beautiful woman, but no matter how the standards change, they all originate from a foundational guideline: "The Fundamentals of Womanizer Identification."

The opening line of "The Fundamentals of Womanizer Identification" is straightforward: Except for saints and eunuchs, all men are womanizers.

Low-level womanizers focus on the face, mid-level ones are captivated by the chest, high-level ones zero in on the legs, and legendary ones appreciate the essence or character. Legends are mostly a matter of folklore, so when it comes to the essence of a woman, men usually reserve it for their final judgment.

An accomplished womanizer starts by evaluating a woman's legs: long, fair, rounded, and strong legs can offer men unparalleled pleasure in intimate settings.

Based on this criterion, Lady Elizabeth is undoubtedly the cream of the crop. Even while lounging lazily on the sofa, her tall and voluptuous figure is unmistakable. Her dainty feet are as dazzling as pearls; just toying with such exquisite feet is a delight in itself.

Salma carefully slid off Lady Elizabeth's long skirt and then unfastened the buttons on her corset. A pair of large, full breasts eagerly sprang forth, their tender flesh quivering slightly. The soft rosy tips captivated even Salma, who, despite being a woman, was momentarily spellbound.

The attractive maid knew of Lady Elizabeth's habit of sleeping in the nude and her daily morning routine of chest-expanding exercises. Lady Elizabeth often unconsciously complained that her breasts were becoming increasingly larger and insisted that regular exercise was essential to prevent them from sagging over time.

"Ma'am, Visak Fairmuth, the Earl, is a sly snake, and I don't think it's a good idea for you to work with him. But I'm also curious about the gift he sent, the legendary Star of Ellisitan."

Catherine, wearing a simple home dress, appreciatively looked at Lady Elizabeth, who was in the process of changing her clothes. Her eyes occasionally swept over Lady Elizabeth's generously sized, full breasts.

As Lady Elizabeth's personal bodyguard and another beautiful woman, her relationship with Lady Elizabeth was very close, exceptionally close. She had once sworn to protect Lady Elizabeth for life. Their friendship even surpassed that of siblings. So this action couldn't be considered rude at all.

"Salma, is that kitten really as handsome as the rumors say?" Lady Elizabeth opened her eyes, her ocean-blue, dazzling gem-like eyes focused on her personal maid. Her voice was lazily coquettish, tinged with curiosity.

Collaborating with the Fairmuth family was just to gain their financial support. What surprised Lady Elizabeth was that the usually stingy 'Eye Snake' had actually sent such a generous 'gift'.

Salma's pretty face suddenly flushed a bright red, perhaps due to the term 'kitten,' or perhaps because she was reminded of Felix's extraordinary good looks. She mumbled, stuttering, "Ye-Yes."

"Giggle! It seems our canary has been conquered by the legendary Star of Ellisitan and is feeling the stirrings of spring," Lady Elizabeth covered her mouth and giggled, her full breasts jiggling. Her ocean-blue eyes squinted slightly, flashing an intriguing light.

Salma's flushed face suddenly turned pale. She knelt in front of Lady Elizabeth, her voice tinged with panic and fear, "No, no, that's not it. My Lady, I, I..."

"Enough, let's not embarrass our poor canary any further," Catherine stood up and walked over to Lady Elizabeth, finishing buttoning the last few buttons for her. Dressed in a homely long dress, Lady Elizabeth looked less regal but more charming and alluring. "Perhaps the cunning Eye Snake wants his son to conquer our beautiful and wise 'Blood Rose'."

Elizabeth licked her voluptuous lips; her enchanting face donned a heart-stopping smile. She turned around and playfully hooked Catherine's chin with her right hand, "I've been waiting for the man who could conquer me."

The rumored Iron Lady giggled like a young girl in full bloom as she lightly jumped out of the room. Pulling a reluctant Catherine along, she cheekily said, "Come, let's see the kitten the Fairmuths have sent."

Felix was awakened by a strange aroma. Still feeling a bit drowsy, he even sensed someone tickling his nose with strands of hair. So he opened his eyes and took a deep yawn.

Lifting his head, he was stunned by the sight before him.

There was a woman lying in front of him, sultry to the point of almost being seductive. This woman, with a face as delicate as it was perfect, looked at Felix as if he were some sort of exotic toy. Her ocean-blue eyes, sparkling like dazzling gems, seemed to flicker with a radiant light.

This woman, mature to the extreme and sultry to the extreme, was like a haughty queen. Her lips curled into a reserved smile. Gently stroking Felix's long hair, her elegance mixed with a sense of tender affection, she said, "Catherine, our darling kitten has woken up."