
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 18: Crisis! The Nile Behemoth!

It was September 3rd.

Just two Saturdays since Felix began learning magic with Mrs. Ireland, the capital was shaken by an event that stunned the entire nation! On his way to a hunting trip in the Tinia Mountains, Duke Roluomo Molunduo, the Empire's Finance Minister, central council member, chief royal advisor, and one of the twelve chairs of the parliament, was attacked by a terrifying creature known as a "Golden Subspecies."

All thirty-six central knights, four temple knights, and twelve grand magicians who accompanied him were slain. Among the casualties was the famed great magical instructor of the capital, Vikas Bonia!

During this ill-fated hunting expedition, thirty-seven nobles faced misfortune. Sixteen of them were key ministers from the finance faction. This tragedy virtually wiped out the very backbone of the finance cabinet!

The "Golden Subspecies" that attacked Duke Roluomo Molunduo was a legendary creature that had lived for over 2,400 years – the Nile Behemoth – "The Bloody Strangler" – son of Khedira, Harald!

This brutal "Golden Subspecies" has been rampaging along the Titanian River for over a thousand years. It even strangled a pure-blooded adult red dragon with its own hands over fourteen hundred years ago, tearing the poor creature apart and devouring it as food!

**The Bloody Strangler**, Harald, had not been seen for nearly a thousand years. Almost everyone believed it had ventured into the "Abyss" or some unknown dimension. Yet now, this "Golden Subspecies" with the bloodline of the ancient beast Khedira, reappeared. Tales of its brutality sent shivers down everyone's spine and instilled fear in their hearts.

Upon receiving the news, all passages to the capital were immediately sealed. The Tulip Knights, Griffin Knights, and Dragonhawk Knights were dispatched. Even the Sacred Coffin Knights, the personal guards of the Emperor of the Titans Empire, were stationed at key points.

Almost simultaneously, the royal family of the capital sent out a plea for help to both the Vatican Papal Hall and the Pastoral Center. To defeat or banish this "Golden Subspecies" – a being that could challenge even lesser gods – was impossible with mere mortal strength. Unless aided by multiple "Legendary" powerhouses, confronting it would be a death wish.

The best solution was to seek assistance from the "Divine Power," drawing on the "Lord's" strength in the mortal realm. With the "Staff" of the Papal Hall and the "Crown" of the Pastoral Center, they hoped to slay this demonic entity.


Felix was awakened by the thundering hooves on the streets. Stepping out of the Marquis Mansion, he witnessed a squad of Dragonhawk Knights, dressed in golden armor with crimson cloaks, hauling the "Reverse Star Mangonel Magic Crystal Cannon." This artifact, sealed in the national treasury since the foundation of the Titans Empire and gathering dust for centuries, was now being paraded before his eyes.

Following the procession were thirty-six grand arcanists, each bearing the Purple Flame Grass Medal, taking turns to charge the "Reverse Star Mangonel Magic Crystal Cannon" with arcane energy. This epic war monstrosity had only been fired thrice in history. One of its shots had carved out a trench sixteen kilometers long in the Maya Mountains, providing Emperor Aristotle Titans with the route he needed to subdue Oaklandia.

The "Reverse Star Mangonel Magic Crystal Cannon" represented the pinnacle of alchemy to date. Besides this, there were two accompanying epic Magic Crystal Cannons, the "Zodiac Twelve Houses Magic Crystal Cannon" and the "Tanor Dragon Mishi Shield Magic Crystal Cannon." Out of these, only the "Tanor Dragon Mishi Shield Magic Crystal Cannon" was crafted by shadow alchemists.

Watching the retreating Dragonhawk Knights, Felix couldn't help but smirk. It seemed the royal family was genuinely terrified if they had to bring out such ancient artifacts. While the Magic Crystal Cannons were immensely powerful, they lacked precision. Few knew that when Emperor Aristotle Titans used the "Reverse Star Mangonel Magic Crystal Cannon" to breach the Maya Mountain range, he aimed at nine o'clock. Yet, after firing, he realized he had made a gap at eleven o'clock!

Unfortunately, Felix was one of the few privy to this secret!

The "Reverse Star Mangonel Magic Crystal Cannon" is the most powerful among the three epic-level magic crystal cannons. It also has the poorest aim and the strongest backlash. Unless fired by a "legendary" figure, anyone else who tries to fire it will likely turn to ash from the highly compressed and explosive arcane energy! Felix doubts that the city walls of the capital, which are less than thirty meters thick, can withstand the recoil of the "Reverse Star Mangonel Magic Crystal Cannon."

"Felix, you shouldn't be out now! It's extremely dangerous outside!" Lady Elizabeth, having just returned from the palace, noticed Felix standing at the door. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back inside the Marquis' mansion.

"Alright, ma'am." Felix obediently nodded, letting Lady Elizabeth lead him back inside the mansion.

"You mustn't go out until the Holy Knights from the church arrive. Understand? My dear Felix." Lady Elizabeth looked a bit worn out, but her bewitching face was lit up with barely concealed excitement.

Felix knew the reason. Duke Roluomo Molunduo had died in the attack of the "Bloody Strangler" Harald. Predictably, the Titans royal family would appoint Lady Elizabeth to succeed him as the Minister of Finance.

The reason was simple. Lady Elizabeth was the emperor's personally appointed financial advisor and also a close friend of Queen Angelina. She had a high reputation among the rising nobility in the army. In this crucial time, the emperor would not want tensions between the military and the cabinet to escalate.

Felix had seen the illustrious queen once. She was a beautiful woman with stunning golden locks, mature and regal. Her aura was like a distant rainbow—brilliant but not blinding. Her smile was restrained and gentle, warming like a spring breeze.

"Now, my dear Felix, it's time for you to head to your room." Lady Elizabeth leaned down to kiss Felix's handsome face, tidied up his somewhat disheveled clothes, and then smiled gently at him. Their relationship had grown much closer since Lady Ireland's visit.

Lady Elizabeth granted Felix considerable freedom and respect, maintaining an appropriate level of affectionate gestures. Felix could see that Lady Elizabeth was trying to win his favor. Still, he didn't mind the affections of this inherently seductive and mature woman. In fact, he quite enjoyed the ambiguous feelings between the opposite sexes.

Felix glanced up at the beautiful female knight, Catherine, who had a mysterious smile on her face. She teasingly touched her fair earlobe as she caught Felix's gaze.

Watching this, Felix darted out like a startled rabbit.