
Dearly, Ravenous

***GORE WARNING*** Some chapters might include scenes that might not be suitable for some readers. Blood, gore and guts can be featured at scenes where it might trigger other readers. Still a good story to read, just read with caution. _______________________________________________________ Anna Sanbwan has always has a healthy appetite despite being an exercise junkie. But she had one dark secret. She only feels satisfied after eating raw meat, and she wasn't sure why. She had her life all figured out. A wonderful and noble job as a nurse, waiting for her immigration application to be approved. A wonderful boyfriend who was always there to support her. Her life is about to go on a dark turn as her cravings became more insatiable and bloodier. Now, she craves for human flesh. A voice, a beastly voice inside her head is about to take over her. Will Anna find the strength to control her beastly appetite? Or will she succumb to the hunger and embrace her the evil monster within?

MoeJam90 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
123 Chs

Chapter 62

"Let me in!" The monster inside her harassed her mind with images of gore and blood.

Flashes of memories about those moments of her turning into a monster became its primary weapon to weaken her will and control over her body. Splatters of blood, torn entrails, broken bones, and every other gory memory came pulsing in, drowning her within her own despair and sorrow.

"I-I won't… let… you!" Anna struggled.

She and her monstrous self stood face-to-face, as frozen frames of those unspeakable moments surrounded them. Her monstrous self looked at her intently. It sneered at her, showing its disgust towards her human form.

"I will take your body and become you." It said threateningly. "Your mere existence is a bane towards your greater fate! Father and our people need me! I am here to fulfill Lord Asu Ang's prophecy! We shall rule this world again!" She spread her wings and began to hover.