
Dear Mayor

After finding out that her boyfriend was cheating on her, Ji Ying got herself drunk and unwittingly slept with a stranger. Ji Ying: When it rains, it pours. However, the stranger kept following her, demanding that she take responsibility... which left her speechless! What, just because she took his first time? That had been her first time too! Ji Ying ran away without hesitation, and when she found a certain familiar face on the papers, she begged for help online: [Urgent! What do you do if you had accidentally slept with the mayor?!]Everyone knows that Zhao Weili, the mayor of W City, was young and held immeasurable potential. He was a man whom every lady wanted to marry! Naturally, once Ji Ying posted her request, everyone mocked her. "Slept with the mayor? That's just hilarious!" "Stop lying to yourself. Did you really think you could bed the mayor just because you wanted to? Everyone knows that he is chaste! Ji Ying was speechless. The replies online are certainly unreliable, but one thing is for sure... There were many who wanted to sleep with Zhao Weili, but she was not one of them! To stay alive and not take responsibility for a man for no good reason, Ji Ying decided to keep running! After spending a month on a trip and getting off her plane feeling cheerful, she found Zhao Weili the instant she stepped out of the terminal, looking sharp in his suit and smiling at her from the crowd. "My dear fiancee... Was your trip a fun one?"Ji Ying was speechless. Bullsh*t! Who were you calling your 'dear fiancee'?!

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40 Chs

A Night of Absurdity

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At four or five in the morning, the faint morning light seeped into the messy room.

On the luxurious bed, a young man and woman were sleeping in each other's arms.

In a daze, Ji Ying felt a little uncomfortable and struggled to move her body.


The sudden pain made her grunt in agony.

"What's going on?"

Ji Ying panicked slightly. She frowned and opened her eyes. She was awake.

Feeling the unusual warmth on her body, her heart raced.

A strange man's face came into view.

The man had short hair and thick eyebrows. He was handsome and had fair skin. He was elegant and dignified, and his appearance striking.


Ji Ying almost screamed!

She rubbed her forehead as she tried to remember what had happened last night. She was still a little dizzy from getting drunk.

She found out that her ex-boyfriend, Lin Yongjie, had cheated on her, and they had a fight. Despite her sour mood, she inexplicably went to a party after that. Then what?


"I can't remember!"

Ji Ying knew that she might have drunk too much to drown out her sadness.

As for what happened after that, she had no recollection at all.

"I can't believe this happened after letting loose for once. How embarrassing!"

"Oh no, I have to leave before this guy wakes up. Everything's so messed up!"

With that in mind, Ji Ying carefully moved the man's arm, got off the bed, and started to get dressed. Even with her body in discomfort, she moved with effortless grace.

However, just as she put on her underwear, a large hand suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled hard.

Caught off guard, Ji Ying let out a gasp and tumbled back onto the bed into a warm, firm embrace.

When she looked up, she was looking into the man's eyes, and time seemed to freeze!

Zhao Weili looked at the innocent, clear eyes in front of him, and his cold gaze softened slightly.

"What were you trying to do?"

Ji Ying struggled to leave, but the man in front of her held her tightly, his face solemn.

"Of course I was going to leave. Am I supposed to stay here?"

"You were going to leave without a word?"

"You don't know me, and I don't know you. Isn't that perfect? It's just a one-night stand. We're both adults. We got what we wanted, and we can now part on good terms. What more do you want?"

"You want to leave after sex?" Zhao Weili's tone was filled with indignation and mockery.

Ji Ying almost exploded at that.

"I blacked out last night. I don't even know why I'm here. You don't think I did anything to you, do you?"

Zhao Weili glared at Ji Ying and said confidently, "Didn't you?"

"This is all a misunderstanding!"

"I don't care about that. It was my first time. You're my first woman. You have to take responsibility!"

Ji Ying was stunned by Zhao Weili's shameless words!

'Take responsibility? How could he say that? Then who's going to take responsibility for me?'

As if it wasn't the first time for anyone!

However, her heart was in a mess at this moment. She really did not want to be entangled with this man anymore. She would just treat yesterday as a ridiculous dream.

"I have absolutely no idea what's going on. What responsibility? Besides, shouldn't it be both our responsibilities for something like this to happen? Why should I be the only one responsible?"

Ji Ying wriggled out of his arms and jumped off the bed to dress quickly.

"You seduced me. Do you expect me to take responsibility?"

Zhao Weili also sat up from the bed and questioned here as he put on his clothes.

"Bah! Who seduced you?" Ji Ying said angrily. "I already said I was drunk and blacked out. How did I seduce you? Do you think I would rape you if you didn't get hard?"

"What did you say?"

"I'm telling the truth. This was supposed to be a two-person affair. Could I have done it alone? You're just taking advantage of me!"

Zhao Weili put on his clothes much faster than Ji Ying. At this moment, he walked over directly with a fierce look in his eyes.


"Hmph!" Ji Ying met the other party's gaze without any fear. She simply said, "So, we'll part on good terms. Even if we slept together, let's pretend it never happened!"

With that, she pushed Zhao Weili away and left with her bag.

Zhao remained in the room and did not stop her. He only watched as Ji Ying left, but a faint smile appeared on his face.


When Ji Ying left the hotel, she kept her head down the entire way, afraid that she would bump into someone she knew!

Her mood was even worse.

A woman's most precious first time was gone just like that!

The throbbing pain of her body was nothing compared to the stabbing pain in her heart.

However, at this point, there was no point in feeling sad, regretful, or resentful. She would just treat it as one of the many unpleasant experiences in her life!

She took a deep breath and gathered herself.