
###Chapter 85 Bear Markets

Marcus slammed the empty wine glass down on the table. "I underestimated the ambition of those bastards. But how can they be so vicious..."

"Don't be so angry. It won't be worth it." Laura patted him on the back. 'Don't worry, the poison won't be a problem. At least for me, solving it is not a problem at all. I will pay attention to the medicinal materials of detoxification these days, and so on..."

Marcus looked at Laura, and his anger gradually subsided. "Laura," he said in a deep voice, "it was my fault that Grandpa got poisoned. But I promise that as long as I live, I will protect you."

Laura was frozen. Her heart missed a beat, followed by a complicated feeling...

Having finished their meal, they walked out of the restaurant together.


Eric had just been in a meeting all day. He was exhausted now.

Just as he sat down on the sofa to have a rest, his assistant rushed into the office.

"Boss, something bad!"

Eric frowned. "What's going on? Speak slowly."