
###Chapter 38 Reading

Without waiting for Laura to answer, the students under the platform scrambled to answer, "Mrs. Davis, her name is Laura Taylor!"

"She transferred here this morning!"

Mrs. Davis nodded with a smile, "So it's a new student who just arrived this morning. No wonder I didn't receive any news."

Laura looked at the scene of peace with surprise. She thought that this group of naughty students, who disliked learning, would also dislike the teacher. Lucy seemed to read her confusion, prodded her on the arm, and whispered, "Mrs. Davis is not like the other teachers at school. We all like her very much, unlike Mrs. Wilson in Class 2 ..." Lucy's voice trailed off because Mrs. Davis seemed to look over. Lucy lowered her head and clasped the edge of the table guiltily, not daring to speak again. Only Laura, whose back was still straight, looked calm.

Mrs. Davis looked at her curiously. There seemed to be something in this student that was different from the others.