
Dear Diary, I’m Fine

It all began with a diary. Her diary. *** "There are a lot of things I wish to do with you, Tinkerbell" My hands gripped the sheets, breaths pouring out heavy, while my moans drifted to his ears. "Only if you'd let me" His eyes held onto mine, as if requesting for permission, watching the rush of life that had pulled to my gaze. *** Things take a major spin for Anna Darcy when she's accepted into 'The Wilbur Bowers academy', a boarding school known for its upholding glory and defined stand. There, she meets, Zachary Cobain, the school's all time rebel, who had taken it his responsibility to crack the innocence Anna was veiled in. An encounter between the two leaves the Seventeen-year old breaking every virtue she was known to move by.

ArazellaSnow · Teen
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34 Chs


My gaze skimmed through the sea of rumbling figures, eyes taking in the activities in the room. Believe me I was made to behold a ruckus.

Food flying here to there, voices breaking out in the space, it was pure chaos.

What were they thinking making the boys and girls come together to eat in the same room. The hubbub that befell the room proved it all.

It was a marketplace.

A marketplace of raving teenagers who haven't had anything to eat since the final ring of the school bell, signaling closing hour.

Their anger was portrayed from the way they dug into their meals.

To be honest, it all would be orderly if those figures weren't climbing the table giving a show, not to forget the kids creating music at a corner with the clanging of their plates and forks.

This was just perfect.

My gaze shifted around, taking in the wonders of the room, eyes watching one scene after the other pull up, and every thought that spun in my head were pulled to an abrupt stop, as my eyes found rest on that figure across the room.

That table was better composed than the rest in the area. With a number of forms sat there, my gaze was centered on just one.

That profile which had snatched the breath off of me, I was found staring on, eyes following every of his movements.

That face I saw was similar to the ones mother pointed out on our TV screen warning me to be careful of.

"Those men only do one thing, Anna...Have you ruined" She would always say to me every now and then, whenever my favorite series would come up on our television.

Yet, I was found staring at this person, seeing reason as to why he could have someone ruined.

Those eyes sure would. Those eyes which remained hidden under the portion of hair that had fallen over his face, doing enough to keep his profile hidden.

But such profile was one which you could make out amidst the number of people in the room.

There was something about him. Something that struck a chord of familiarity.

My gaze remained intent on that direction, and at the smile which pulled to the corners of his eyes, only then did it hit me, with the similarity soon becoming evident.

He was the one. The same one I had come across few hours ago. That figure which refused taking a leave off my mind.

"Zachary Cobain" Audrey called from beside me, managing to snap my attention at once.

"A striking one, isn't he?" She grinned at me.

"What?" I called unsure of what she meant.

"You've had your jaw on the ground, Anna. It's only fair I feed your curiosity" She uttered, gulping down the glass of orange juice before her.

"He's the school's delinquent, don't be fooled by that calling face of his" She let out in a breath.

"Has been punished for sneaking out of the dorm, attending parties on the next block, also adding to that list, he has been sent home for punching a teacher once, after he spoke ill of his parents"

"Also—a wide grin tugged at her lips, eyes soon shifting to the form of Hannah Grace—that's the one Hannah's got her heart thumping for"

I caught the delight which pulled at the eyes of Hannah Grace, and only then did I find the lump in my throat.

My gaze remained on that figure, staring on, and soon enough a profile had pulled into view. The form of a girl pulling closer to him.

"I hate her guts" I turned to the frown which had taken the lips of the girl next to me, while her eyes remained fixed on that direction.

"Never can go a day without finding one guy to rub noses with"

"You can't go on hating her all because she made one little mistake" Hannah Grace piped in.

"She ruined my uniform!" Followed Audrey at once. "I had to get a new one, do you know how much that thing costs?"

"By the way, who doesn't know to separate whites from colored wears when washing?"

"Everyone fucking knows that!" She cried. "Except Valerie Sinclair, ladies and Gentlemen"  That frown had crossed her lips once more.

"I don't see anything wrong with the girl" Hannah Grace called. "Besides, everyone knows the only guy she is ever with is Zachary Cobain" She followed in a low voice.

"Those two are the worst pair" Audrey called, stuffing her mouth with a strip of chicken.

"I think they're perfect for each other" Hannah followed.

"I can't believe that's coming from you" Audrey let out.

"You should despise her. She always has her claws around that guy your heart races fo—

"Shhh" Hannah Grace called at once, wrapping her hands over Audrey's mouth. "What did we say about that?" She whispered.

"Don't forget, the walls have ears"

"You'll need to get to him one way or the other" Audrey followed in a muffled voice, mouth filled with fries. ."You can't stay here wallowing in your feelings, and expecting him to catch onto that"

"The time will come, Audrey" Hannah Grace piped in.

"Right now, I'm going with the flow"

"The flow of watching him around another girl?"

The sigh could be heard from Hannah Grace, as she soon directed her attention of that form.

They both had soon returned to their bowls of meal, their chatters filling my ears, meanwhile,

my eyes found rest on that figure across the room.

That smile which graced his lips was everything, I tell you.

His arms were wrapped around the next guy, while the sound of their laughters filled the room.

He had pulled his sleeves up, revealing those buff arms which reached out for the ketchup tube across the table.

That tan skin of his did enough complementing the young man I was made to behold. I only could imagine how those hazel eyes would look under the lights flashing from every corner of the room.

And that grin which tugged at his lips every now and then, goodness Anna! You're never this focused on studying anything other than your lectures' curriculum.

Whatever has happened?

I watched his fingers run through those dark waves of his which never took a rest falling over his face.

His form had pulled back in the seat, soon relaxing into the chair, and in a moment, those eyes snapped up, as if on cue, coming to meet mine, and only then had I looked away,  gaining interest in whatever Audrey and Hannah spoke about.

My heart thumped, chest tightening, as I just could feel those eyes watching me, they lasted for a while, and when I took a peek up, his gaze was no longer directed this way.

Instead his eyes were fixed on the form of Maddison who was now locking caressing his cheeks, their faces so close to each other, it made my heart ache.

But why should the sight of a boy I barely knew a thing about, close to that girl leave me stinging?

That, I had not an answer to.