
Deadpool fanfic

When Deadpool gets seen by Colossus, he takes Zander aka Atomic Flame with him to bring in deadpool.

GhostWriter1996 · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter Four

Zander cleaned up his mess. Wade tossed him the weed gummy bag. "Don't let sliver balls see it," he said. Zander nods, walks to Colossus, and hugs Zander. "Yes, Dad," he said. "Jean told me what happened. I am sorry Tyler cheated on you," he said. Zander nods. "Thanks, Dad," he said. He slips away. Wade walks out. "Where is this Tyler kid," he said cocking a gun. "You are not going to kill a child," Colossus said. "Of course not. Just beat him up for hurting Zander so badly he bled," Wade said. "Zander bled," Colossus said. Wade nod. He breathed fire, and due to his throat not being healed, he bled." Wade said—colossus signs. "He is doing much better with the new medication Jean gave him," Wade said. Colossus nods. "That's good to hear," he said. "How long did he and Tyler date," he asks. "5 years," Colossus said. "Why cheat? That makes no sense," he said. Colossus nods. I spoke to Tyler. "He said he couldn't deal with the tongue or the sulfur taste when they kissed anymore," he said. Wade stood up. "I didn't taste any sulfur," he said. "You kissed my son," Colossus said. Wade nods. "It was interesting," he said. "Okay, big man, calm down. We just kissed. He's all upset and tired," he said. Colossus nods. Wade walks up to his room. He walks in and sees a sleeping Zander in his bed. Wade sighs. "You are going to get me into trouble," Wade said. Wade got in the shower and lays down over the covers. Zander was asleep. Wade was falling asleep. Wade woke up having to pee, but Zander was on top of him. He gently rolled Zander over and went to the bathroom. Wade got back in bed and fell back asleep. Zander woke up and yawned and stretched. He saw he was in his room "Wade," he said and opened the door just in sweatpants and saw the new kids, all the girls whispering about how hot he was. "Welcome," he said and smiled. "Only the upper classes get their rooms. The rest of you will have to share," Jean said. Zander waves at them and smiles. "Jean is he taken" a girl asks. Jean laughs "No but he is gay" she said.