
Deadly Bargain

|NOVEL UNDER RECONSTRUCTION. DO NOT READ YET| "It was never a bright idea to deceive a vampire. Yet, she did it anyway." Human enslavement at the hands of vampires has been long abolished... for the most part. The two races now live in different regions and keep to themselves. But when Hiln falls on hard times, she masks as a lower ranking vamp and finds herself working within the castle walls of the highest ranking vampire nobles. Things seem to go well until Hiln unknowingly catches the attention of one of these Lords. And nothing will prepare her for the desire and chaos that is to follow. DISACLAIMER: The cover art doesn't belong to me

Anaise_Silverstri · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
196 Chs


My muscles clamped up in fear and I was stiffened in place like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on me. No. No. I didn't want that.


"Don't—don't touch me!" Desperation and terror forced another surge of adrenaline to consume me, and with a burst of unexpected strength, I wrenched one of my hands free from his grip and scratched him across the face, leaving angry, red lines on his otherwise perfect skin. 


He let out a startled yell, his hand flying to his face. He then paused and glared down at me, his eyes seething with fury and unbridled surprise.


He wasn't the only one stunned.


How had I been able to break free from his grasp? That was impo—