
Deadlock:Chainsaw Man

Deadlock, is an AU based on the universe of Chainsaw Man where none of the original characters existed. In Deadlock we follow the two main characters, Koryu Hyoga and Ryuki Suoh and at first have their lives fully separated, one is an 18-year-old high school student while the other is a 36-year-old lawyer. Never having their lives crossed they live out their normal lives, doing what makes them fulfilled however when two Devils become a major threat to all of Tokyo it seems that will have to change (IMPORTANT INFO BELOW) --- Hi everyone, here is some context to this series. Deadlock has been written since February 2023 to June 2023 and has been finished. This plan for this series was 3 parts and as I work on the start of part 2 I felt as if I wanted to release this series to the public instead of just my friends online. TBH im just posting the start of the series to dip into the waters and see how they are. Double side note, this will not be the exact orginal copy, I will have to add some things like character descriptions since the original google doc had images in it. Please share your thoughts and let me know if this is something you would like to see continued as I will upload all of the doc slowly as well as part 2 if this goes well

ClexWrites · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 2

Heading over to the train station was an easy walk, it was just going straight for a bit and then taking a few turns. Orbit surprisingly was able to attend the high school that Koryu and Yuta went to... Well, it was one of the ONLY high schools willing to take fiends in and teach them human ideals (which means they are placed in different classes). The trio waited for the train, they had gotten there a little early and a friend of Yuta had spotted her and came over to the group.

Tsukimado: "Hi everyone"

Yuta waved back at her friend and started talking to her about whatever girls talked about. The train station was a hotspot where Yuta and Koryu would run into a ton of people they know. Up on the intercom, the voice can be heard... Slightly distorted but that's normal for the train station.

Voice: "krrkrk-rk The JL line will be arriving shortly, please be prepared and have your klRKrKR bleonginsgss ready"

The JL line was what most students took to school but there are other methods like driving or the Aoi line (which takes longer).

Orbit: "Trains are so stupid huh, Koryu don't you have that like a sick ass car!!"

Koryu: "I do but it's an old Japanese shitbox- from 1986"

Orbit: "HUH?! THAT CAR IS SO COOL! IT DOES THE FLIPPY LIGHTS" The fiend motioned his hand as if it was flipping up and down like how the Toyota ae86's lights are. Only a few moments later the train for the JL line had arrived, opening its doors as the conductor and staff helped people get inside... There was another sound though, one chugging faster than a normal train should go... And it didn't sound like it was stopping.