
Deadlock:Chainsaw Man

Deadlock, is an AU based on the universe of Chainsaw Man where none of the original characters existed. In Deadlock we follow the two main characters, Koryu Hyoga and Ryuki Suoh and at first have their lives fully separated, one is an 18-year-old high school student while the other is a 36-year-old lawyer. Never having their lives crossed they live out their normal lives, doing what makes them fulfilled however when two Devils become a major threat to all of Tokyo it seems that will have to change (IMPORTANT INFO BELOW) --- Hi everyone, here is some context to this series. Deadlock has been written since February 2023 to June 2023 and has been finished. This plan for this series was 3 parts and as I work on the start of part 2 I felt as if I wanted to release this series to the public instead of just my friends online. TBH im just posting the start of the series to dip into the waters and see how they are. Double side note, this will not be the exact orginal copy, I will have to add some things like character descriptions since the original google doc had images in it. Please share your thoughts and let me know if this is something you would like to see continued as I will upload all of the doc slowly as well as part 2 if this goes well

ClexWrites · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 1

And so, another day begins in the land of the rising sun Tokyo Japan.

Koryu was sleeping in, snoring when his father knocked on the door.

Koryu's Father: "YO! WAKE UP ALREADY IT'S ALMOST 7:00 AM!"

The blue hair goof continued to snore until he opened his eyes slightly, the light shining on his red eyes. He ruffled his hair before springing up from his bed.

Koryu: "Alright alright already- it's not like I'm going to be late for school"

He simply got dressed wearing what he wanted to and not following the school's rules of 'uniform this and perfect clothing that'... Most kids broke that rule. He slipped on his beanie on the back of his head seeing his two golden pins shine… those pins were something special to him and while he was never given them he bought them at a random store… It felt really special. A woman's voice called for him, one who had already cooked breakfast for her son.

Koryu's Mom: "I made you Egg over rice Honey- you better eat quick or you're going to miss your walk with Yuta"

Almost in an instant, Koryu scarfed down his food and then set the bowl aside. He then brushed his teeth freshening up before he swung his bag over his back and waved at his parents as he joined up with Yuta.

Yuta: "Heya!"

Yuta had a warm smile looking towards Koryu as he left his house. She always waited for him outside so they could walk together.

While walking they noticed everyone living their normal lives, shop vendors selling their items, chefs cooking in the glass windows. Life for now seemed good, well it was most of the time.

One thing that happened only 8 years ago was the fiend civil war, a rights movement to let fiends who had no intention of killing humans live normal lives. While at first they had been monitored extremely closely they have now slightly been integrated into everyday life. It's uncommon to see one working a normal job as most are freeloaders or out in the wildlands but now and then one will pop up…

Before Koryu can turn around he felt his beanie getting pulled over his head and over his eyes before getting tapped on the back.


Yuta: "Cleexxx- come on, Orbit has been doing this for almost a month now!"

Orbit, The unknown Fiend

Koryu raised his beanie and saw one of his friends who constantly liked to joke around with him. The guy was dressed in a tracksuit-like outfit, and the thing that set him apart from other humans was a moon-like horn coming out of his head.

Koryu: "Dude! I didn't even fall for anything-" he spoke in a joking tone laughing halfway as he didn't mind Orbit doing that. The three of them continued to walk to the train station, Orbit walking backward as he spoke nonsense to the two humans.