

life's been a right bastard lately to Chuck Huggin. Just lost his job, and to top it off, his mum passed away right after he got the news. And you know what's bonkers? The very next day, a zombie outbreak hit his town.

MR_Ello · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Saw 2

Few bloody days pass, and the grub's runnin' low. Outside, it's gettin' worse by the hour, minute, second—hell, it's a bloody nightmare. We had to find some food, couldn't survive on water forever. The supermarket was the only option, but me Soni was surrounded by those wankers outside. Had to make a plan to get Soni to distract 'em while I nabbed the car. Problem was, tellin' her without her throwin' a bloody fit.

So, I walked over to her room and give it a knock. "Soni, you in there?" Nothin'. Try again, "Soni, you in there?" Still nothin'. Patience ain't my strong suit, but I needed her help, so I knock again, "Soni, I need to talk to you, you in there?"

Not a peep. Finally, I lose me patience and force the door open. There she is, naked, pale as a ghost, screamin' her head off, "Ahhhh, Chuck, get out!" Bloody hell, I'm thinkin', this is a mess. Tryin' not to look like a creep, I say, "It's not like this is the first time I've seen you naked." She screams louder, callin' me a creep, and I slam the door shut. What a bloody circus.

I try to salvage the situation, "Soni, it was an accident, I thought you were in danger." She ain't buyin' it, "Yeah, right, you creep. You just wanted a look, I've seen the way you look at me," she snaps, angry but kinda sexy.

Now, I'm no perv, and that digs at my pride. I'm a bloody gentleman, so I snap back, "Who do you think you are? You're not prettier than girls on the internet, don't put yourself on a pedestal. You're not that pretty," I lie through my teeth.

She storms out, fumin', "I'm the prettiest girl you've ever been with." Can't have my reputation tarnished, so I lie again, "No, you're actually the opposite," I say, makin' me exit.

Went to me room exhuasted, brain all scrambled on how the bloody hell I'm supposed to tell her now, especially since she's already mad at me. Couple minutes later, she's right there at my door. I opened it, and there she was, looking fit as ever—matter of fact, the prettiest. Definitely prettier than me mum's.

I had to ask her a favor, but first, I needed to know why she was here, looking all dolled up. "What?" I said, trying to sound nice so she wouldn't bolt. Not my finest moment, but it's what came out.

"A pretty girl at your door and all you can say is 'what'?" she said, her voice dripping with sex appeal. Bloody hell, I wanted to grab her right there and then… but we needed food. I hadn't eaten in ages, plus she'd bruised my pride. Had to get her back for that. So, I told her, "Soni, I liked you, but…" She gave me a confused look, "What do you mean, 'but'? And why 'liked' as in past tense?"

I sighed, looking at her, "Come in. I need to tell you something important. It's got nothing to do with us, but you've probably been thinking about it too."

We sat there in silence for a bloody minute, awkward as hell. Then I broke it, "Oi, Soni, you hungry?" I wasn't trying to be funny, dead serious. She gave me a look I didn't like, the kind that says you don't ask women these sorts of questions. She snapped back, "No," real quick like.

I shrugged, "Well, I am, and we need food 'cause you've been eating like a bloody horse," I chuckled, "but you still look fit." Trying to soften the blow. She started pinching her stomach, already thinking she was fat. Bloody hell, I never understood women and their issues. But we needed food, so I didn't care about her feelings right then, something I'd come to regret.

I laid out the plan, expecting a fight, but she surprised me, saying, "Why don't you distract the zombies, and I'll drive." I scoffed, "No way, you're not touching my Soni." She looked pleased, "You named your car after me?"

"No, I meant Sonic," I corrected, "It's my nickname for it." Didn't want her anywhere near my Soni, the only thing keeping me going, but my stomach won out. So, we agreed to execute the plan in the morning.

I stepped outside to suss out how I could distract those bloody things without getting myself killed. But as I eyed my car, thinking about her driving it, I felt a surge of rage. What the f— is this happening? This shouldn't be possible! Zombies, for god's sake! This is supposed to be movie stuff! But I was ready to risk it. So, I opened the door, and one of those rotters was chomping on another. It spotted me and lunged, so I slammed the door shut. No way I was letting myself turn into one of those wankers.