
Dead Weight: A Naruto Fanfic

Armed with knowledge of future events, strange powers, and a load of anger issues, Rei Suzuki must fight his way to survive in a world filled with chaos. . . . Itachi looked at the latest addition to his class. He was even younger than him. At lunch, he held up his treat to the other boy. "Dango?" . . . Kakashi swore he didn't want any part of this, but his actions said otherwise.

Cinnamon_Pretzel · Others
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4 Chs


It was a fairly simple task.

All they had to do was find the one that seemed most knowledgeable and least likely to cause them trouble.

They eyed the clan leader and his clan members with hunger, one born of desperate times and lust for blood. A bulky man with a scarred face stood hidden within shadows bordering the small village. He was interested in the little village of master craftsmen, where many durable weapons and fine jewelry were created. Ordinarily, the man would not have brought his men to ransack such a tiny village for mere metals. But this was the time of war, and so even the common people have the need to raise their guard up. 'These naive fools,' the scar-faced man thought to himself. 'Thinking you're safe just because you live a bit higher up the ground.'

A slight rustling sounded nearby, and two bandits appeared. One stepped forward and addressed the man. "Boss, I found some pretty interesting stuff here. Apparently, they do have their own shinobi force but their forces are currently cut as half are fighting in the war and the other half is split doing patrols and making weapons. They seem to have some hidden mines around here with some precious gems." The boss waved his hand. "We only need one with the capability and information. Did you find anyone?" The scout hesitated a bit, glancing over at his partner. His partner shrugged. "...There is one target which we found who might be useful," the scout spoke nervously.

The boss narrowed his eyes, patience running thin. "Who is it?" He grunted.

"The clan leader's son."

As soon as I found out about this contest, I was excited to write fanfiction about Naruto! I spent a whole day and night planning out this fic! Hopefully it turns out alright >.> So much research LOL

Enjoy! :D

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