
Dead Weight: A Naruto Fanfic

Armed with knowledge of future events, strange powers, and a load of anger issues, Rei Suzuki must fight his way to survive in a world filled with chaos. . . . Itachi looked at the latest addition to his class. He was even younger than him. At lunch, he held up his treat to the other boy. "Dango?" . . . Kakashi swore he didn't want any part of this, but his actions said otherwise.

Cinnamon_Pretzel · Others
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4 Chs


The Suzuki Clan may not be a great and powerful clan as the Uchihas or the Senjus, but they made up for their lesser number of generations with skills and tools of trade. Originally nomadic people, their ancestors discovered the inactive volcano and laid the village's foundations there. This proved to be quite the place for serenity and security as the surrounding mountains served as a natural barrier against invaders. Natural resources were abundant and the wildlife flourished. Truly, it was a blessing to the tired and worn-down travellers. They soon settled down and went on to become some of the best artisans in metals in the Land of Fire. Not wanting to disturb the Earth, they avoided deforestation and pollution as much as possible.

Yet one resource they found to be extremely valuable and plentiful were ore minerals and precious gems. These were hidden deep within the surrounding mountains and in their volcanic abode. Over the generations, the clan safe guarded these treasure mines from outsiders. Outsiders still came, and those who stayed became part of the village. Seeing the village increasing in size, the clan leader named the village Yamauchi ("within the mountains"), referring to their location. The Suzuki clan leader served as head of both his clan and the village.

For years, very few people knew about the hidden village. The Village Hidden in the Leaves became interested in the small village when some merchants came to trade and sell their goods. The Hokage at this time was preparing for war, and he found that the quality of Yamauchi's weapons and tools to be high. For a brief period, messengers relayed the discussions of terms and conditions between the two villages. Soon, Konoha and Yamauchi became allies. Konoha's forces would provide additional protection during the war and in turn, Yamauchi would provide them with weapons. Kunais, katanas, shurikens and more were sent to Konoha. Those who found out where these weapons came from turned their eyes to the hidden gem of a village, but none could get past Konoha's defenses to take or break Yamauchi.

None, that is, until the Third Shinobi War came.

As Konoha drove their focus towards the war more and more, Yamauchi's defense no longer remained a major priority. Thus, a notorious group of bandits decided to take Yamauchi for their own. But they were not trained shinobi and so would rather just take the wealth for themselves with as little casualties as possible. The boss decided not to risk it when the majority of the bandits could not handle more than basic ninjutsu.

Rei Suzuki was a cheerful child who was passionate about making new and fun things. Oftentimes, his father scolded him, "It is much better to put your skills to practical use. And you have been avoiding dojo practice." Rei's mother Naoki did not mind it as much as his father. "He is still a child," she told Hideki one day. Her husband merely responded with, "There are children his age fighting at the front lines right now." Rei pretended not to hear them argue, instead focusing on his work, playing around in his workshop making various things from toys to accessories and more.

Rei loved it when his sister came home to visit. Ran always had a gift for him, but while he marvelled over them, he treasured her presence more than anything. She brought stories of the outside and news of the unknown world. It always amazed him to know that beyond their peaceful peak there was so much more. The day before she left to escort a delivery to Konohagakure, he held onto her leg tightly, clearly not wanting to let go. "Rei..." Ran sighed at the sight of her poor brother. "I still have this necklace you gave me, see? It'll keep me safe." In addition to the Suzuki clan necklace, Ran wore a simple silver chain with a single polished stone of fire agate. Ran knelt down besides her younger brother and handed him a small silk bag. Rei opened it to gasp in awe at the beautiful stones. "These are lapis lazuli, sodalite, and zircon," she said as his eyes shone, "When I get back, I hope to see that you've made something awesome with them." She tucked his side braid behind his ear and kissed him on the forehead. The next morning, he followed the leaving group all the way to the village gates. As the group began growing smaller and smaller, he cupped his hands around his mouth, shut his eyes, inhaled-

And was slammed down on the ground with a large hand over his mouth.


Rei woke up with a dull ache on the back of his head and foggy vision. He looked up to see that he was in a dark and dank room. Jade orbs widened as they scanned the small makeshift prison. It looked like the inside of a cave and there was a metal door barring his way out. He peered out to assess the situation when a pair of crazy eyes moved to meet him. The eyes stared unblinkingly at him before disappearing. "Boss! The kid's awake!" This was followed by a low chuckle. Rei scrambled back as the door swung open, revealing the scar-faced man. Several men trailed into the room after their leader. The man whom the others called boss reached out and gripped a handful of Rei's hair. The child bit his lips to keep from crying out, and the man leaned in close to grin horribly.

"You are going to tell us all you know about your clan secrets, how to make the best weapons, and where the ores are."

The dark-haired boy held his gaze and slightly shook his head. His small hands tried to pry away the one holding onto his hair.

A soft whimper was released as the man threw him down. "I didn't expect it to be easy." The man's eyes glinted. "But you made it hard."

The man left the room, waving casually behind him. "Have fun, boys. But keep him breathing or I'll snap your necks." The metal door shut with a clang. The shadows moved closer, closing in all around him.


Rei was only six, but soon he'll discover that death is a mercy.

Just wanna add that the Suzukis are master designers, and although Yamauchi mostly makes metal things they still use other materials. :) Clarifying just in case anyone thought all they make is metal.

Plus the more powerful weapons are Suzuki clan secrets lol. They run a dojo for both civilians and shinobi.

Oh and this is Rei (I've made avatars for him at different points in the story) :


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