
Dead Man; Gone Rogue

It has been about a five hundred years since multiple dimensional cracks had started to appear around the world. As void started to shatter uncontrollably, from there countless otherworldly monsters came pouring out and had started to invade the world of Genesis. However, people started to adapt and mutate, and with it came the integration of their systems. Despite countless wars and bloodshed, the cracks did not disappear; they broke out randomly, with each wave growing stronger. Now, humanity faced the looming threat of death and destruction, were presented with a single choice by a mysterious organization that suddenly grew named Messiah. They took it, not knowing what the consequences of their actions would entail for their future. "To be born is to have a soul; at least, that's what everyone in this world thinks. However, I was never born; I was created. Even the system in this world believes so. Even so this all feels just like a fleeting dream. " "As I continued the massacre, taking their lives away from them, unknowingly, that they were also taking my life away from me. But I didn't want to let go my grasp of it, so I held it firmly."

Pandoras_Act · Urban
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17 Chs


As the elven looking man poured mana into the crystalline ball, the tessellation pattern enveloping with the three of its hexagonal shapes ringed and shone brightly, although the last one was a bit fainter than the first two.

[Kennedy Kohlberg]

[Class: Holy Mage]

[Title: The Blessing of an Angel & Michael's Preacher]

Level - 10


Strength: 87

Agility: 124

Stamina: 113

Intelligence: 203

Durability: 78

Luck: 222

Mana: 238

[Abilities: Cleanse, Cure Wounds, Strength Buff, Agility Buff, Stamina Buff, Intelligence Buff, Durability Buff, Mana Transfer, & Life Sacrifice]

[Info: Born from the rich family of the Kohlberg's, with a decent talent as a mage.] 

[Had been provided with all sorts of artifacts and potions to further enhance his talents.]

[Items: Druid Staff, Blessed Staff, Holy Crucible, Mana potions & Recovery Potions.]

Kennedy then stared at everyone and spoke in a smug tone, "So, is this good enough?"

However, Alfred didn't pay any mind to Kennedy's nonsense, and just swiped the crystalline ball from Kennedy's hand without uttering a single word. He then turned his back and continued to walk back near the Dimensional Crack.

"I'm supposed to brief both of you about this Dimensional Crack before entering. However, thanks to certain someone being late. I'll just tell both of you along the way as we can't waste any more time." Alfred spoke in a derisive way, trying to get back at Kennedy just for a little bit without getting into trouble.

But Kennedy just clicked his tongue in response and tilted his head slightly to the side, "Tsk! Tsk!" 

Kennedy knew that he shouldn't push things too far, as they were about to enter inside the dimensional crack. Because in Kennedy's line of thinking, revealing the authority and fame that his family holds early on, allows him to be revered and feared among his peers.

Because his past acquaintances would either lick his boots or if not, that just meant that they are either equal in authority or higher than him, all of them would look at Kennedy in awe, tolerate his behavior, and permit him to get away with the awful things that he had done. But that wasn't the case for this group, they were definitely different from the other teammates that he had come across so far. is it because he was beginning to surpass the level of a novice? so his teammates attitude began to change.

Anyways he knew not to overstep his boundaries cause of the possible danger that might await him inside. If only he was smart enough to use his family name without offending most people, then he could've have avoided so much trouble, while also enjoying the prestige his family name had brought upon him, but that's just how he was taught, that's what it meant to be a successor of the Kohlberg's.

As they entered the dimension, the last sound of their footsteps ringed, which signaled the crack in the air to close.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Crack! Crack! Crack!!


They were transported in a desert filled biome with a fairly tame weather. In the distance only sands and dunes could be seen, except for a single gigantic canyon that dominated the entire environment into the far, far horizon...

The sound of their footsteps hitting the sands were the only thing that could be heard in the vast lifeless land.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Crunch! Crunch!

Upon entering right as they walked, Alfred began to talk about some important key details about this dimension.

"Have you all finished your preparations?" Everyone then nodded back at Alfred in response to his question, of course except for Kennedy who still doesn't want to make eye contact with everyone on the team.

Crunch! Crunch!

However Alfred just continued on with his briefing because they were still with another newbie, "Then I'll first begin with some information about this dimension"

"As you all probably know this dimension is named "One Grand Canyon" or "One Canyon"

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

"As its name suggests, it has a single canyon wherein the boss monster resides.

"It's also a hint to the nature of this dimension, because a lot of past explorers have also found out, and came to the conclusion that the nearer a combatant is to the canyon, the stronger the monsters that they'll encounter.

Crunch! Crunch!

"Next I'll talk about the species of monsters that spawns here."

"There are only two main species of monsters here, the most common one is the sand golems, the primary source of exp, and the Glass Scaled Jackals, the primary source of materials and income for the combatants.

Alfred then asked John Doe, "By the way, is this your first ever official commissioned raid Edward?"

"Yes, it is my first commissioned raid." John Doe just agreed even though it was not his first raid, so that he could avoid further questions, and seem less suspicious.

"Then is it alright if I give you some advice?" Alfred said proudly.

John Doe trying to increase his likability and to blend in with the group answered, "Yes"

Alfred then replied in a cheerful tone, "Then I'll begin with telling the basics of being a support"

"You've probably realized when you have awoken, but your stats and abilities are not meant for combat, since you've awaken the class, mechanic. Right?. If I remember correctly?" John Doe just nodded in agreement.

"As a result of that you're gonna have to be careful when we engage in combat with the monsters. Because move too close and you might get swept up in combat, and move too far and we might not be able to protect you."

"So the key is to always keep a good distance, and be conscious of where you are at all times." Alfred stated in simple terms and as concise as he could, and also fulfilled his other motive on starting this conversation. Because he not just wanted to give advice to John Doe, but also to indirectly give advice to Kennedy.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Crunch! Crunch...

The dimensional crack that they had rented were fairly known to everyone around the outskirts of the east city. A lot of combatants who are novices or about to reach the next level, frequents this dimension. Even those who had been hard stuck that haven't seen much growth for the past years, most of the time visits this place to earn money.

Because as stated by Alfred this dimension is quite simple. It is one of those that had already been explored by many, so everyone have a rough idea of what type of monsters, their level, and their weaknesses, basically everyone already knows what to expect.

Aside from all of that, is the fact that this dimension is beginner friendly. Because it hasn't really changed much in terms of difficulty ever since it had appeared, and it also only requires you to reach a certain quota for the crack to open again.

Another thing is the landscape of this dimension is pretty open. Which means there isn't a lot of places where the combatants could be put at a disadvantageous situation, because of their environment.


Without them even scaling much of the area, they've encountered sudden faint movements from the sand.

Rustle! Rustle!

The sands then began coagulating into a sphere and shone faint green lights inside the spheroid of their formations, before finally turning into their endmost form, an anthropomorphic shaped body.

The Sand Golems began to reveal themselves around them one by one. They were now surrounded by the most common type of monsters here.

[Weak Sand Golem]

[Race: Mana Spawn]

Level - 9


Strength: 106

Agility: 134

Stamina: 98

Intelligence: 23

Durability: ∞

Luck: 69

Mana: Ø

[Abilities: Passive Regeneration, Phase Through, & Envelope.]

[Info: A golem made of sands that spawns all throughout this dimension, although the reason for their spawning is fairly unknown.]

[Weak Sand Golem]

[Race: Mana Spawn]

Level - 8


Strength: 109

Agility: 123

Stamina: 100

Intelligence: 26

Durability: ∞

Luck: 46

Mana: Ø

[Abilities: Passive Regeneration, Phase Through, & Envelope.]

[Info: A golem made of sands that spawns all throughout this dimension, although the reason for their spawning is fairly unknown.]

[Weak Sand Golem]

[Race: Mana Spawn]

Level - 10


Strength: 138

Agility: 111

Stamina: 108

Intelligence: 34

Durability: ∞

Luck: 72

Mana: Ø

[Abilities: Passive Regeneration, Phase Through, & Envelope.]

[Info: A golem made of sands that spawns all throughout this dimension, although the reason for their spawning is fairly unknown.]

[Weak Sand Golem]

[Race: Mana Spawn]

Level - 7


Strength: 88


The three that was first to react were the members of the Berserker guild. Brian and Alfred positioned themselves in the front of the group. Meanwhile Clare positioned herself into the rear part of the group.

Their intention on situating this battle formation was clear, Alfred the main damage dealer of their group will break through the circular formation of the sand golems that surrounded them.

Meanwhile Brian the tank of their group will protect his teammates while going through the path that Alfred creates, by bashing through the sand golems at the front side that Alfred misses, and also to provide support by either breaking through in case Alfred gets surrounded, or by switching places with Alfred.

On the other hand Clare positioned herself at the rear, for the obvious reason of protecting their backside, and also to make up for the lack of defenses of their group at their sides.

Together they formed a layer of defense protecting the supports in the middle. Now the supports just have to do their jobs properly.

Alfred was the first to attack, he rushed into the hordes of sand golems without hesitating-

Sching!-Swish! Sching!-Swish!

The strength of Alfred's swings was strong enough to blow off huge chunks of sands out of the golems, which incapacitated them for a bit, and in order for the Sand Golems to continue moving, they needed to gather up the sands around them, hence they've begun regenerating their lost parts.

Sching!-Swish! Sching!-Swish!

The follow up was Brian using his shield to bash through the left-over sand golems that had been left out by Alfred, and also those who had finished regenerating.


The strong forceful sounds of Brian ramming through the sand golems, causing them to rapidly disperse echoed throughout the battleground.



However, although this tactic would've been efficient if it was only just them, the Berserker Guild. But they were with newbies with little to no experience. So, this made their hunting much more inefficient...

The Berserker Guild members moved with coordination, showing their experience when it comes to hunting as a group.

But when it comes to John Doe he would accidentally bump into his allies in the middle of the battle. Because being controlled to fight and fighting manually when working together as a team, is a completely new experience for John Doe.

This meant that John Doe had to be aware of his allies without an undefiable order being sent through his head. As even though he hates to admit it, Jane was indeed a good commander. But now he can only trust his own senses.

In the end John Doe's inexperienced self definitely showed, Bang! Bang! Ba-"Ow" As he bumped into Clare, however she just glanced at him for a bit and didn't pay no mind to his mistake.

The same could be said to Kennedy, who despite not having the issues of bumping into his allies, instead gets confused with the buffs that he should use. Because the movements and intentions of his allies are changing way too fast for him to react to.

"Strength Buff! Agility Bu-Stamina Buff"

Cause even though Kennedy had a bit of experience with working as a team. They were not proper teams, and this team was definitely way ahead and more experienced than the other teams that he had worked with so far. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Swish! Swish! 


However the only difference between John doe and Kennedy was the fact that John Doe was willing to adapt, and so through John Doe's use of perception he eventually corrected his mistakes little by little.

Meanwhile Kennedy was hard-headed and did not want to change the error of his ways, or rather his pride was just too big for him to admit that he was not good enough.


Finally, when they reached the outside of the entrapment of the Sand Golems, they had gained a bit of breathing room. Because the only thing that made being stuck inside the encirclement so dangerous, was them being stacked upon by hordes and hordes of the Sand Golems, that will inevitably lead to them losing space and finally their suffocation.

But now that they were out, the three members of the Berserker guild noticed something weird. The hordes of Sand Golems had been thinned out unnaturally even though they did not focus on attacking their weakness. They just focused on breaking through.

'Has he managed to hit most of their green marks?' All of the members of the Berserker Guild thought and looked at John Doe in awe at the same time.

Because the weakness of the Sand Golems, is a single tiny, green gooey marble that moves around their entire body, and hitting it just once causes them to disintegrate forever.

However hitting the green goo just once is really hard, as the Sand Golems are so proficient at moving it around that it could even be considered their real body. It's as if the sands are just their mechanical body, and their goo is the mech-pilot that controls it.

But John Doe managed to hit most of it, 'was he just lucky? Or does he have a skill related to it?' Those were the immediate assumptions that ran through the minds of Berserker Guild members. However they did not dare to question John Doe about it, as it was rude and they wanted to respect his privacy.

"What are you guys looking at?" John Doe stared back at the Berserker Guild members uncomfortably.

The Berseker Guild Members then replied in unison with, "N-Nothing" 

However that moment was cut short when the Sand Golems began to swarm them. But they all just ran calmly in order to bait the Sand Golems to group up in a line, and the rest will be just an easy battle.


Meanwhile back in the world of genesis, John Doe had actually been slipping his consciousness to Jane's Mansion through the hidden cameras all around it. So that he would be aware when the people related to her begins to raise their suspicions and starts looking for her.

However, when John Doe is inside a Dimension, he loses all signals and connections to the Arachne's Mechanical weaver, and since he has now began working as a combatant. He can no longer survey the area all the time...

"Jane? I've used your alternate signal to send a message. Because I have attempted to call you many times before but haven't been able to reach you through your Users Interface."

"I understand your circumstances, and that you don't have much vacant time, however this matter is of utmost importance to the company"

"Please reach out to me as soon as you can. Have a good day!"

As the unknown man closed the projection of his Users Interface and walked down the stairs of a busy building, resembling that of a typical corporate office.


Hey readers, I haven't been able to upload daily. But I will make sure to make it up by uploading extra chapters this weekend.

So be sure to tune in for more ;)

Pandoras_Actcreators' thoughts