
Dead Bloodline

This story takes place in an alternate universe where having a quirk was as normal as day and night, and the possibility of being born without one was almost impossible. An era where heroes and villains roam the earth, without knowing that there is something worst than villains living within themselves. Izuku Midoriya, born an omega, soon discovers that he is quirkless. Despite all odds he still wants to be a hero. In school he hides his second gender, his classmates bully him for being quirkless, he doesn't dare to imagine what they'll do to him if someone is to finds out that he is an omega. Katsuki Bakugo, born an alpha with an explosive quirk that everyone admires. Seeing his friend being bullied, felt the need to protect him, becoming a hero in little Izuku's eyes. Childhood friends, forced to forget what makes them whole. The once hero turns into a villain. Will this relationship overtake the hardships of life, or will it wither with time? New friends, potential lovers, lost memories, and dark ancestral secrets waiting to be unfold.

Leanix · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Your Sword And Shield (1/2)

Third Person POV

Katsuki didn't knew how to react at the sudden actions of the little fluff ball in front of him, with this proximity he was able to see long thick lashes covering big emerald eyes, and how his freckles where dancing on his pale skin (Overheating Katsuki can't see any flaws, meaning he doesn't see the bruises in Izuku's face). He wanted to hug his fluff ball.

(Katsuki was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear the question)

Izuku got worried, Kacchan wasn't answering him. He must be feeling horrible, maybe he got injured while fighting the bullies for him. All because of him, his only friend might be gravely injured. Izuku steps back and lowers his head. He started crying and apologizing, which made Katsuki break out of his trance.

Katsuki: "What??" he was confused. Why was his little fluff ball crying again? Did someone fucking dare to bully him again? - "WHAT HAPPENED? WHY ARE YOU CRYING AGAIN? - he unconsciously yell, startling Izuku, causing him to jump and take one step back. Noticing how he scared him, made his little heart squeeze.

IZUKU: "I'm sorry Kacchan, you're hurt because of me." - the greenette boy apologized almost immediately after taking the step back.

KATSUKI: "Why are you apologizing? I'm the one that scared you."

IZUKU: "Kacchan," - he lifted his head again to look at his hero's ruby eyes - "you saved me from the bullies". - tears started rolling down his cheeks - "But if in doing so meant you getting hurt, *sobs* I'd rather you don't save me at all" - lowers his head again and start rubbing his eyes, trying to make the tears to stop.

Katsuki was speechless...

He didn't know what Izuku was talking about...

Why did he think he was hurt?

KATSUKI: "HEY!" - he yelled to get Izuku's attention - "Whos hurt?" - he asked with a grin in his face.

IZUKU: "Aren't you hurting Kacchan? They must have hurt you too"

KATSUKI: "Why do you think that? Do I look hurt to you?" - now he was confused. Why would his little fluff ball think that he is hurt?

IZUKU: "But... your face is all red, like when one has a fever. And your making a painful face, like something hurts but you don't want to admit it."


TEACHER: "BAKUGO KATSUKI! MIDORIYA IZUKU! FOLLOW ME NOW!" - The teacher yelled angrily from the classroom door.

KATSUKI: … - didn't have the chance to talk, Izuku was already half way to the door. It was painful to watch, he was limping, but even so, he never stopped.

Teacher POV

Seriously. This has to be the worst first day of class that I or ANY other teacher has had before. A fucking fight, I had only walked out for a couple minutes. Then I hear some yelling, I ignore it, kids will always be kids. But who was to say that one kid was gonna beat three others because they where bullying a quirkless? SERIOUSLY!!!! WHY DID I HAVE THE LUCK TO HAVE A FUCKING QUIRKLESS IN MY CLASSROOM??? UUGGHHH.

I'm now in the principals office with the three bullies, that got the short end of the stick. I know what happen, and I know they aren't gonna speak the truth, but who am I to judge them. I personally hate quirkless people, they are such a waste of life. But I cant say that, I might end up loosing my job. Why did I had to choose this career. I seriously should have thought more about it, before following the bitch that ended up leaving me for a business man. I fucking hate kids, and am stuck with them. This is Hell!

The principal finishes talking to the three and sends me to get the other two involved. Great, now I'm a fucking doorman. Thank god my classroom is not that far from the principals office.

When I get to the classroom, I don't even bother enter. I just yelled at the top of my lungs their names, and started walking back to the principals office. I look back once to make sure they are following me, and yes they are. They better, because I wasn't gonna go back to get them.

Once in the principals office, I sat them in front of the principal, who glared at me, after looking the state the quirkless was. Shit I should say something to make him think I care;

TEACHER: "I...…. - I couldn't even start talking when the office doors slam open behind me, showing two ladies.

One had crazy spiky ash-blonde hair and was beyond angered, looking at her eyes was like looking directly at hellfire... *brrrr* gave me goosebumps. The second had long green hair and was more worried, and at the verge of tears. Did I mention that I hate a dramatic woman? Well now you know. All they know is how to cry to get what they want, and after they are done using you, they look for someone else that can give them what you couldn't.

Just how the fuck did they get here so fast?

Third Person POV

The principal signal the ladies to take a seat next to their children, and sends the homeroom teacher on another errand. He feels like he can't trust a guy, that lets something like this happen in his noses. He is gonna make sure to investigate this without the teacher knowing, he cant allow stuff like this to happen in his school.

Inko and Mitsuki sat next to their kids, who where side by side, or more like, Katsuki hugging a beaten Izuku. This scene broke Inko, she couldn't stop crying, seeing her baby boy like that was just heart breaking. Mitsuki on the other hand, could almost tell what happened here, and wasn't scared to ask. She moved close to her best friend and hold her hand, and then turning to the principal.

MITSUKI: "Listen here, I know my son may be a fucking hot head, and have a potty mouth. He likes showing off, and believes he is better than anyone. But who am I to judge him, he gets that from me.

PRINCIPAL: "Mrs. Bakugo please...

MITSUKI: "LET ME FINISH TALKING!" - she yelled and the principal didn't dare to speak, deep down he knew the boy was only defending his friend, so there was no reason to aggravate the situation more. Specially with a mother like that one.

MITSUKI: "I believe that my son did what was needed. HE DID WHAT YOUR TEACHER COULDN'T DO. He defended a defenseless boy that was being bullied in YOUR teachers eyes, same teacher that probably didn't care, and brush it of as kids being kids." - she was now looking at Inko, and spoke in a low voice that only Inko could hear- "Dear friend, I don't know your kids situation, or what's going on on your side. But know that I'm here for you, just like my boy defended yours today."

INKO: "Thank you Mitsuki" - Inko was now looking at the principal, and for the first time in a long time, her facial expression was of very few friends (if you know what I mean). She glared directly at his eyes, - "Mr. Principal" - she spoke in a cold voice, sending goosebumps to his spine.

If looking at Mitsuki's eyes was like experiencing hellfire. Inko's eyes reflected The Niflheim itself, like being stared down by the goddess Hel herself.

PRINCIPAL: "Mrs. Midoriya..." - he didn't know what to say first, the apology or the explanation of what happen - "I believe that my staff wasn't at their best and for that I would...

INKO: "I want the recordings for the last 5 hours from the classroom where MY SON was bullied." - she cut him off and then walked to her baby boy.

She then notice that his injuries hasn't been treated yet. And that was the drop that spilled the cup. Everything in the office started shaking, a few objects started levitating and a green glow could be seen surrounding Inko. To say that even Mitsuki was terrified of Inko, was an understatement. If looks could kill, Inko would have become a villain, right at that moment.

INKO: "WHY. HASN'T. MY. SON. BEEN. TREATED. YET?????" - with every word of hers, the principal felt daggers all over his body. The bloodlust coming from Inko was something he neve imagined that he would ever experience. At this moment he was cursing himself for sending the stupid teacher away. This was his fault to begin with.

PRINCIPAL: "Mrs. Midoriya, I believe there should be an explanation to that. If you just let me call the homeroom teacher, then...



KATSUKI: "NO MOM! YOU WHEREN'T THERE TO SEE IT. I WAS!" - he was now at the verge of tears, and that made him angrier. If it wasn't because Izuku was holding tightly onto him, he would have jumped at the stupid teacher that was nowhere to be found. Inko seeing this tried to calm down and every object that was levitating fell back in place.

INKO: "I'm not moving from this spot till you get me that recording and call the nurse to treat my son." - she spoke in a more calm manner, but never letting go of her bloodlust. Never in her life she thought that she would feel such a thing, till they hurt her baby. He has suffer enough already, a fathers rejection, is more than a child should handle. She wont let anyone, NOT EVEN HERSELF, to hurt her baby.

Betas, the anodynes: They are weaker than alphas but stronger than omegas. They have mostly physical quirks, and in some rare cases, there are a few that may have a psychic one. They do not posses any pheromones and are unable to smell them. Betas do not form a knot, nor do they experience a rut or heat mating cycle. Traditionally, betas are thought to be more level-headed and even-tempered compared other designations.

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