
Dead Bloodline

This story takes place in an alternate universe where having a quirk was as normal as day and night, and the possibility of being born without one was almost impossible. An era where heroes and villains roam the earth, without knowing that there is something worst than villains living within themselves. Izuku Midoriya, born an omega, soon discovers that he is quirkless. Despite all odds he still wants to be a hero. In school he hides his second gender, his classmates bully him for being quirkless, he doesn't dare to imagine what they'll do to him if someone is to finds out that he is an omega. Katsuki Bakugo, born an alpha with an explosive quirk that everyone admires. Seeing his friend being bullied, felt the need to protect him, becoming a hero in little Izuku's eyes. Childhood friends, forced to forget what makes them whole. The once hero turns into a villain. Will this relationship overtake the hardships of life, or will it wither with time? New friends, potential lovers, lost memories, and dark ancestral secrets waiting to be unfold.

Leanix · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Your Sword And Shield (2/2)

After all that, the principal made a few calls. The first one was to the school nurse to come to the office to take care of Izuku's injuries. The second to the security guards to bring the classrooms recording without letting anyone find out, and by that he meant, NO ONE WAS TO KNOW OF IT. The third call was to the homeroom teacher, to head to the office immediately.

He knew if he didn't give the recording now, they would have brought the police. And with the police came the education department. Which would probably, with some investigations, lead to the closing of the school and the end of his career. He rather fire a stupid teacher than all of the above.

As soon as he finished the last call, the nurse entered the office. And she was horrified with the state little Izuku was in.

NURSE: "I'm not gonna lie, this kid needs urgent care, like, RIGHT NOW!" - she said yelling the last part, in cue for someone to call an ambulance, - "I can't believe that he's been awake all this time. What the hell happened to him?" - the nurse was clearly angry, but didn't know at who to direct her anger.

She became a nurse for the desire to help others, be it a hero or a villain. A person with or without a quirk. Be it an alpha, beta or omega. She wanted to help everyone. So seeing a poor child in this state, for her was like, watching a doctor let a patient die, because it doesn't have the money, or because its a villain. And the worst is that she herself couldn't do anything either, all she could do was yell at the principal that was in the phone right now calling an ambulance.

NURSE: "Took you long enough. Couldn't you see his condition?

INKO: "Nurse-san... - Inko was able to talk now, after the shock she received from the angry nurse, - "Is my baby gonna be ok?" - her voice was cracking. All of the anger and bloodlust, vanishing like it wasn't there before. All that invaded her mind where the nurse's orders to take him to a hospital. Was her baby gonna be ok? - "Please tell me *sniff*

NURSE: "If he is not treated in the next 30 minutes," - she stop for a moment, the words she was gonna say are hard to swallow - "he could have permanent damage to his body, and in the worst of cases... " - Inhale and exhale - "do to your sons specific constitution, which only you know, death would be the worst possible outcome."

INKO: "NOOOOOO!" - she collapsed and Mitsuki ran to her. Her only son cold die. He wasn't just quirkless which made him weaker than others. He is also an omega, and omegan bodies are fragile.

Katsuki was now looking at the mothers crying in the floor. He couldn't believe his ears.

KATSUKI: "This has to be a joke." - he glared at the nurse, who looked at him with pitying eyes. Seeing her eyes, he started crying, - "TELL ME THIS IS A FUCKING JOKE YOU DAMN OLD HAG!!!" - he then looked at his little fluff ball, who was clearly trying not to cry. Izuku looked directly in his eyes, and smiled like always did - "YOU STUPID IDIOT, WORRYING ABOUT ME WHEN YOUR IN SUCH A STATE. WHY? WHY DIDNT YOU TOLD ME YOU WHERE HURTING?" - he was now crying non stop, wanting to hug him but scared to hurt him even more. Then he felt Izuku pulling him closer.

IZUKU: "At least daddy will be happy I'm no longer around" - he said in such a low voice, that the only person that could hear him was Katsuki. Who was now trying to understand, why would he say that about the father he loves so much. He felt Izuku lay his head in his shoulder and looked at him. Horror filled him with the thought that he may be dead, he looked for help and in that moment he heard the sirens and people rushing outside.

The security guard arrived at the office with a yellow envelope. The principal gave the envelope to Mitsuki, since Inko was unstable right now. The paramedics enter the office and began working on stabilizing Izuku, who has lost consciousness, while the police that with the paramedics, started the investigation. 'There's no way out of this one.' - said the principal to himself.

After securing Izuku in the stretcher, they rush out of the school and into the ambulance. Mitsuki took Inko and her son and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

After they where gone, the stupid teacher finally shows up in the principals office. (RIP)

TEACHER: "Did you call for me?" - he asked like nothing was happening in the school right now. True he knew what was going on, but he thought that if he didn't show any emotions everything was gonna be alright. He couldn't be more wrong.

PRINCIPAL: "Officer, he is the teacher responsible for that kids class. And here are the recordings of today, I haven't been able to see them yet, since I was dealing with the problem at hand. If you could please take this copy with you, I already gave a copy to the kids mother. If there's any other information needed, please do let me know, here is my personal number, I will have it on me at all times," - the principal didn't give the teacher any time to try and defend himself.

With that being said, there was nothing else to do or to be said by the teacher. He was taken away for questioning.

[Time Skip]

[The next day at the hospital]

Still Third Person POV

Inko is talking with the doctors, while her friends is watching over her son, who hasn't woken up yet since he was taking into urgent care. Her husband wasn't picking up the phone, and she knew he read the messages. 'Is it that hard to accept our son Hisashi?' - she thought. She couldn't believe that he was serious about not wanting a useless child. But her baby is not useless, he is the opposite of it. He is a bundle of joy that's meant to be protected, not discarded. She couldn't help but cry again.

While Inko was trying to control her tears so she could talk with the doctor about her sons condition, a certain greenette has just opened his eyes. Only to be surprised to see Katsuki sleeping next to him. He heard someone chuckling and looked in the direction of the sound, it was Katsuki's mom.

MITSUKI: "Hey there little fluff ball, how you feeling?" she was now walking to the side her son was sleeping in.

IZUKU: "What happened? And why is Kacchan sleeping with me? Was he hurt too?" - he was about to start rambling again, but Mitsuki stopped him.

MITSUKI: "This knuckle head wasn't injured, well at least not his physical body hehehe" - she thought that now was a good moment to tease her son.

IZUKU: "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, nooo. Is it internal damage??? This is worst than I Thought" - And that's not the reaction Mitsuki was expecting. Poor Izuku was worrying for nothing.

MITSUKI: "OI!!, he is fine. Nothin broken. Nothing damaged. He is in perfect condition." - she was already tired.

IZUKU: "Then why did you say that?" - he was confused

MITSUKI: "I was talking about his little heart...

IZUKU: "HIS HEART???" - he dint let her finish and was now crying so hard, that Katsuki woke up.

KATSUKI: "What the hell??" - he woke up to a crying fluff ball, and his nervous mother. Most likely his mother did something to the fluff ball. He then turned to glare at his mother.

As in cue she explained to Izuku that everything was ok, that it was only a joke. And then left the two kids alone. Who would have thought that things where gonna turn like this.

KATSUKI: "Are you ok now? No more pain? Or anything?" - he was so worried for him that he didn't wanted to leave the hospital the night before. But was dragged by his mother at the end.

IZUKU: "I'm ok now Kacchan, and you? How are you feeling?" - he asked but won a 'seriously' look from him.

KATSUKI: "I'm ok, I was never injured to begin with."

IZUKU: "But you had a fever?" - he tried to say but felt like a question at the end.

KATSUKI: "FOR THE LAST TIME, I DIDN'T HAVE A FEVER. I WASN'T INJURED. IN FACT, THEY DIDNT EVEN TOUCH A HAIR IN MY HEAD." - he was now looking at the fluff ball in the eye, so he could see that he wasn't lying.

IZUKU: "Really??? I'm glad."- he said with happy tears in his eyes.

KATSUKI: "And why are you crying now?" - seriously, this little fluff ball was starting to drive him nuts. But he'll forgive him just because, there's no one like him in this world.

IZUKU: "I'm just happy that your didn't get hurt because you where saving me" - ended with a bright toothy smile.

KATSUKI: "IDIOT!" - he yelled, but couldn't help being affected by the smile, - " If I hurt myself or not, is gonna be on me. Because heroes prioritize saving lives. So from now on, I will prioritize saving your life." - he said almost blushing at the end.

IZUKU: "Kacchan..." -*covers his mouth with his hands and gasps* and after a few seconds of silence he looks at Katsuki with starry eyes again,- "You really are my hero. My number one hero!" - he says while hugging Katsuki, who was now as red as a tomato.

KATSUKI: "Then I'll be your sword and shield," - he said this while hugging Izuku tighter, - "I will use my quirk to protect you, and from now on is not only mine but also yours."

MITSUKI: "A little tighter and you'll break him again 'Ka-chaaan'. Hehehe," - she said mimicking Izuku's voice and dragging the 'chan'.

At the sudden intrusion both boys separated, and Katsuki wants to kill his mother, right there, right now, for the first time in his life. Both mothers where laughing and relieved that Izuku was ok. And something the boys don't know, they have a new addition for the family albums. The tittle was decided on the spot obviously 'The Prince And His Knight in Shining Armor".

Omegas, the submissive ones: They are at the bottom of the chain, the weakest, the ones who needed protection, their quirks where passive or hidden so deep within them that sometimes it didn't manifest at all, making them quirkless. And regardless of being female or male, they have to go through heat cycles, that can last anywhere from 5 to 14 days depending on the person, and as time passes by the frequency of the cycles vary. Traditionally, omegas are thought of to be more submissive, more emotional and more protective paternally/maternally compared to other designations.

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