
De Luca Italian Mafia

When running away from her past, twenty two year old Alina runs straight into the arms of Romeo De Luca, twenty six and an Italian Mafia Don, not just the Don, King of the Mafia, without even realising it. Working as a dancer and a waitress she catches his eye, and he becomes infatuated with the dark haired beauty. Can his stone cold heart actually love? Will Alina fall for his charms? Violence, danger, love and heartbreak await in this Italian Mafia saga. (This is a mature story with adult themes, violence and things people might find sensitive.)

angelbaby_30 · Urban
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58 Chs


Alina POV:

I feel myself waking out of my deep slumber, I must have really been tired last night, I feel like I have a hangover I'm so tired and disorientated. The room is bright and I see Romeo is not in bed, I reach for my phone and see its just after eight. I head to the shower and put it on and brush my teeth and relieve myself and climb in. I stand under the water and just appreciate the serene feeling of it running all over my body for a moment. I wash my hair and my body and do all the things I need too and I shut the water off wrapping a towel around myself. I towel dry my hair since its hot out and my hair should dry quickly.

I slip into some short cut off denim shorts, a red tank top and black flat sandals. I put in some light make up and chap stick and throw on some diamond studs and my necklace from Romeo. I make my way down stairs just after eight thirty and I see Romeo, his dad and mother, no Isabella all sitting on the terrace in the beautiful early morning sun. "Morning Sofia, Alfonso," I greet them and they smile back at me. "Morning amore," I say to Romeo and give him a chaste kiss, I notice he's already dressed for the day in black shorts, a white tank and sneakers.

"Morning bella, have some breakfast. Luc and Jake have not come down yet," Romeo says and I nod. I settle for some bacon eggs and toast. "Let's go sight seeing today Lina, just do all the tourist shit we would never normally do, you me, Luc and Jake?" Romeo asks hopeful.

I take a sip of juice, "I would love that Romeo, I think we all need some time out to just de-stress, right now," I answer excited to actually be doing something fun today. Jake and Luc come strolling in and have a wonderful breakfast with all of us and agree to go to sight seeing.

"Baby cakes, I can't wait to see Tuscany at its best, I'm so happy to be here with you, after yesterday I think we all need this," Jake says to me while squeezing my hand.

"I know Jakey, I'm just sorry you had to see me do something so terrible," I say apologetically, praying that Jake will accept it.

"If you didn't shoot her, I would have! I know you have grown up in this life and its something I have to get used to being with Luciano and I will see this stuff from time to time. I'm just glad I'm not on your shit list, you are badass!" Jake says trying to lighten the mood slightly.

I can't help but laugh, after breakfast we pack some swim suits and towels and Alfonso and Sofia have work to do and Romeo, Luc, Jake and I set out on the thirty minute drive to the city. It so beautiful, I could live here for sure. Romeo holds my hand and gives it a squeeze, he's probably thinking the same thing. "We're here ragazzi," (guys) Romeo says and we all get out the car smiling. We walk through the bustling beautiful city, the architecture is absolutely breath-taking, we stop at the Duomo Uffizi gallery, where we marvel at the beautiful art and sculptures especially Michelangelo's David, it's absolutely exquisite. We walk around some more stopping at little stores along the way. Jake is taking a ton of pictures and in true girlfriend style I take selfies of myself and Romeo.

We take a short drive to see the infamous Leaning Tower Of Pisa, I guess Romeo doesn't have to even book in advance since well he basically owns Italy. "Romeo its absolutely beautiful, when I came here as a child my father never allowed us to see Italy, only to stay in the villa. I can't believe I can finally experience this," I say beaming at Romeo.

"Bene bella, è mio onore mostrarti la vista dall'alto, per quanto io vengo in Italia, non mi sono mai davvero preso il tempo di vederne la bellezza e sono contento che sia con te," Romeo says and I absolutely love hearing him speak in Italian.

(Well beautiful, its my honor to show you the view from the top, as much I come to Italy, I never really took the time to see its beauty and in glad its with you)

I smile as we reach the top, "guarda questo panorama Romeo, puoi vedere l'intera città, è squisita!" I answer excitedly.

(Look at this view Romeo, you can see the entire city, its exquisite!)

"Romeo, Lina! Smile!" Luc calls out as he snaps pictures and Jake jumps in making us laugh.

"Non è bello come te," Romeo whispers in my ear as he holds me from behind taking in the city.

(It's not as beautiful as you)

I absolutely melt at that and turn around to give Romeo a passionate kiss and I hear the camera, Jake is smiling like a loon and soon kissing Luc. "Come on guys, I think it's time to get some lunch," Luc says and we all agree making our way down. We take a drive to the coast and settle at beach restaurant called Cala Felice, right on the mountain overlooking the water. "Baby cakes it's so beautiful here, I don't know if I want to ever go home," Jake says as we sit at the table. Since it's a seafood restaurant we order some platters and white wine. All of us absolutely enjoying the serene feeling of being here. After a few glasses a lot of laughs and childhood stories of Luc and Romeo, we decide to head out and check out one or two more places.

We decide to end off the afternoon by going to Val d'Orcia, a romantic spot in Tuscany, with cypress trees and natural landscapes. We explore the medieval castles and hamlets, I love this place, it also has natural hot springs and thankfully, some have been preserved and taken care of for taking a dip, so we do just that, and relax. Romeo pulls me close and we start making out, Jake and Luc are in their own world, basically being Indecent in the water. I pull away needing to breathe, "This day has been absolutely perfect Romeo," I say smiling him.

"It has babe, we still have three more days to explore and have some fun," Romeo says as we decide to get out the water and dry off. "Guys, it's time to head back," Romeo says and we all get ready and take a peaceful ride back to the family estate. Sofia and Alfonso are not back yet so we make our way to our bedroom. "Let's have a shower bella, and get ready for dinner, I am taking you out to a beautiful restaurant for dinner, so it's semi formal, but I'm sure you will love it," Romeo says and I nod.

"I can't wait, now join me in the shower big boy and drop those shorts," I whisper in his ear and I hear a chuckle, but he does what I say as I turn the shower on. We step inside and he pushes me against the wall and kisses me hard and roughly, I moan into the kiss as Romeo's tongue strokes mine. He pulls away and I can feel my swollen lips and the pink tinge on my cheeks, breathing heavily I drop to my knees and see Romeo's big hard length staring back at me, beautifully erect and all mine. I take in my hand and give it a tug from root to tip and take him in my mouth, I hear him hiss and let out a satisfying groan. I relax my throat and take him as deep as he can go, holding onto his tight firm ass I moan knowing he likes it, and I keep going taking him as far as he can go. "Fuck yes Lina, mi amore don't stop!" Romeo says huskily and I use my one hand and grip him pumping him in time with my hard sucking and before I know it I feel Romeo stiffen, "Lina fuck!" Romeo says and I take it all, feeling his tremors.

Romeo pulls me up and I give him a chaste kiss and we both laugh, knowing why. We shower and Romeo is full of sensual touches and I absolutely love it. After a very lust filled shower we head back to the bedroom, "our reservation is at seven thirty," Romeo says heading into the massive walk in closet, and I sit and do my hair putting my damp hair up into a dancer bun with tendrils, I also add a diamond lily on the side of my bun, I start on my make up, doing a smoky eye and a bold red lip I'm done and notice Romeo has already left the room. I slide on a tennis bracelet, my necklace Romeo gave me, and my diamond drop earrings.

I walk into the closet and go through my cocktail dresses, it's been a while since I dressed up for Romeo. I text Jake to come help me since I can't choose. "Bitch you rang?" Jake says entering the room and I can't help but laugh.

"I need your help, I can't choose which dress to wear," I answer truthfully with two dresses one in each hand. Jake shakes his head and looks through some of them stopping on a midnight blue knee length tight bandage dress, with thin straps, covered in tiny Swarovski crystals, it's a bit much but I have to admit I would not have chosen this, but trying it on I am really feeling it, it looks amazing.

"You look stunning Alina," Jake says smiling. I choose the matching shoes, a very high navy blue stiletto with an ankle strap. Jake really knows how to pick a dress. I'm ready and grab my navy clutch, and go down stairs to Romeo, and he looks really good, a black long sleeve shirt, a silver tie, slim fit black slacks and an Italian boot with a black dinner jacket. Jesus how can one man look so hot, his hair is gelled slightly messy but absolutely sexy. He looks like a model.

"Alina? Bella?" Romeo calls and snaps me out of my very embarrassing staring. God can the ground swallow me up now!

"Sorry, I got distracted for a moment. You look amazing Romeo," I say my cheeks blood red.

Romeo chuckles, raising his eyebrow at me, "well you look absolutely gorgeous bella,"

"Thank you, so where are we going?" I ask Romeo really curious.

"A surprise," Romeo says smirking taking my hand.

I shake my head, and I see Tino, and another guy I don't know, who will be driving us since Tino is injured, but insisted he come along. We drive in a limousine about a half hour, me sipping on champagne and Romeo a glass of scotch, and Romeo seems awfully fidgety and I take his hand and squeeze it, "Romeo are you alright?" I ask a bit concerned.

"Si, I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind," Romeo says with a small smile and kisses my hand. I'm sure it's nothing. "You really do look beautiful amore."

"Thank you," I answer blushing a bit.

"We are here bella," Romeo says getting out the limo and I slide over and he helps me out. We are at a seaside restaurant right on the beach, I look up and it's an extremely posh restaurant, "Ristorante La Bella Rose, my mother's new restaurant, it's not open to the public yet, it opens next week. Since it's my mother's, I scored us a beautiful table here tonight," Romeo says teasingly.

"This place is beautiful, its so warm and cosy, yet modern. Chandeliers yet modern furniture but a mix of Tuscany. I don't know how your mother done it, but it's absolutely stunning," I say absolutely in awe of the place.

Romeo leads us to a table on the terrace right in the middle not close to the edge but enough to see the sea and the beauty of Tuscany, and he pulls my chair out and helps me sit. "So we have a private chef tonight," Romeo says smiling and out comes Sofia with none other than Isabella. I have to admit I'm a bit shocked.

"My darlings tonight is all about you, and we are here to serve you and I hope you enjoy everything, Fabian will be your singer tonight. There's lots of love going into every dish and every part of this love filled evening. Isabella will bring you everything tonight. I will leave you now my babies, ciao," Sofia says beaming in her very Italian accent.

Romeo sits smiling as we raise our glasses of champagne, "to us mi amore," Romeo says and we clink glasses.

"To us," I repeat taking a sip.

I can't help but wonder what's happening, this is all very sweet but I can't help but feel I'm missing something, but then again Romeo always goes big on our one on one dates.

This night just feels magical and I can't help but feel blissfully happy.