
De Luca Italian Mafia

When running away from her past, twenty two year old Alina runs straight into the arms of Romeo De Luca, twenty six and an Italian Mafia Don, not just the Don, King of the Mafia, without even realising it. Working as a dancer and a waitress she catches his eye, and he becomes infatuated with the dark haired beauty. Can his stone cold heart actually love? Will Alina fall for his charms? Violence, danger, love and heartbreak await in this Italian Mafia saga. (This is a mature story with adult themes, violence and things people might find sensitive.)

angelbaby_30 · Urban
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58 Chs


Alina POV:

We walk back to the he gala, we let go our hands, for obvious reasons. We enter the room and I go over to Jake and Mari. "Guys, I have to leave, I kind of have something I need to take care of," I motion toward a smiling Romeo, they gasp and give me genuine smiles. I do happen to notice Jake is smiling at Luciano, Romeo's brother and he's returning it. Not the point. "I will see you soon, Jake the car is ready when you need it, thank you," I say hugging him and Mari. Leo winks at me and salutes Romeo.

As I walk to Romeo, I see Dario with a blonde, she's beautiful. Probably the mysterious girlfriend. Tino is waiting outside and a few new security men are escorting us. "Romeo," I say not wanting to ruin the moment.

"I know bella, one step at a time. Let's just spend the rest of night together, talking, just getting comfortable," Romeo says and a breath leaves my body I didn't know I was holding. I nod and Romeo pulls me into his arms, "by the way Lina, you look stunning," and I feel the blush on my cheeks.

"You look good too, I missed you everyday," I answer.

"And I missed you too," Romeo says kissing my forehead as he always did. I inhale his scent that is so uniquely Romeo. Its something I missed all these months. We drive in silence, and I spot Tino smiling at us in the mirror, and I give him a wink. We pull up to the house about a half hour later, it's so strange being here again.

Romeo helps me out the car and I giggle thinking back to the first time I ever came to his house, I was so rude to him, he was helping me out the car then too. "What's so funny bella?"

"Just thinking of the first night you took me to your house," I answer playfully.

Romeo laughs, and it's an amazing sound. "You were a real pain in the ass, but I would do it all over again." I laugh we have some good memories. "It's so good to hear you laugh again," I blush at the statement.

We walk into the house and Romeo flicks on the lights, as a habit I kick my heels off at the entrance of the living room. Romeo notices this and smirks. I sit down on the couch, and he goes over to pour us some wine and hands me a glass. He places his on the coffee table and removes his tux jacket and bow tie, unbuttoning his first few buttons of his shirt. His muscles look even larger now, must have hit the gym a lot, he looks amazing with just clothes on. "Think you have some drool there bella," I unconsciously rub the side of my bottom lip and Romeo laughs.

"Asshole," I mutter and he laughs even more, making my stomach do flips.

Romeo sits down next to me, kicking his shoes off, but not touching me, but close enough. "So Lina what have you been doing these past months?" Romeo asks.

"As if you don't know?" I answer.

"I actually don't, I just made sure you were safe that's all," he deadpans.

"Well I have been to therapy, it's helped a lot, my doctors name is Janet Vos, she's amazing and Mafia approved. She helped me work on all my issues. I moved into a three bedroom apartment, with the money my father left me and also opened a dance studio, Speranza. I have one location with amazing staff, Jake is one of my instructors. I have four others and Anna a past dancer, she's much older. I teach too, and we offer yoga, it's something I'm so proud of and it gives me peace. I have always wanted to dance, so this was a great fit, it also was like therapy when I felt down, an outlet for all the emotions. Other than that I lived pretty simply really, except the hotel business with the lawyers. Jake, Mari and Leo have been amazing though," I finish with a smile, proud of how far I have come in five months.

"Well that's really something bella, I'm so proud of you doing what you love. You always did know your way around a business. When did you get your memory back?" Romeo asks his smile slightly slipping.

"Well... About four months ago, it sort of all came rushing back, I nearly fainted. I had a lot to work through and doctor Vos helped me sort through it all. It was overwhelming to say the least, the attack was difficult," I say with sadness.

"I'm glad you had support. I'm sorry it wasn't me. I had some issues to work though myself, I don't think I will ever not feel guilt for what happened. I thought you hated me. I was living on auto pilot just trying to deal with everyday, I never stopped loving you. I don't think I ever could," Romeo says sadly.

"I don't hate you, I never did, I just had to get through this and find myself, my memories. I thought you didn't want me anymore because of what Angel had done to me. I mean how could you, I was damaged I still am, I don't know," I say a tear slipping.

"You're not, I don't care what Angel had done, I will always want you Alina, nothing could change that ever. You are not damaged and you are everything I want and more. Please believe that, nothing can take away that you are a beautiful, sexy as hell, smart amazing woman," Romeo says taking my hand in his making my heart stop. He leans in and waits for permission to which I grant and he kisses me.

A soft kiss, not rushed, pouring his every emotion into it, my heart is going a mile a minute, it feels like the first time, he swipes my bottom lip asking for entrance which I grant whole heartedly. He kisses me harder like a man starved, he takes my breath away its so full of love, I feel my tears run again, but this time it's out of love and happiness. I missed this man with every part of my being, I craved for just a touch, a simple touch but this is so much more, it causes me to give an involuntary moan. Romeo pulls away and puts his for head to mine, "bella," he whispers. In one word, one term of endearment I hear his plea.

"I know..." it's overwhelming and he needs to stop himself. I give him a peck on the lips and he pulls me too him and I'm snuggled on his lap, just enjoying his embrace.

"Are you hungry?" Romeo's asks breaking me out of my reverie.

"Yes, actually I am," I answer smiling as my stomach grumbles.

"Why don't we get out of these clothes and into something more comfortable," Romeo suggests and I don't protest, this dress needs to go. I follow him upstairs and he stops at the main bedroom and opens the door. Other than the bed being made, everything is untouched, just as I left it, like time capsule, I suppose someone has kept it dust free though. "Your clothes are still in the closet, you left most of it behind," Romeo says trying and failing to hide the sadness in his voice.

"You left everything like this? I mean it's all the same, have you not used the bedroom?" I ask a bit shocked as we stand in the middle of the room.

"No, I couldn't, it didn't feel right, I just couldn't. I use the bedroom down the hall, most of my things are still in here though, I fetch what I need, but I could never spend more than a few minutes in here. It didn't feel right without you," Romeo says almost as if he's confessing a sin.

I put my hand to his cheek and stand on my toes peck him on his lips to get rid of the sadness living inside of him. "Well, I'm here now, please use the room," I try to joke.

"I will eventually," Romeo says, and I know it's only if I come back or stay the night. I smile at him. We walk to our respective closets and I grab some light grey yoga pants, tank top and socks and walk over to Romeo's closet, and holy hell he only has boxers on. Good God he looks amazing! I don't care if my mouth is hanging open right now, the man is ripped and so much bigger than I remember. "Lina?" he calls, "Lina?" he calls again and I break my gawking. "Did you need anything?" I nod not answering. He smirks and gives me one of his white designer hoodies Gucci this time, knowing its a habit of mine to steal them. I live more in his casual clothes than he does.

I turn completely embarrassed letting him get dressed, I noticed he has a new tattoo, over his heart, it's my name in a beautiful script font. I don't say anything and walk into the bedroom and strip off my dress. I haven't been naked around anyone since it happened, I quickly slip on the tank and tights, slipping on the oversized hoodie and socks. I'm all set, I turn and realise Romeo saw it all, he's frozen on the spot, wearing a black tee and black sweatpants and socks. "Your body looks amazing, it always did," Romeo breaks his eyes away and smirks at me. I shake my head and he reaches for my hand leading me back to the kitchen.

Romeo puts two pizza's in the oven and it will take about thirty minutes. "Would you like a tour of the house? I realised you never saw it yet," he asks smiling.

"Sure I would love that," I grab my wine and Romeo shows me the entire place. Indoor pool, outdoor pool, game room and gym, home theatre, two living rooms, a massive dining room, six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, it's enormous. He takes me out to the patio, and points out the pool house, which is a double story, which Dario is staying in, he wanted to always have him near. This place is absolutely stunning. He shows me my office, his office and the cellar, it has all my favorite wines and champagne. The garage holds six cars and is currently full, some cars outside. All expensive, I shake my head.

"What do you think?" Romeo asks smiling.

"You did real good, this place is amazing and so secluded and safe. I absolutely love it!" I say beaming.

"It's still yours too you know," Romeo say in almost a whisper.

"I know, amore," I say smiling. We hear the oven and we head inside, Romeo takes them out and I cut them using the pizza cutter.

"Let's eat in the living room, I will get a blanket and we can, what that thing, Netflix and chill?" Romeo says and I can't help but laugh, and nod, we bring the pizza and wine to the living room with the larger couches and TV. We lay on one of the bigger ones eating and watching some horror movie about a clown. I snuggle up to Romeo under the plush grey blanket. It's so normal and it feels so right. Romeo runs small circles under my tank top on my back and I look up at him and we stare at each other not saying a word, the movie forgotten. He leans down to kiss me and I wrap my arms around his neck my one hand playing with his longer hair now slightly in his neck.

He moves on top of me, laying softly above me as we kiss deeper, breathing heavier. He moves completely over me running his hand over my side gripping lightly, instinctively we move together as though we have never been apart. I can feel Romeo did not keep his boxers on, and he's getting harder the more we move. It's getting heated, too heated. I feel myself responding, but I can't do this not yet. I break away, "Romeo," I whisper in a plea.

"I know Lina, we don't have to do anything, this is enough, I'm sorry," Romeo says pulling away and moving off me.

"I'm just... I haven't been with anyone since well, and I'm not ready yet, I'm sorry, it's not you," I say slightly embarrassed.

"You don't have to explain, a thing it's ok. Just for the record, I haven't been with anyone either, I couldn't," Romeo says looking embarrassed himself. I try to take it away and place a soft peck on his lips and he smiles. In a way I'm relieved.

"I'm probably giving you blue balls right now," I say giggling.

"I don't mind them being blue, I will wait for you," Romeo says and we both start laughing like teenagers, carefree for the first time in months, like a weight is gone. He's not perfect but he's perfect for me. We cuddle up and drift off into a peaceful sleep we both need, holding each other and for the first time, no nightmares.