

Sword Sovereign Jin the strongest sword user on the countless realms He was one of the 4 rulers of the grandmist along with his 3 brothers Sadly the countless realms started to go war with the Realm Devourer In a crucial battle Jin used his Forbidden Attack successfully killing the Devourer while also destroying His Body killing him that is what he knew until he saw the light and heard the voices of his new family

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Chapter 6: 3 years

Its already dark when we arrived at my staying place the girl looked around and she sat down beside the fire place

I took out some twigs to setup our small fire for the night

after the fire lit up I brought out my cooking tools and began to cook a soup, I also brought out two bowls and two spoons

I gave the girl the bowl and spoon

"where are your guardians and what are you doing here at the forest alone?" I aksed her

"I dont have a guardian I came here to train at the outer part of the forest but I got lost and I entered the lair of the demonic bird" she said

"Right I am Ning Jin, Once again thank you for the support last time, your supporting skills are very good" I said to her

"Ning, are you from the one of the great clans the seven tiled glazed pagoda?" she said

"Yes, I am from the main line of the clan, so where are your parents, or relatives?" i said

"my parents are already gone I only had my big brother and little sister right now, but I cant return to them yet, I need to get stronger first" she said

"If you want to then you can come with me, I'll be staying in this forest for 3 more years to train" I said to her

"Okay then, thank you, I'll be in your care from now on, once again my name is Bing Bing, rank 28 healing spirit master, my Martial spirit is the Emerald Swan Flute" she said

"Likewise, I am Ning Jin rank 34 attack spirit master you already saw my martial spirits so I will not hide it to you, I have twin spirits , the Sword of Sovereign and the Nine Headed Devourer Shield" I said to her

after that we ate our dinner, and I gave her a spare blanket to use, I started to meditate

After a while Bing Bing woke up and she saw me standing

"Is there a trouble?" she said

" there is none, I'm just waiting for a friend of mine, its a hundred year old green swan, looks like it got lost or something" I said

"I saw many green swans last afternoon they are being accompanied by a giant sky swallowing beast, they are heading to the core zone" She said

"If what you saw is real then it looks like the stories of my grandpas and father told me are true" I said

"Stories about the core zone?" she said

"Yes, one of my grandpas, Grandpa Bone told me the story of the ten savage beast, and the strongest spirit beast, Beast God Di Tian, my grandpa said that his territory is in the core zone together with the Emerald empress Bi Ji and her little sister Zi Ji" I said

"I know about that story too, that's why its forbidden to enter the core zone, because there are many strong spirit beast there" she said

"If that little swan is going there, then she will be safe, the Emerald Empress is known for being the kindest spirit beast, she will probably take care of that little swan" I said then I laid down too,

"I'm going to sleep now, goodnight" I said

"Good Night" Bing Bing replied

With that I started to sleep, its time for me to rest my mind and body

When I woke up I found my chest area heavy, then I looked and I was surprised, Bing Bing is sleeping on my chest, Looks like this girl felt too cold last night so she hugged me

I gently woke her up, when she saw herself clingging on me hear head turned red

"Come on get up, lets get ready and prepare, I will help you train your physical strength" I said to her

2 Years Later

A 12 year old girl is facing a 13 year old boy both of them are facing each other without weapons

"Big Brother Jin, This will be the day I defeat you" The little girl said

"Come and lets see if you improved" The boy said, the girl quickly charged to the boy, and she sent a straight punch to the boys head, the boy effortlessly dodged the attack, the girl expecting this continued on attacking the boy

15 minutes later the girls stopped, she was already breathing hard

"your attacks look good, strong and precise too, you really improved this two years you are under my training" The boy said

"Unfortunately, you still cant touch me, you better work on your feints and technique" He added

"Okay, Big Brother, so when are we going to Shrek academy?" the girl asked

"We still have 9 months left we will first search for your spirit ring, after that we will travel to shrek, so you can meet with my little sister" The Boy said

"Big brother, you will help me in hunting a spirit best right?" The girl said

"Ofcourse, I'll assist you" the boy said and the two of them walked away heading inside the inner zone of the forest

9 months later

Front Of Shrek Academy

"Father you said that big brother is going to be here" A cute girl with a pink hair said to a handsome man wearing a white suit

"Rongrong its still very early look at the gates of the school its still closed" the man said

After a while, a bunch of kids with their parents arrived at the front of the gate too, some of them are from medium and small sized clan

They notice right away the beautiful girl standing beside the gate, her bright pink hair is really eye catching

"that's the heiress of the Seven Tiled Glazed Pagoda, Ning Rongrong, base on the information our clan have, she is already a rank 23 Grand Spirit Master" A know it all kid said on the sideline, when everyone heard it they become shocked a 12 years old spirit grandmaster is very rare, She is definitely a genius they said on their minds

After a while the gates of the academy opened up, A teen age man with golden hair stood beside the gate like a bouncer, his aura is strong and feirce

After a while the examiner for the 1st exam arrived, they have a tool for measuring a persons bone age, Mental power and spirit rank

After a while the exam formally started, and the kids of different families started to take the test

The Girl with a Black hair and black eyes went to the gate and touched the orb

"Name?" The examiner asked

"Zhu Zhuqing" the girl said

"Zhu Zhuqing Bone age 12

mental power 78

rank 27 spirit grand master

martial spirit Hell Civet"

"You passed" The examiner said shocking everyone on the site, Looks like another monster is here

Next is a boy and a girl the boy had a black hair and black eyes he looks handsome, the girl accompanying him looks good too, she had a cute face and long braided brown hair

"Tang San Bone Age 12

Mental power 209

Rank 27 Spirit Grand Master

Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass"

"Xiao Wu Bone age 12

Mental power 98

Rank 27 Spirit Grand Master

Martial Spirit Soft Boned Rabbit"

"Both of you passed!" The examiner said

Next Came a equally beautiful girl with pink hair

"Ning Rongrong Bone age 12

Mental power 304

Rank 29 Spirit Grand Master

Martiak Spirit Seven tiled Glazed Pagoda"

"You pass" the examiner said again he was shocked on this talents he saw this day

"Looks like you really cultivated hard this past 6 years" A serene and cold voice said, the girl and the examiner turned to look at the one who spoke

"Big Brother!" she said