
DcMcu: kaiju system

A fan of monster movies Max is reborn with the a system that allows him the powers of many of fictions greatest monsters and creatures and far more surprises. But what's happenes when a monster trys to be a hero in a world of many wonders and darknesses

wiz161 · Sci-fi
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110 Chs

Chapter 77 Monsters and Magic

(SS = Sorcerer Supreme)


Location: Mirror dimension

Looking at the woman in front of me my instinct as a monster flared causing me to go on edge, if I didn't know who she was I would think she was some strange monk, but after rapid switching of monsters my other senses couldn't detect her meaning this was either a projection or she was hiding her presence.

"And what would we have to discuss Sorcerer Supreme" she did nothing as I spoke her title but I could sense something was off as soon as I spoke, But I couldn't tell what had changed.

SS: "You know my title so you might know with it I and my students defend the earth from mystical and other threats" that's when I noticed what had changed there were others hiding in the buildings and the rooftops I couldn't tell how many or even if they were illusions but I wouldn't take that chance.

"So you were spying on me to see if I was a threat to be honest, I didn't think I would be on your radar" until now I hadn't much thought about magic but now I need to start looking for defenses against it if she knew my identity she could know about the kids.

SS: "After your display in Metropolis we had to take notice and what we've seen is puzzling so now I come to you to ask are you a threat." I looked at the Sorcerer Supreme trying to read her but her face was blank of emotion couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"Depends on the situation if you're causing trouble ill take action, and I assume you've watched me long enough to know that's the case." We stood there looking at each other waiting for the shoe to drop then she nodded.

SS: "Then I see no reason for conflict between us, but many elders have concerns if you do not mind I would ask you to come peacefully to Kamar-Taj to ease their worries yourself"

"Sorry but I have other more important things to attend to than talk to dusty old men," I said thinking whether or not [Enderman] could leave the mirror dimensions.

SS: "Yes the little one they are one of many concerns they have along with the other Titans so I must insist " I started dagger her head as she confirmed they did know about them.

"You can tell your elders this if you lay a hand on my children there will be hell to pay," then multiple men and women in monk attire appeared on the buildings and the street surrounding me and by the Sorcerer Supreme's side appears Mordo and Kaecilius.

[I believe it's time to leave]

'Fuck that they force me into the mirror dimensions to interrogate me and admit to spying on me and my kids only to then ambush me.' I was pissed and unleashed my [Titans Aura] full power all of the monks around me drop to the ground unconscious, but the Sorcerer Supreme, Mordo, and Kaecilius put up a barrier around themselves but I can see their breathing heavily and sweating bullets.

Y̴̧̰̖̗̭̽͗̉ö̷̢̞́̌͊͝ų̶̩̳͚͓͓͌̏̓̍̀̀͠ͅ ̷̢̺͎͓̪̈̈́̂̈̀̉̈́͠d̷̢͍̺͐̈́͗͋͒͌͊̌͝ą̸̧̱͖̥̘̞̱̈́̈́̈́͐̀͋̋͂̚r̷̝͑͐̈ȩ̵̳̤̜͎͇̽͆͑̔̇̉ ̴͙̜͗̓̏̈́̀̏̕͠͠t̷͍̻̯̀͗̒̀̑͂̃̚o̷͉͚̜̳̘̝͉̩͍̐̐ ̶̯̪̋̋ä̷̡̪͕̰̰̤̫̞́̈́̇̃̋̉̅̊̚m̸̻̠͝b̷̟͔͈̥̖̤͇̞͒̂̾̽̂̏̈́͌ǘ̶͇̏͆̿͌̍̽͘͝ŝ̵̜̬̖̲̯͌̓h̶̻̅̆̄ ̵̟̦̮̭͓͖͉̲̉m̶̭̜̤̰̐̍͠ȩ̷̧̧̬̜̼͌͌̀͊̾̆̑̂!̷̡̦͈̩̦͙̫́́͜

'Whoa I didn't know my aura affected my voice I sound terrifying' looking at the only three standing I watched as their skin lost color 'I wonder what I look like to them?'

I pull up next to them in my Duel Runner and as I got closer the barrier of Mordo and Kaecilius begins to break as cracks start to form on them but the Sorcerer Supreme's still holds strong as she focuses on keeping it up but also on me as I drive up to them.

T̷a̸k̶e̷ ̷m̷e̷ ̵b̸a̸c̵k̵ ̶o̷r̴ ̵I̷ ̵k̷i̶l̷l̴ ̶t̵h̸e̸m̷ ̷a̵l̵l̸.

I pointed My [Dimond Sword] toward the unconscious body and got a hesitant nod and I found myself back in the real world.

POV 3rd person

Location Kamar-Taj

Mordo: "Master I know it is not my place to question your intentions but are you sure it was wise to anger Nightfury like that" the man stood overlooking the training yard as elders of the mystic arts train the next generation next to him stood the Ancient one.

Kaecilius: "To cast all those illusions around him and dispel our invisibility as if we were to ambush him, and why act as though you were weak and effected affected at all?" the man paced starring at the Ancient one who said nothing as her two disciples talked.

SS: "A threat is on the horizon that I fear will be too much for anyone of us to face alone" both men looked between one another "With the age of heroes once again upon us we must test them and gather information before the threat can show it's hand"

Mordo: "But why Nightfury he is powerful, yes but still young and inexperienced," Kaecilius nodded his agreement but the Ancient one smirked at the two.

SS: "Like I said if we are to defeat this new threat we must do it together united humans, Mutant, Titans, and those that are still hidden" but Kaecilius scoffed and Mordo shook his head frowning.

Kaecilius: "Then we have already lost Humans fight amongst themselves while persecuting the Mutants and the Titans claim their territories splitting up the earth as they see fit while the humans try to keep their place in the world."

Mordo: "Kaecilius is right master the world is divided more every day and I don't see what this has to do with Nightfury," but the Ancient one continues to smirk.

SS: "Nightfury is the key to uniting the Titans," both men looked stunned but the Ancient one continued "Humanity and Mutantkind will unite under their symbols to defend their home even if temporarily."

Kaecilius: "if," he said with a stern tone "we are just hoping for the best" with sarcasm in his voice, "then I see we will have nothing to worry about but I will prepare our people as we should be doing to fight this threat," he left and then closed the door behind him.

Mordo: "As much as Kaecilius's tone is to be desired he is right, if this threat is as grave as you say then should we not ready ourselves and others?"

SS: "We shall with the many trails in the near future but once it is all said and done I can not say we will be strong enough."

Mordo: "And what if the elders and the messages from the hidden city and Themyscira?" but the Ancient one said nothing more as she watched the training yard below.


Location Nighthawk island

I sat in the living area as everyone ate breakfast thinking about my encounter with the Sorcerer Supreme and what she wanted to accomplish and how best to defend against magic in general but after a talk with Tron, I found two skills that could help me defend use what I had right now.


•Quickdraw (passive)- "Fastest hands in the west"

-You can quickly draw any weapon and or tool.

•Destiny Draw (passive)- "I believe in the heart of my cards"

-When you draw your cards they always give you what you need.

*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

Looking to my right I saw Tommy and Jason smelling me I was about to ask what they were doing when Tommy growled and Artenyx came from the table and started sniffing me too.

"Why are you guys sniffling me?"

Artenyx: "You smell funny like you someone was on you for a long time," note to self take showers before coming home.

"Well how about a game of hide and seek in the forest," that got their attention as I followed the excited group of kids outside.