
DC x Marvel : random price pool system

Allen Walker reincarnated into the world of marvel as relative of agent Maria hill, after meeting Coulson who came to recruit hik he Awakened his cheat power Random pool price system. join the mc in his journey to see how far he can go or will he fall somewhere?

shikamaru77 · Movies
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15 Chs

first epic draw

As he said he convinced Fury with the secret of how Fury lost his eye. Although Natasha is curious she can't get the secret. Wanda and Pietro are happy that Allen took them in with him. Hill arranged them identities along with school admission in mid town high while giving Allen a teasing smile.

Allen didn't know he has a bigger surprise waiting for him in his house. As he pushed the door he saw Gwen in his shirt singing and cooking something. She is only wearing his shirt so he didn't let Pietro and Wanda see this and took them into the house from the door while messaging that he has guests to Gwen.

Gwen also changed in to her usual clothes and continued cooking. When Wanda and Pietro saw her she is very normal and appeared simple. Allen introduced Gwen to the twins while Wanda felt a fire lit in her heart with jealousy.

She saw how gently Allen is taking care of Gwen. Wanda saw she and Gwen are almost the same age and frowned. She wanted to discuss a few things in private with Gwen now.

Meanwhile Pietro looked envious as Gwen is becoming very pretty day by day after the spider gene is integrated into her body. She also has special healing ability that heals her rapidly back to her best state.

Gwen's beauty made Wanda envious too. Though Wanda's superiority lies with her body curves and pretty face. Meanwhile Gwen looks slander with long legs and tight curves which fit her figure well.

As Wanda is thinking about her next plans, Allen entered his pool and activated the four draws as he wanted to try and see if accumulating draws has any effect. So he accumulated 10 daily draws and 2 epic draws along with a legendary draw.

He is looking forward to the things he is going to receive. As he is thinking, Allen used the 10 accumulated draws and this resulted in 8 lights of similar colours except two which is of epic rank and elite rare rank spit out. Allen looked at the prices with a doubt.

All 8 prices are common ones while one appeared to be epic. He put all white prices into his inventory as he knows what they'll be. He saw the epic level price. He got two more epic draws and one legendary level draw.

As Allen opened the elite rare draw first he saw something that made him raise an eyebrow :

[ harem halo ]

He saw it's introduction and then looked back at Wanda and Gwen.

[ Harem halo : increases your affinity with females and build a 60% good impression on you in the first meeting with a female. It also affects your women to accept your harem idea and harmonised relation between them the more they stay by your side. ]

Allen blinked his eyes and then ignored it. He then saw the epic level price and deadpanned now :

[ Asmodeus template( growth template) - progress(1%) ]

He got the template of devil of lust Asmodeus. He is doubting if the system is mocking him or encouraging him to build a harem. Throwing it to the back of his head he decided to check other draws later when he has time.

Allen then looked back at Gwen who is hugging him while talking to Wanda and Pietro. She is discussing his books mainly with Wanda who turns out is also a fan of harry potter series.

As Wanda and Gwen are busy discussing harry potter and other things Allen and Pietro meanwhile are out to buy school supplies for Wanda and Pietro. On the way Allen saw Pietro almost drooling over a skating board and asked," want one?".

Pietro nodded absent minded while Allen bought him one. He also bought cell phones for both of them. Pietro is stuck to his skateboard and trying to ride on it eagerly and falling down on the way.

Allen ignored the enthusiastic teenager whining and get back home dragging Pietro along with him. He gave the things to Wanda and Pietro. As for clothes Gwen said she'll take Wanda with her in the evening, Allen gave some cash to Pietro telling him buy himself some clothes while Wanda snatched it and said she'll make sure he only bought clothes with that andits her responsibility as an older sister.