
DC Vengeance Requiem

** will be posting on Royal road too.** ** will be posting on scribble hub too.** universe's balance is at stake. chaos has become order and order has become chaos. villains run unhindered because of the heroes double standards and their hypocrisy. their rule of not punishing the evil the way it was meant to, has brought this universe to the sage where the creator himself wishes to see it erased. But he is still the creator. he decides to give the universe another chance and choose a warrior whose whole life can be described in one line " I was strong so I protect the weak and collect the justice in their stead. " A hero who works as a villain. A hero who tore the world apart to make sure that the weak can be protected and can become strong. A hero who just received Hate for his work but never ceases to stop. so beware bewitched and double standard heroes cause the very God of justice is here to make sure the bewitched get their due punishment. there will be no redemption just pure punishment, call him a villain, call him a hero, slander his name but He will not stop. I just found the pic on internet and liked it. If you are the maker of This pic then just tell me i will take it down.

Edgelord666 · Movies
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25 Chs

Chapter 15.1 [EDITED by New Guy]


The worst of the worst just happened. Gordon, Bruce and the other Bat-family's faces became pale. 

Rudra did something that shouldn't have been done. He threw those 2 corrupted scumbags to the Public that was currently enraged, no restraint a crowd that just wanted to vent their anger on anything and anyone. They were like hungry hawks that just spotted juicy prey. Everyone knew what would happen if they were killed by the public; a bloodbath. A bloodbath between both the mafia and normal civilians. They will forget all their fears and will do anything to enact their justice, which is just revenge. Blood will flood Gotham's streets. 

And the location is none other than the police station. Rudra was challenging the whole police department. If those people are to be killed in front of the police HQ then it will not just be a loss of prestige for the GPCD, but it will also make Gotham's people more daring and will boost their morale. They will take the law into their hands and this cannot be allowed to happen. 

As much as Batman was in shock at Jason's actions, He knew this was more important. He contacted the Justice league without a care as he knew Rudra was challenging him. It doesn't matter whether he calls his teammates or came up with a plan as Rudra will not be interfering in this execution because it all rests in the hands of people. They have to decide someone's life & death, and no matter how angry they are, the people will not take this step or at least that's what Batman believes. The people of Gotham no matter how much darkness they have seen they still have a conscience as seen with Joker's ship plan. 

" Superman, get to the Gotham Police Department HQ as FAST as you can. The situation is out of control. I need your help. " Batman said and as much as he hates himself to say these words, asking for someone else's help to protect his city, he knows he doesn't have the luxury of being a lone wolf here. He needs someone who could calm down the public and the Boy scout was way ahead of him in this matter. 

Justice League members on the other hand were stunned by the words that Batman spoke. Yes, he has asked for help before but that was just to either use tech to track someone down or if there was an alien invasion. He never asked for help in the case of a normal Gotham villain. Flash and Cyborg's jaws simply dropped on the floor, Diana and Captain Atom's minds stop for some time, but Superman knew his friend. He doesn't waste time on these childish antics, Bruce has filled him with details about the situation and asked him to be on standby yesterday. He just left the Justice Hall at full speed and was flying toward Gotham GPCD. Other members of the Justice League were now full of tension as there was a Villain that made Batman ask for help. They were just speculating how dangerous the guy would be. Even if he doesn't have any powers, he made Batman swallow his pride and they could feel fear from his voice. 

" I am going too; they might need help. You guys be on standby, it could be a lot more difficult to handle. " Flash said and ran off to Gotham. Flash was the second person that was trusted by Bruce and whom Bruce considered a friend and the same could be said about Flash. He understood the hidden message behind

Bruce's words. When Bruce said the word "fast" he knew he was needed. 

Superman was flying at 770 mph, his fastest speed that was safe for Earth's atmosphere. He was worried about his friend. 

When he and Flash were near Gotham, Superman felt something behind him and when he turned his head to his back, his vision was filled with a green glowing net. When the net captured him, he felt all his powers being stripped away from him. He fell from the air onto the hard surface of Earth, it could have hurt him a lot if Flash hadn't noticed his fall and caught him. Just as he was caught by Flash, Flash was shot with a blue circular disc that started to tase him. Flash and Superman both fell to the ground. 

Superman tried to rip the net with his superstrength, but he was electrocuted when he tried. Superman felt weak. Meanwhile Flash was being tased on the ground. Only at that moment did Superman notice that the net was somehow made of Kryptonite. 

Flash kept trying to access his Speed Force, but he was getting tased every moment and it was painful. 

After a minute he stopped trying to access his powers. Instead, he tried to get Superman out of his net, but when he touched it they both got tased again. 

After a while, a small white drone that looked like a glider with a red camera eye and two little guns attached on each of its wings manifested in front of them. 

The camera eyes looked at both of them, and then a hologram of a man wearing a black Jacket manifested in front of them. They knew who this guy was: Rudra. 

" Oh, what do we have here? A model civilian with godly powers and the Supposedly Fastest Man Alive who is slower compared to any other speedster. The two biggest morons of the entire multiverse; Superman and Flash. " Rudra said with a very bored and annoyed expression. 

" Did you guys think I did not prepare for the Justice League if they tried to interfere with Gotham? 

Listen up you bloody morons, this city is going through a rebirth and I will not allow you fools ruin it. 

You could try to stop me when I come to Metropolis or Central City. " Rudra warned them and they couldn't even speak in front of him. They felt fear from him. 

" Just so you know Clark, Barry, you guys have too much to lose compared to Batman. '' Rudra said with a threatening tone in his voice. 

After Rudra said those words, pictures of Barry Allen and Iris West were shown at first. Then it was Clark, Louis Lane, and Clark's mother. Then they saw a live feed of what their family members were currently doing. 

Clark and Flash both grew angry. Angry beyond the limit. Every dragon has a reverse scale and for them, it was their family. 

They struggled even more. Both getting tased but they didn't stop struggling. Superman tried everything in his arsenal, but he was not able to get out of the net. The net was adjusting more to his Kryptonian physiology, and was putting him through a lot of pain. It was the first time Superman was truly pushed to his limit. He wanted to kill Rudra for hurting his friend and family. He, for the first time was desiring more power and his body was responding to it. All the power that was stored in his body was burning at once. He was regretting not learning those escape arts that Bruce always pestered him to learn. 

Flash on the other hand was focusing on accessing the Speed Force.  

Both would gain a lot more after this experience. 

Both would have only hatred for Rudra at this point, but maybe one day they will understand his point of view. 

Rudra has tremendous respect for every Justice League member except Wonder Woman. He downright hated that slut and was disgusted by her very existence; it took a lot of willpower for him to not just kill that wench. He could kill her, and no one will say anything but it was the question of morality. That is why he has such tremendous respect for both Batman and Superman. They were constantly exposed to the threats and beings who had broken them in ways unimaginable, yet they still maintain their ideology of no killing. As flawed as it was, the effort it takes them to maintain that mindset was applaudable. 

Do you know how easy it is for Superman to kill a bunch of villains like Lex Luthor, he will be done with them before you even blink. No doubt he would have thought about this and it is a very lucrative notion too, but to maintain this one ideology despite having tremendous power at disposal is something else entirely. Flash is a guy who has hopped into timelines and has seen things that no one shouldn't have seen. But despite that, acting as if nothing happened is in itself a testimony of his willpower. 

Rudra will have to show them where they are wrong, and this will be very painful for them. This will break them both mentally and physically. Rudra will have to kill their spirits and from the ashes, the true Justice League will be born. 

There is a reason why Rudra didn't just go to the Justice league at first and tell them his story. They will never support him; he will make them uncover his origin and as they uncover it, they will feel the real sense of danger and will see why they were wrong. And only then can they truly understand him. This ideology of no killing has been integrated into them through unimaginable grief, by their parents and they themselves discover this ideology. No one will just leave it like that. They would have gone against him till their last breath if he had just knocked on their gate. 

He needs to take it extremely slow. 

He needs them to maintain the order of this Universe after he will leaves. 


Gordon was watching Rudra giving punishment to those bastards, and as much as he was happy that those scums were getting what they deserve, he was more worried about what will happen after this. 

Rudra had told the people how the police are practically crippled against these people. Everyone knows that Gotham Police Department is corrupted, Gordon has been trying to clean it up but knowing something and telling it to the whole world with proof nonetheless creates a big difference. 

When Rudra said that he will release the former police commissioners to the crowd, Gordon's face lost all of its colors. 

Gordon looked toward Harvey where Harvey too was looking at him with wide eyes. Gordon nodded toward him, and Harvey who was there to just hand over his badge and gun, took his gun back and shouted: 

" Everyone out there, don't let the mobs kill those fuckers " and with that, the whole Headquarters ran outside with their batons and taser guns. 

Gordon took out his smartphone and ordered full police support with riot gear. This was a war and Gordon was not going out without a struggle.

Gordon's expression was ice cold. There was no benefit of worrying, he needs his head calm and cool right now. He already knew the chances of saving them were slim to none if Rudra and his gang of Justice givers were to interfere and they were going to. Gordon needs to plan what was to come after this because it will be hell and he needs to do everything to handle the aftermath. 

Gordon took out a flash drive from his safe locker. In this flash drive was evidence of crimes done by certain people but were set free due to various reasons. It was time that they be helpful for once.

With that, Gordon dialed a number. 

" Cobblepot, listen up " 


Batman and other members of the Bat clan were on their way to Police Headquarters. Batman and Damien in the Batmobile and others on Bat bikes. Batman and Dick's mind was still on their Son/Brother Jason. Batman was trying to forget the scene where Jason killed 500 people but was not successful, but he knew he had to focus on the present situation. 

The same could be said about Dick. 

Barbara on the other hand was seething with rage as Rudra dared to harm her father again and he seem to want to harm her family again. 

Tim and Stephanie were just angry. They didn't want anyone to be hurt. 

Damien on the other hand was different. Damien was a child and so he shouldn't have seen what Rudra was telecasting but he was more mature than most of the adults and he has a strong desire for justice in him, the reason why he attacked Rudra at the rooftop was because his father told him that Rudra was a criminal. So, he just attacked, he never knew what Rudra did or why he did it. His father told him that Rudra killed Zsasz and thus was a criminal, so he acted on that. Rudra took the notice of Damien at the rooftop and he saw someone with potential large enough to shake the whole world. 

Rudra saw Damien's whole life and understood why he is with Batman. Damien is Batman's biological son with Talia al Ghul. He was trained by Ra's Al Ghul to be his successor, so he never understood love. All he was ever given were duties and responsibilities. His mother never loved him, and his grandfather only saw an heir. He had always heard of his father and the deeds he has done to save Gotham. He idolizes his father, so when the chance to fight alongside his father came to him, he said yes without a beat. But he never understood his father's no killing policy. He never understood why his father never killed people like the Joker who killed many innocent people. But his desire to be with his father has clouded his judgement. 

Rudra saw himself in Damien. In Mike (the kid who killed the thug), he saw a fellow soldier of justice. But in Damien, he saw himself. He saw a boy stronger than anyone. He saw a boy who saw the world as it was. A boy who was trained from childhood to guide the world. He saw a boy who wanted his father to be proud. The similarity was uncanny. The only problem was the boy's father. He will have to make sure that the boy sees reality for what it is. He will have to show him how flawed his father's way of doing things are. Then the boy will decide for himself: What the right way is. 

That was the reason he allowed Damien access to the website. Damien didn't tell his father that he could see what Rudra did and the proof he has against those people. He doesn't understand why his father was angry, after all they might not kill but they are not entitled to save people too. Didn't Batman allow various criminals to die by some other means as well? What changed? Why was he sympathetic toward those criminals? 

Damien has been nurtured with the true values of the League of Assassins. So for him, it was the befitting thing that those criminals got what they deserve. He for the first time had some doubts about his father, but ' This could wait for now, we have to save some criminals. ' 

They were all moving toward the Police HQ, when *Boom* a rocket directly struck road ahead and all of their vehicles lose their balance, and they all come to a halt except Barbara, she skidded and tumbled along the road for about 10 metres, and if it wasn't for the material of her suit, she would have been severely injured. 

After the rocket, little blue discs came flying and stuck on their bikes and cars. The blue discs then send a high powered EMP charge through the system of said vehicles. 

Batman and Damien came out of the Batmobile and regrouped with other members who were groaning on the road. 

" Who launched that rocket? " Nightwing asked. 

" He did," Batman said while pointing towards the sky. 

There they saw a familiar face hovering in the air. A familiar person in a brown jacket and a red mask over his face and a rocket launcher. The only difference between before and now was that the guy was drenched in blood. The blood of 500 people that he killed. It was Jason. 

" Jason," Batman said with emotion in his voice. Jason was his son and he loved him much more than any of his other children. 

Jason glided downward and landed on earth. He threw the rocket launcher aside. 

" Hello, Bruce. " Jason said with anger evident in his voice. 

" Why did you do that? " Batman asked Jason with the same anger present in his voice too.

" You still have the gall to ask WHY? EVEN AFTER WHAT HAPPENED, YOU HAVE THE GALL TO ASK? " With those words, Jason lunges at Batman with his katanas in his hands. He tried a vertical slash on Batman, but Batman blocked them with his handguards. 


The swords hit the handguards and producing some sparks. Nightwing, who was beside Batman, kicked Jason's torso to give Batman some space. 

Nightwing took out his backup batons and gave them to Batman. 

Batman was surprised by Jason's anger and killing intent behind those attacks. Even when Jason returned from the dead, angry and clouded from the effects of the Lazarus pit, he never had killing intent behind his blows whenever he fought him.

" Jason, I don't know what Rudra has told you, but I am sure we can talk it out. He is just using you to further his agenda. There is still time, you can redeem yourself by saving those innocent people. " Batman said as the last attempt to bring Jason to his side and to make his focus centered on him as other members of the Bat-family were closing in. 

" Save them? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha REALLY! YOU WILL SAVE THEM LIKE YOU SAVED MY FAMILY. " Jason said and was ready to attack again when Damien tried to kick his head, but Jason already knew that they were closing in. Jason moved his head out of Damien's kicks trajectory, dropping the katanas and landed a spinning kick on Damien's back instead.  


Jason's kick landed on one of Damien's ribs and it broke. Damien spat blood from his mouth and instead of landing on the ground safely he fell on the ground and rolled 4 to 5 times. 

Everyone got the memo, Jason was not playing around, he was going all out with every move. Jason doesn't care who he hurts anymore. According to Bruce and Dick, Jason was the most dangerous member of their family. Previously, he took out a gang of 20 when he was just 9 years old. Bruce started his training when he was 7.5 years old. He was trained by Bruce only for 1.5 years when he beat up the gang. Even Damien who pulled the same stunt had been trained since birth. According to Bruce, Jason is what represents Damien's potential and that says something. He was 9.5 years old when he first took the mantle of " Boy Wonder " and he got the reputation as the most brutal one. He inspired the same fear as Batman did in his first years. 

Except for Nightwing, no one knew the true threat that Red Hood posed. According to Batman, he is always ready and could even take out the whole Justice league all alone by himself. The only weakness Jason has, was Bruce Wayne; his father and he was here to kill him. It might seem that Jason is hot-headed right now, however he was anything but hot-headed, he was angry but his mind is as calm as it can get. Shit has hit the fan real hard this time.

In due time, Damien got up from the ground and took a stance with other members. All of them circling him. 

Barbara made the first move and that was a mistake. You don't make the first move against Jason unless you are Batman. 

She threw her Batrangs at him and ran towards him, a good strategy but only for normal hand to hand combat masters as the person would try to evade those Batrangs and you would be able to follow through with your punch. Jason doesn't even move to dodge those Batrangs, tanking the Batrangs, he just moved his upper body slightly backwards and as Barbara's punch was going to connect to his face mask, he showed his impossible reflexes and caught her punch in his hand, and without wasting a single second he threw Barbara at a running Stephanie, just in time to block the  Bo staff from Tim. At the same time Damien tried to close the distance between him and Jason, Jason's shoe heel opened and shot a red bullet at Damien, which upon contact, broke and released a red smoke that knocked out Damien. 

" Damien/ Damien " Both Batman and Nightwing shouted at the same time. 

" You " Nightwing snapped and ran toward Jason to attack him with his batons. Batman on the other hand moved toward Damien. 

Tim and Jason had gotten some distance between them, Tim was ready to attack again when Nightwing lunged at Jason from behind, Jason's gloves glew red and the Katana's that were on the ground come into his hands. He blocked both the batons with one of his katana, and when Tim came at him and he cut Tim's bo staff in half. 

" Enough " Jason flared his killing intent, a common move between Martial artists. And as Jason has just committed a mass killing of Pedophiles, his killing intent was incredibly potent. Stephanie who was closing in got the full brunt of that and her legs gave up. She was never this terrified of something. 

Jason fired two more of those red bullets and knocked her out too. 

" STEPHANIE, " Tim shouted. 

Nightwing glanced at Steph and Tim for a second, then resumed his attack on Jason. He couldn't land a single hit and Jason hasn't even moved a single inch from where he was standing.  

Jason did a horizontal slash toward Nightwing and the sword cut through the batons and slightly cut Nightwing. 

While Jason was engaging with Nightwing, Batman kicked Jason's head from behind with all his might. Jason fell to the ground. He didn't know when Batman had snuck up.  

" Are you okay, Nightwing? " Batman asked him while looking at Nightwing's wound if it was even that, the sword barely touched him; it just cut his suit. 

" I am, let's take that bastard down. " Nightwing replied. 

Jason got up and threw his katanas away in a rage. 

Batman, Nightwing and Jason ran toward each other. They dealt blow after blow to each other. They kept giving and taking punches and kicks for a solid 5 minutes. Experience proved itself, once again superior and Batman delivered some heavy punches to Jason. Nightwing on the other hand was not better in any way. 

Rudra was watching all of this and thought it was enough. 

Jason's glider started playing a Hologram. 

" That's enough Jason. Come back, and you Batman, please hurry. Otherwise, you would miss the show that I have prepared for you. " Rudra's Hologram said. 

" Rudra " Batman growled. 

" Fine " Jason groaned, jumping on the glider and flew away.

Right at the time, 2 Bat Jets came to their location. 

" Batgirl take Spoiler ( Stephanie's Hero name ), Robin and Nightwing to the Batcave. Tim come with me. " Batman barked out the order and everyone followed. 

A/n: This chapter was going to be 6 K long but Someone died In the family today and I am upset. 

So the other 2 k words will be released in another chapter 15.2 tomorrow.

And You guys might have some questions like the age of Jason and why he was not wearing his suit. Or how he could defeat the justice league. Well defeating Justice league is a kid play for every bat family member. You just need kryptonite. Don't believe me watching teen titans vs justice league. 

And As for Jason's age. They never specified and the penguin in some movie said " That Robin who was beaten mercilessly, is roaming the streets now. " 

If there is any doubt, please ask me at.

Discord- https://discord.gg/eg2qPqrg4Y

First chapter of my baki fic is on PATRE-ON. 


Cristofer Corpus, Abdullah Ahmed, Matthieu Kerkeles, 

HSG 1999, 

jean steiger charles, M, Chad Elwin, Fidel Hernandez( Darkfoot), An, Leviathant Aviles, One man army, 

And now my special thanks too 3 patrons

Avish chandradat 

Syd Michael Desir


Douglas Bucky ( This guy was one of my my first patron.) 

PATREÓN.COM/EDGELORD666 in small letters.

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