
improvement and duel again

Gaius is absorbing all the knowledge he got like a sponge. He is reading about magic, practising weapons along with his lightning, wind and weather manipulation. Hippolyta still refused to see though.

Diana also is training with antiope but he isn't allowed there. Gaius is looking at the screen with a smile on his face :

[ Gaius Prince

Race : Demi-god, Amazon

Bloodline : Zeus bloodline, Uchiha bloodline

Bloodline skills : pseudo - immortality, immunity to all diseases, poisons, and others, super human abilities, enhanced mind, lightning manipulation, wind manipulation, shape shifting, charming body, sharingan( three - tomoe ), Chakra viens, Yin chakra, fast recovery.

Curse : Here's wrath( mutual affection of sibblings and mother with soul bond ).

Skills : Ki manipulation, Mana manipulation, chakra nature transformation (low-level), eternal sword style : 3 moves(mastered), shooting, Ninjutsu. ]

He started learning some jutsu like body flicker amd shadow clone. Using them he can read, train and even fool others. His sharingan also can perform illusion now making him a formidable for in battle. He defeated antiope when he is 6 years, he is now 12 years old and stronger than amy Amazon except hippolyta as he don't know her strength yet.

In these 6 years he got more trash in random lottery along with a few good things :

[ Sasuke's kusanagi sword, Rasengan, Chidori, Body strengthening magic, magic runes, divinity seed, blue prints for guns, a few guns, Loki's daggers, etc.,]

Sasuke's kusangi sword is stored in his inventory, as antiope told him about the sword zeus left for him. Though she didn't say anything about Diana getting many godly artifacts. As Gaius is training in all three energies some times conflicts can arise too.

Though he managed to endure them. He also omce Or twice asked for his mother at the castle and met with a stern no as a reply from the palace guards. Sighing he can only leave and train more hard.

Antiope is standing in the training with a sword and smile on her face waiting for him along with other amazons. She threw one towards Gaius who caught it and immediately charged at antiope.

His mission is to defeat antiope not using his sharingan or the powers of a demi God body including his other cheat skills. So they're sealed for a while. In the battle of not using any cheats he is defeated many times although close to defeating antiope a few times.

There is a girl who is secretly watching all this from behind a tree with a smile. She is looking at Gaius with a blush thinking about the books she read in the library about that. She cheered for Gaius silently while observing the duel, even hippolyta is watching it secretly.

Antiope and Gaius traded blows and matched with equal strength at each blow not giving each other a chance. A few minutes passed like this with sparks between the weapons and duel.

Gaius and antiope almost matched in skill, Antiope smiled and felt proud with the growth of Gaius. Gaius is standing equal footing with her who fought many wars and has ruch battle experience and instinct.

Gaius found this task hard and even in the last six months since this mission appeared. He is only able to make a draw once or twice. Antiope is simply a veteran in many weapons. Gaius and antiope fought while running around the training ground picking many weapons and using them against each other.

The arrows clashed and fell down, the maces broke, the spears fell down, the sword became blunt, the whips broke. Antiope and Gaius are looking at each other. Gaius didn't feel exhausted while antiope started feeling exhausted.

All weapons they used became broken fragments, Gaius and antiope are looking ag each other laughing and charged at each other with their almost broken swords. As they swung the last blow antiope's sword is broken and Gaius placed his own sword against antiope's neck.

She raised her hands as a playful surrender and gave up. Gaius smiled and put down his sword while antiope hugged him and ruffled his hair, the amazons cheered one after another for the 12 year old demi God who defeated one of the best warriors of themyscira only with his skill in battle.