
Gaius training

His system is very simple one. A status, an inventory, a shop, a mission tab, a lottery function from the shop. That's all, he currently has no missions. Points can be earned by training,

Gaius is now three years old. Some amazons tried to kill him using snakes, poison his good or even using weapons. Luckily after the blood purification he attained immunity to diseases and poisons along with mind control along with some resistance to curses although he can't be immune to curses on the level like hera.

Gaius is now standing in front of the training with a frown. There is a small girl looking at him, other than that all woman around are looking at him coldly even his birth mother hippolyta but he can see trace of tenderness in those eyes. She is probably also affected by the curse.

Gaius is looking at the training equipment with a frown. Below ordinary level, not maintained well. The woman just gave him this and walked away didn't even saying a word. Gaius sighed, and opened the sheaths on those weapons. At least the sharp edge is still there though not as sharp as other weapons.

More importantly the guard is not well. He can feel something poking his hand that he is holding the sword. Opening he saw some small pins that have sharp edges attached. Although they can't pierce his skin they can still make him feel pain.

Antiope wanted to teach Gaius but she can only do it secretly. She handed him another sword and walked away as all amazons are looking at what she is going to do. Hippolyta didn't say a word and took diana away after the little girl accidentally fell down and started crying.

Meanwhile Gaius although others didn't teach him, he opened the sharingan and started copying the moments of the warriors with his tiny body and a mission popped up :

[ learn basic swordsmanship in a week

Rewards : demon slayer custom breathing techniques ]

[ learn basic spearmanship after sword

Time : one week

Rewards : intermediate spearmanshio guide ]

[ learn basic archery

Reward : class system opens ]

[ learn basic magic

Reward : mana breathing technique ]

[ learn basics in all weapons

Reward : ki cultivation technique and guide ]

[ duel with antiope

Reward : sharingan upgrade( three tomoe )]

[ daily quest : This is YOUTH

Requirements :

1. Basic exercise

2. Training in all weapons

3. Training in mana control and chakra control

Rewards : random points( 5 to 20 ), Random lottery ]

Gaius curled his lips. Let's start then.

Sharingan open.

Gaius is constantly using the sharingan and copying the movements of the warriors in training again and again. He is doing it with all weapons. Noting down all basic moves in them. Even with faulty training equipment he is doing his best to train.

Gaius constant use of sharingan and training put more bruden on his child body which resulted in him being exhausted by the time he completed the training. Then he will walk back dragging his exhausted body to antiope's house and after a bath he'll go to library and got the books on magic.

As for others, sorry bro until he learns magic properly no other book is allowed. Gaius then read the books on magic and about the goddess of magic hecate. Tartarus is the domain untouched since hades don't want to involve with other affairs. Hecate is one of the goddesses living in tartarus along with nyx, styx and some others.

He started trying to use magic and failed many times to move it. The reason is he has magic and very huge amounts at that, so huge that it's very heavy for him to mobilise the power. It's taking too slow for progress.

Gaius is gritting his teeth and enduring the tingling sensation in his body to keep up with the flow of magic as a pain coarsed through him, his mana viens for start are growing as the chakra viens are also beside them.

Gaius started panting when he saw he didn't succeed. But the daily question is done, the random lottery draw is a delicious cake and it's recipe. Gaius wanted to complain that much effort just for this, he pouted and took it any way, he ate the cake and started his training again.