
DC: The GoodFellas

"If you're going to fight, fight, but don't start anything you won't see all the way through." -Unknown Only r18 due to mature language throughout. I don't own anything dc. Only own my Oc's. Also, don't own any art I may post for the story.

ComradeInArms · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs



"WHO WILL FIGHT ME!? A million dollars for whoever beats me!!" Ezekeil yelled from the pit as he called it, an underground fighting ring, he had bought in one of his enormous shopping sprees. Everyone was present from his own men, to rival gang members, and even wealthy citizens.

'No Powers.' Hung ahead on a banister.

His red eyes and slouched posture indicated he was high and most likely drunk too. Veteran members of GoodFellas held back multiple newbies who wanted a shot at the second in command, and also stopped those of opposite gangs threatening if they went down there to fight that man there would be all out war against their gang. Which shut their mouths real quick about going down. It stopped many, but it didn't stop one as he jumped down into the arena.

Seeing how badly this was going to end up a veteran ran out to go get the only one who can stop Zeek. His brother and real boss Onslo who was a Strickler for the rules. When he entered Onslo's office he wasn't there, and no one knew where he did go. On his desk was a note the veteran saw so he went around and skimmed over it. It just said he'd be out, and some listed thing Ezekeil needed to get done for the day.

'Oh no.'

In Harlem....

"Aren't you dizzy? Oh, you're that boy. Do you live in alley's or something?" A girl asked from behind Onslo as he walked back in forth in an alley confused on what to do next now, he was in Harlem.

"I- yes." Onslo said, but when he processed his own words, he mentally facepalmed before clarifying. "I mean no I don't. They- they're just comfortable?" He came up with. Not his best moment.

She laughed at the boy her age hysterics before taking his arms and saying, "I'm sure they are, but walk me to school?" She felt he reminded her of someone she couldn't remember. It was a comfortable feeling hence why she dragged him along with her.


Back in Gotham....

Ezekeil and the man who jumped down circled each other one waiting for the other to strike first, not in his right mind Zeek ran up first and sloppily threw a punch, in which the man maneuvered, and threw a hook punch.

Off balance the man ran and grabbed his lower legs before lifting Ezekeil up and throwing him down like this was WWE. "Haha just stay down. Where's my million?" He laughed as Zeek groaned in pain. He celebrated too early to the crowd as he didn't see him get up and run toward him while his back turned. He threw his arm back when he was only inches away and swung with all his might at the back of his head. He dropped.

Zeek climbed on him as he bashed his face in the dirt until he was unconscious. As Ezekeil got up, he looked down at his work before spitting on him "There's your fcking million. NOW WHO'S NEXT!?"

"Cheater!" He got in reply from the crowd.

"Come down bitch we'll see who cheated! All of ya." He yelled. He grew more and more annoyed audience as the time passed in which the veterans just couldn't hold back anymore as three more jumped down into the pit.

He motioned with his hand to come at him as he took off his coat and tie. Rule #2 Broken

They all came at once as one threw a punch the other a high kick and the other trying to get him on the ground. He got the shit beat out of him. His words didn't match with his actual skill as he embarrassingly curled into a ball protecting his head as they kicked and punch trying to get him to open up. As laughs echoed the once nosey room, he constructed a machete with his power in which he hid until the last minute as he spun chopping off each and every one of their feet.

Zeek pushed his hair from his face and wiping so blood off before yelling, "What's funny!?"

The three men cried out now all on the ground the machete disappeared as he instead constructed a pistol and held it to the head of one of them. Rule #3 broken.

As he moved on to the next guy the room was dead silent (No pun intended). But as the entrance door opened and slammed shut Ezekeil looked toward the noise briefly and looked back at the next man he was to kill before looking back up quick.

"Onslo I- I." He stuttered now unmoving as a statue.

He had not said a word and Ezekeil had already made the gun disperse and try to cover up what he did. Onslo looked around the room sick as what one of his men described as he showed him the way toward the 'pit' once he got back into town.

"I- I was just joking around Ons. Right guys?" He'd laughed nervously asking toward the men he had chopped the feet of.


"He-h- he doesn't mean that."

Tired of his constant rambling Onslo jumped down into the circular pit before grabbing his collar "You're my brother. That why you have this position. I thought you'd grow up. I covered up your mistakes. Had to kill the women you told of everything about now and then. I thought you grow up!?" He listed before he turned to the watching crowed and said," You all stay in this room, and a veteran call an ambulance for these men. I'll be back to get statements."

Onslo dragged Ezekeil out of the room who pleaded for him to not to do what he had thought he was planning. "I won't cover this up. You killed an innocent man today. For what? Pride, hm? Help me understand. FOR WHAT?"


"I can't kill you, so what should I do with you?

Chapter 6

Promise there'll be a timeskip soon, and real stuff will begin. Promise Ezekeil will grow up sometime.

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