
DC: The GoodFellas

"If you're going to fight, fight, but don't start anything you won't see all the way through." -Unknown Only r18 due to mature language throughout. I don't own anything dc. Only own my Oc's. Also, don't own any art I may post for the story.

ComradeInArms · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs



"Any objections to what I have proposed?" With multiple head shakes, and quite noes from all he continued, "We'll need rules, or we won't survive long, but before I go further, we be longer known as 'The GoodFellas.'

Rule #1- Racism won't be tolerated.

Rule #2 - Tell your men and everyone here will further longer need to wear a suit and tie. (Cover)

Rule #3 - If you have a complaint come to me directly. Don't kill for the fun of it, you want to whack someone you need my approval first.

Rule #4 - Don't tell anyone what we do here. Not your mama, not your wife, not your girlfriend, and not even your pet, or you will be terminated.

Rule #5 - Trust in me.

"We'll be good guys to the public, but monsters in the dark. I've also put 200+suits in your vehicles for you to distribute to your men. You'll be obligated for each and every one of your men. If one breaks a rule, I come after him and you. So, I'd make those rules real clear to them. I dream of 'GoodFellas' to be known across the world. A distant dream, but not impossible, so dream with me."

A couple months later 1956.....

"Congratulations!" A small group shouted toward the newly married couple after the priest had said the special words ' You can kiss the bride.'

1956 now married Jonathan and Martha Kent.

"So, whom do you know the groom, or the bride?" An older woman asked not recognizing the man in the nice suit from any other events.

"Neither ma'am I'm just here to give a present to them from someone who knows them." He smiled toward her in hope she left soon.

"Well, aren't you charming. If you're looking for a girl, my niece is quite the catch who will be coming of age soon who needs a man to take care of her." She swindled getting closer to him and holding onto his arm.

He let out a strained chuckle before replying, "No thank you ma'am." And after reassuring he was sure she finally left him.

After a few hours the small group started going their own ways, and that's when the man finally went up to the couple.

"Please accept this gift." The man with a black suit and white rose on it showed the rose gold necklace with a nice sized green crystalline material in the middle.

"How lovely." Martha exclaimed holding the black jewelry box. "But who are you?"

"I can't say, but my boss sent me also with a message that in hope your marriage lasts many years, and hope you wear that necklace." He said and Martha looked a Jonathan in question if it was something his boss may have done, but he just shrugged.

"I will certainly think about it." She said with a wide smile already planning on it with how pretty it was.

"Perfect then I shall take my leave."


By the time people had heard of GoodFellas power many lined up un hope at a chance. In the short amount of time not only for what they did behind the scenes, but how the public saw them. They could do no wrong.

For instance, when a GoodFellas member was being arrested for the suspicion of murder, and conspiracy to commit more crimes the members of ordinary society stood up to the cop as if he was in the wrong. GoodFellas helped the community, so they helped back.

At the years end all of Gotham and parts neighboring cities had known of these men, and supported them as they helped everyone with food, medical supplies, or just shelter. They grew by day, but it also strained his friendship with his best friend because he didn't know how to act.

Unknowing to all their leader at the end of each day would return to his kid form and return home to the small, compacted home. He had money, but he didn't care for his parents or grandfather who encouraged the continuous beatings which is why he didn't move them out the slums.

He didn't do anything about his father who would beat him almost every night when he got home either cause his siblings had wormed into Onslo's heart. If didn't return home the man would most likely turn his anger on either the girl with down syndrome, or the little boy who kept tripping over his own feet half the time, so he took, and they didn't have to know, or go through that trauma.

Wake up, pretend to go to school, return to work, day's end go home, retrieve his beating, sleep, and repeat. It was never boring.

On the docks of Gotham was a gunfight, well...more like a one-sided massacre as each and every man on the GoodFellas was protected by a yellow barrier of sorts as they shot their guns. They couldn't be hit, so the imposed gang who was rebelling surrendered.

While Ezekeil was second-in-command, he was immature, and as many died for breaking many rules GoodFellas put up, he broke every single one of them almost daily. He abused his new position not normally used to power.