
DC: The GoodFellas

"If you're going to fight, fight, but don't start anything you won't see all the way through." -Unknown Only r18 due to mature language throughout. I don't own anything dc. Only own my Oc's. Also, don't own any art I may post for the story.

ComradeInArms · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs



As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be the highest on the totem pole. Gangster, entrepreneur, or aviator it didn't really matter anything would've done it for me. But just before I dreamed to high my brother and I were brought in the right direction after a gang boss took us in.

It was there that I truly belonged. A somebody not a nobody who just got by in the slums of fun-loving Gotham.

All was swell in the early years making sure to hold your head up to the looney tunes maniacs and sociopaths, beating up people to get your money, being humble and formal as you get it back. Well, the last bit not many followed the boss certainly hated it.

My brother is all I got. Obviously not by blood, but blood may be thicker than water, but oil is thicker than both of them.

70 percent of our problems just about was all due to him. He just couldn't comprehend you can't mess with a taken woman. The words 'Stay away she's engaged just wasn't in his dictionary.

For instance, the reason for our tragic death.

A few days prior...

I held the bridge of my nose as Ezekeil whistled down girls as we walked down the busy streets of Metropolis on official business.

"Zeek come on dude." I said frustrated after we had stopped 20 times prior for the twenty other times he wanted to talk to a girl.

When he finally caught up, he had a goofy smile as he folded a piece of paper with her number on it and shoved it in his pocket. "Seriously? We're only here for the next 24 hours."

"Hey, blame her not me. She stopped me first." He replied, but seeing as my face didn't falter in disbelief, he flung his arm around my shoulder and continued, "Come on brother lighten up a bit and live a little."

"I don't need to I'm already with a girl who I'm marrying in two months."

"I know, and I agree slash disagree with that. I love Cora, I do, but we're only 21 man. You should be living your best life not tied down like a forty-year-old man."

"I'm fine as is, but you, messing with these married women is going to end up killing us one day Zeek."

"Yeah, yeah, but you always find a way to get us out of it, and it's the same speech again. Silly mistakes. Not dead yet."

"Yeah worth 5,000 dollars and your last car, and that's only counting the last three incidents. Yeah, right silly fcking mistakes. They've all been without powers, but you're going to mess with the wrong one. Just if your see a ring run. If they just don't tell you, they have a boyfriend you can't be blamed."

"Ha who? Superheroes got that rule where they don't kill, and these villains just a joke getting stopped before they can do anything."

"You talk shit like you could do better." I snickered which just pissed him off further.

"We could! You're taking the long way by serving under this small time shitbag, but with your quick thinking, anger issues, and speed. My strength and persuasiveness/ charm we could run it all."

"I see why you said my smarts, and I don't have anger issues dipshit it's called dissociative identity disorder."

"Same thing. Man, we just don't have powers." Ezekeil spoke, but he wasn't upset long as we passed a black-haired beauty who had a white button up shirt and black office pants with a stringed badge around her neck that said, 'Daily Planet' and with a name, but at the time I only caught the first three letters of her first name 'Loi '. She certainly looked familiar.

He got off my shoulder and called out trying to get her attention before she got too far. At the time I just let him go tired of acting like his mother repeating to myself 'He knew the way back to the hotel' as I ventured the rest of the way alone.


About 23 hours later Ezekeil had returned. We had finished everything for the boss before he had saw that girl, so he certainly wasn't in a rush to return.

"Have fun?" I jokingly asked as Zeek stared into space just smiling like a fool.

He didn't reply as he just waved me off.

After everything was packed and we exited the hotel what happened next was all just cruel coincidences one after the next.

If Zeek got back earlier, they could've missed the whole ploy by Lex Luthor seeking attention.

If Clark Kent didn't come home early he wouldn't have seen his fiancé cheat with another man.

And if Ezekeil didn't mess with superman's girl we wouldn't have been left for dead as we had got trapped under heavy fallen rubble.

Superman had flown overhead to get to the real scene, he looked at us briefly before continuing to get to Lex, and it was all Ezekeil's fault I died.

Chapter 1

And check out my other story Star War: Wrath

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