
DC: The Evo-matrix

A Guy is about to be killed by his best friend in a... unique way or more acuretly a unique circumstance to say the least. He has a choice to make, die brutally or be reincarnated, he choose the later. This is his story. I made this story out of the blue a while back. People tend to make isekai about overpowered character or genuis character so I figured not combine those two types into one. Make no mistake, the main character could still lose. It just depends on the circumstance or opponent and DC has a lot of those. This picture is not mine, I randomly found it on Google image then added some few elements to fit the story, the source of the picture before I added my personnal touch with image edit is here: https://aliens.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Dragon I don't know how this copy right things goes, so if you are the author and want it to be removed just comment on this fan fic and I will remove it as soon as I see it.

Isekai_enjoyer · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Best Life security.

[Third Person's Point of View]

-Gotham City, Wayne Manor-

A month had passed after the Nimrod incident, A.I.M was criticized by the public at first but that changed when they explained that the project was to help the Justice League or at least serve as a backup in the unfortunate scenario that they were to fall in the line of action.

With the support of the government, it was easy to make this believed by the populace. To them, Project Nimrod had become a new contingency to the Justice League, one that was mass-producible and could be controlled, every nation's wet dream. They had already started to request a robot from A.I.M. while A.I.M. replied that it was still in the production phase.

Seeing this, Batman decided to take matters into his own hands. Since he could not reach Nathaniel, he would bring Nathaniel to him. Bruce Wayne would host a gala where he invited a lot of influential individuals, and Nathaniel was among them.

He planned to get information by any means necessary if the Team's mission did not go as planned. The Justice League was under the U.N. charts and thus could not operate outside its jurisdiction but the Team, a group compromised of young heroes, mostly sidekicks, was free from that constraint.

They acted as the Justice League's very own black ops unit. This mission would be different than their usual one. They were tasked to collect information on A.I.M. via mental probing of one of its remaining Leading Scientists.

Batman had reviewed their file to choose which one had the highest success rate as a target for this mission. He immediately took Nathaniel off the list, Rudolph Conners was also taken off the list as he rarely went outside, and "Tony Stark" was also taken off the list for the same reason.

All that was left were the Mauler Twins which was fortunate as they frequently went to a fast food at night that was deserted during that time on Wednesdays. The Team's mission was to impersonate the employees who he had investigated thinking that the Mauler Twins used that Fast Food as a front, separate the Maulers from one another before Miss Martian probed one of them.

When the mission ended, Batman received mixed results. They had accomplished their objective but Miss Martian seemed perturbed at the information she had collected. Not having enough words to describe it, she decided to show it to everyone present at the moment via Telepathy.


Nathaniel is facing the Mauler Twins and a rejuvenize T.O. Morrow. Behind him are Albedo and Rudolph.

"So here is the deal, you guys can use A.I.M's resource to build whatever you want so long as it is legal and benefits to the Planet Earth. You will get the credit for what you built as well as ownership along with that already given Presidential Pardon."

Nathaniel says.

"Ain't it such a good deal?"

Miss Minute adds as she walks in the air around Nathaniel.

"Good for me though I would like a new name, I don't want to deal with the Justice League watching me like a hound."

Morrow agrees to which Nathaniel nods at his suggestion.

"Freedom, we get paid to build stuff and we can keep it? You ain't got to tell me that twice, I'm in."

One of the maulers says.

"I'm not! This seems too good to be true."

The other refuses.

"Guess we now know that you are the original. Miss Minute, if you would be so kind."


Nathaniel points at the Mauler who agreed as an orange prism forms around the Mauler who refused and starts to shrink down. Everyone watches in horror as the prism shrinks down and crushes the Mauler alive, his voice is muted but they can still see him resisting.

In the end when the prism dissipate, all that is left of the Mauler who refused is a ten-centimeter cube-like bloodied piece of meat. The other leading scientists are trembling in fear while Miss Minute seems to have enjoyed the show.

"The only catch is that you are not allowed to steal from each other and for you two depending on what crimes you commit... this might be your punishment."

Nathaniel adds the last part while pointing at the two former villains. He starts walking away when he stops and turns to face the Mauler who agreed.

"Feel free to ask for any material require to make a new clone, I would also like to add that you are allowed to turn off the cameras that are installed in the various labs owned by A.I.M. I do that all the time so it should be already for you guys as well."


Outside of that scene every other memory that the Mauler had of Nathaniel was for lack of a better term, non-pertinent. Sadly, the Mauler did not care enough about Albedo to even confirm if his death was linked to Nathaniel, they thought it was and that was enough for the Mauler.

Sadly The Mauler thinking Nathaniel did it, was not enough proof for the League to move against A.I.M. What was worse is that due to Albedo's action, Nathaniel had decided to hold off on explaining the intricate details of the Nimrod Project until it is finished.

This meant that Batman no longer had any option left, he had to use his Bruce Wayne persona. Nathaniel went to the Gala alone. He had a specially designed eyepatch on his right eye, a spiked choker necklace lined, and a bead-like earring on his left ear with many smaller piercings.

His attire was shown to be quite formal and extravagant, with a collar that spans all the way to his upper chest, and badges decorated on the left and right side of his coat. Finally, he wore long white jeans and a pair of shoes filled with square patterns.

Batman planned to mingle around the Gala for a bit before heading to Nathaniel and probing him for information as Bruce Wayne. This had worked for Lex Luther once as people tended to lower their guard around those they deemed inferior but as he was heading towards Nathaniel, he received grave News from Martian Manhunter via his earpiece,

Superman was currently running amok through Metropolis, killing and destroying everything that was in sight. Metropolis was now drenched in flames. From what they were seeing, he most likely had been poisoned by Red Kryptonite. Gritting his death, Batman excused himself from the Gala.

[Nathaniel Hargreeves' Point of View]

If I could sum up this universe in one word it would be... shithole! Now why would I say that? Well, maybe it is because this world was supposed to be a normal one without heroes or villains or even superpowered people outside of me.

Now you may be asking how would I know that. And who is responsible for that? The answer to both questions is... well me and my variants of course. You see after I was killed by the bomb I was trying to make, I realized that the Evo-matrix's safety lock, something that would keep me alive, was not on.

I decided to turn it on and add another feature that should I die, I would be transferred into a variant of myself, kinda like Rick's Phoenix project except instead of downloading my consciousness, I transfer my... well everything to a variant of myself that lives in a safe world.

This means that I have the best life security baby. You can blow me up as many times as you want but I just keep on coming... all over your face, neck, and chest. I was still surprised and pissed that I die by my own work a second time.

That was in case someone messed with the initial safety lock which that bastard behind the voice did. Spoiler alert, I am ninety-nine percent sure that is a previous version of me who erased his memories to start a new life into that would begin in a safe world.

Speaking of which, the safe world that was supposed to be a normal one without heroes or villains or even superpowered people outside of me was changed. Now the part where my variants come in is that many including myself have the schematics for the weapon too cool for a name.

Now, we could use it on our enemy that keeps bothering us and erase them from all reality but using a weapon like that does not get us left alone. We would probably end up being chased by some vengeful random variants coming after us which at the end of it all defeats the purpose of said weapon.

I thought of a solution and I am pretty sure most of my variants thought the same thing. Why not just transfer him or her into a universe where he or she does not exist? It is basically the exact opposite of erasing someone from all realities.

You are transferring not just that person but his or her life as well into a different universe. This is why they are heroes and villains in this world among other things. I suspect that a variant of me must have been at odds with the Campbell and this ended up with me reliving roughly the same life twice.

However, I noted that I only regained my memories and all my abilities around the age of fifteen and sixteen. Now all of this would not be too bad but I got myself a nuisance I want to get away from so once Project Nimrod is complete, I can finally be left alone.

I sent a decoy to Batman's gala and since I have nothing left to do for today, I might as well watch some interdimensional reality shows. What should I watch today? Random show it is then, I click the random button and it lands on a show I have yet to watch, [The Booty Warrior of Gotham].


In the middle of the docks, a shipment is being delivered by seven armed men when suddenly projectiles are thrown at them and six out of the seven men fall unconscious to the ground. A man in a black and blue costume lands in front of the remaining man whose weapon fell to the ground.

"You want to explain to me what you guys are doing here?"

Nightwings asks.

"I came looking for booty"

The man responds.

"You came looking for sex?"

Nightwing tilt his head.

"Yeah, I came looking for a man's butt"

The man affirms.

"A man's butt? Excuse me?"

Nightwing is even more confused as this was a drug and gun shipment not a human trafficing unless he got the wrong intel.

"Look pal, I don't know who told you what and all but you are going to prison real soon-"

Nightwing adds only to be interrupted.

"Oh I know who you are, Dick Grayson, but see I-I calls you Thicc Grayson. I've watched you run around Gotham in that tight hero suit all the time. They call you Nightwing and I'm about to take you under my wing tonight so you can go get your robins and your Batman, It don't make me no difference.

Now, I tell you what…I like ya and I want ya. Now we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way the choice is yours-]

I wonder if they are going to be able to stop Superman's latest rampage and scratch that, I am actually wondering if Sups is going to be able to make a comeback after this whole mess. I can already picture Batman coming here.

I frankly no longer have any TRUE need for the Justice League. I mean, I already collected the D.N.A. of the major aliens in this universe from the League. Aquaman is just a clone that listens to his brother Orm... who is planning on double-crossing me in about a year or so. Hm? Oh, I zoned out for a second, let's see where the show is at right now.


Batman confronts the man he has been hunting down for months.

"So what reason did it took for you to come after me?"

The man asks.

"You took the booty of someone without consent and now you are going to pay."

Batman declares as the man in front of him freezes. He looks at Batman before speaking.

"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?"


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Merry Christmass.

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